3:09 i dosadno mi je

srijeda, 28.11.2007.


there is a little creature inside all of us, a creature that is born when we start thinking that in fact exists parallelly with us, a creature that relies on us, that we feed daily from start to end.
this creature gives us life as we give life to it, it represents all that we strive to be and all that we are.
this creature is seen by others but only in moments of weakness, we keep this creature hidden because it describes us as we are, no more, no less, and as we hide it from others we hide it from ourselves.
we accept traits that are bestowed apon us by society and we differentiate them from this little creature, we keep it pure, untainted by modern society, and in return this creature gives us a means to differentiate ourselfs from normality.
this creature is us, in the most vulgar form, a form that is not socially acceptable, it keeps our most presonal secrets hidden and our most darkest thoughts at bay.

when the creature dies we become slaves to society, like the people we pass by every day on the street, part of the mindless horde of feebleminded automatons we call the human rase, entraped by their own stupidity, undermining their own reasons to live with self inflicted brainwashing, replacing them with material trinkets which in time replace the creature and leaves them nothing but a shell of their former selfs.

never forget who you are underneath your socially acceptable exterior.

my creature says hi to your creature......is it listening?

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