srijeda, 26.10.2011.


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News Cameras in the Courtroom: A Free Press--Fair Trail Debate (Communication and Information Science)

News Cameras in the Courtroom: A Free Press--Fair Trail Debate (Communication and Information Science)

This book is the first comprehensive analysis of the free press-fair trial debate over news cameras in the courtroom--one that discusses the issue from a historical, legal, and social scientific perspective. It incorporates the key aspects of the debate in one volume, examining witness privacy and protection, defendant reputation, the purported "educational" benefits of televising trials, the coverage of trials from an entertainment or voyeurisitic perspective, and whether any proposed benefits of televising trials are negated by potential negative costs to the participants involved or the audience in general.

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CAHSAH - HealthCare Synergy, Inc.

CAHSAH - HealthCare Synergy, Inc.

On November 5, 2010, HealthCare Synergy, Inc. released a patch updating the HealthCare Assistant software with the new 2011 PPS/CBSA rates. Until HealthCare Assistant users apply the patch, episodes ending in 2011 will appear with an incorrect expected payment. However, HealthCare Assistant users may still bill their RAP and Claims to Medicare even without applying the patch. The Fiscal Intermediaries process claims through the HIPPS code (not the dollar amounts) and will automatically pay the proper reimbursement amounts.

Double-Take Software 101 Video Series: Double-Take Move

Double-Take Software 101 Video Series: Double-Take Move

This Double-Take Software 101 video answers the user question, "What is Double-Take Move and how can it help me with my migration projects?" Double-Take Move revolutionizes the migration process with real-time data movement and hardware-independent conversion technology that make workloads simple for administrators to move, consolidate and minimizes the impact on user productivity.

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Preimum 2 Tone One-Piece (WHITE / PINK) HardShield Case Snap On Case Cover for Apple iPhone 4 (For AT&T ONLY), BIGGER CAMERA HOLE, * With Free Front LCD Screen & Back Case Protectors * - New In Retail Box

Brand New Factory Sealed In Retail Box: 2 Tone HardShield Case Cover For Apple iPhone 4 (Accessory Only). ->Perfect fit for AT&T iPhone 4. It will also fit VERIZON iPhone 4, but "Mute Switch" will be a bit lower. <- Two Layers of Protection: Glossy hard shell smooth exterior, Rubberized interior and button covers. Instruction: Slide left (button) side of your iPhone 4 into the HardShield case first, then gently snap the other edges of the case around the edge of the screen. To remove the HardShield iPhone 4 case, place your thumbs in the center of the back of the case, gently press while pulling and bending the top corners of the case off. Bend the case, not your phone! Once the top corners are off, your phone will slide out of the bottom of the case. Please see my - TWINMORE STOREFRONT ON AMAZON FOR OTHER GREAT STYLES & COLORS. * Don't get stuck with the cheap ones! *

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26.10.2011. u 13:49 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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