..+..Mala ja..+..

-PREZIME:A zar je to ikad važno bilo?
-GOD: 15
-ROĐENA: 30.06.1992.g
-ZNAK: Rak
-ŽIVIM U:Metkoviću,selo moje malo
-ŠKOLA:Fizioterapeutski tehničar
-IZGLED:Mala,plava darkerica
-NAJ BOJE:Crna i plava
-SLUŠAM:Metal i nešto rocka
Disturbed, Metallica,Trivium, Iron Maiden, Bullet for my valentine, SOAD, Nightwish, Slipknot, Stone sour, Him, Azra

...i evo me...

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.+. VOLIM.+.
obitelj,dečka Brunu, neke prijatelje(posebno Emila...), glazbu,sve vezano za crnjak, gothic, gitare,polumrak, noć, groblja, broken angels,pisanje pjesama i sl, spavanje, pjevanje,karate, motore, vikend, sve čokoladno,...

većinu ljudskog roda, zatvorene prostore, kad se deru na mene, osuđujuće poglede,osobe bez stava,laž,licemjerje, umišljene ljude,predrasude,kad mi za izgled prigovaraju,modu, kupovinu, školu, učenje, ponedjeljak, cajke,rano ustajanje, hladnoću, šminkere...

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...Will you remember me when I'm long gone under the ground???...
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Sick of crying…
Tired of trying…
Yeah, I'm smiling..
But inside I'm DYING…
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…New day will dawn and I'll walk away…
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…bury my dreams, dig up my sorrows…oh lord, why do angels fall first???
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...I look outside and realize how much I'm different...
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...where do you go when you're lonely???...
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Deep within me,
life's crawling
and wasting my days.
…Another night gone…
And I know there will
Be another way,
I'm leading myself to be free
in this eternal goodbye…
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…Let me be what I want to be…
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< ožujak, 2008  
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Ožujak 2008 (3)
Veljača 2008 (3)


KomeNtari ...Vidish/Nevidish

Opis bloga

Hmm....pa ovaj blog nema posebnu temu. Bit će tu svašta pomalo... Pa ako ne uspijem,brišem...


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...Say Goodnight...

Heaven's waiting for you
Just close your eyes and say goodbye
Hearing your pulse go on and on and on...

I live my life in misery
I'd sacrifice this world to hold you
No breath left inside of me
shattered glass keeps falling
Say goodnight
Just sleep tight
Say goodnight...

Flowers laid out for you
So many colours leave me blind
Seeing your face reflect from our baby's eyes


Here I am With you!
I'm there till the end!
Memories are calling!
So Farewell My Friend


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Nine months I've been trapped inside these walls
Cold walls of lab my so called home
Conceived by holy science I'm pure of sin
Am I just a product or a human being?

I'll be free
I'll run from here

Can you tell me what it's like to be free?
Can you tell me what it's like to run from here?

I'll be sacrified for the future of mankind
In agony I'll absolve the world from pain
I'm a sample with barcode, I'm just a clone
Unloved with no dignity my future is known

I'll be free
Ill run from here

Can you tell me what it's like to be free?
Can you tell me what it's like to run from here?

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Every time I'm left alone
My misery begins to drown me
Tied by a rope of anxiety
Thrown overboard

As I'm pulled under the tides of this fast paced world
I refuse to see

Time will always be the thing that kills me truly
Open these eyes waking from a dream feigning

My lungs fill up with letdown
Disappointment in self and everyone
Expectations died in failure
abandonment my unsavior

As I'm pulled under the tides of this fast paced world
I refuse to see

Absolution at the sight of your demise
I know what I must do
Die choking on your every word

Swallow every blasphemy

Absolution at the sight of your demise
I know what I must do

Swallow every blasphemy
Eat out your heart and make it bleed
Tie the noose around my neck
Make this life end

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...ill Nino...

...how can I live...

I am so alike you,
In so many ways.
I know I'm just a copy,
That carries on the stain.

But, We make the same mistakes.
Cause, We are one in the same.
But, We leave behind the stain.
That cannot separate.

All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?

I am your mirror image,
I'm all you left behind
You made me what I am,
Then who the hell am I?

But, We make the same mistakes.
Cause, We are one in the same.
But, We leave behind the stain.
That cannot separate.

All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?

Why, Yo no entiendo porque,
I know that our lives are the same,
Y mi vida,
Is just a guessing game
A dirty stain
That I cannot play.
But I follow your steps,
In the same way that you just walked away,
And pushed the way through.

Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you.

Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you.

All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?

petak, 21.03.2008.

...+...I lose my angel...+...

Ovaj post je očajnički pokušaj da iz sebe izbacim bar dio tuge i tjeskobe koja u meni raste od dana kad sam izgubila tebe…najboljeg prijatelja…
Tvoja želja da naše prijateljstvo postane samo uspomena je nešto s čim se ja neznam pomirit. A na kraju krajeva i neželim se pomirit s tim da te više neću čut, vidjet, zagrlit… A neznam ni šta se događa sa tobom… Užasno mi fale ti naši beskonačni razgovori…
Ništa više nije isto bez tebe. I sad sve što napravim čini se pogrešnim kad nema tebe da mi daš svoje mišljenje i pokušaš me savjetovat unatoč mojoj tvrdoglavosti.
Vrijeme neće umanjiti ono što osjećam prema tebi… I dalje nijednoj osobi koju zovem prijatelj nedam blizu kao što sam tebi dala… I zasigurno ostaješ prijatelj koji se najviše brinuo za mene… Oprosti ako sam te ikad povrijedila...nije bilo namjerno...
Ja te nikad neću zaboravit i prestat voljet. A tko zna, možda se dogodi čudo pa mi opet povjeruješ da ovo nije laž i…sve bude kao prije... Al bojim se da čuda u mom životu ipak nisu moguća…


...emile...ovo nije laž...

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...My sky turns into grey..I lose my angel…

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