


27.05.2006., subota

ej ljudi. dvoumim se koju pjesmu da stavim na blog,tak da vi glasajte
1. 50cent:just a lil bit
2. eminem:ass like that
3. b.e.p.:my humps

brzo se odlučite,byby smijehmah btw. htio sam stavit anketu al mi je nekaj u k*rcu i sje*an mi je komp tak da to moram napisat u postu
- 23:48 - tvoja obaveza (40) - troši tintu - #

25.05.2006., četvrtak

ej ljudi.nisam više u depri smijeh yaii.aj sad post.baš mi se piše.u ponedeljak smo pisali mali test iz biologije.kaže ona "ko preda,ocjenim mu i ne pitam ga a ko ne preda,ne ocjenim mu ali ga iduću sat pitam".ja naravno nisam predo.u utorak smo imali 2 sata matiše eek jedva sam izdržo.još nam je objašnjavala one jednadžbe..predosadno.hrvatski je krenula pitat književnost.ono super,drito sad kad ispituju sve ostalo ona mi još krene srat s književnosti.u utorak se ja vraćam iz škole i meni neka žena osmašica krene srat nekaj kak ja krivo hodam lud.ona meni krene nekaj pokazivat kak se treba hodat,kak treba ljepo klizit a ne podizat nogu... mislim ono ak se zajebavala aj dobro al ak je ozbiljno mi krenula održavat predavanja o tom akk se hoda onda ono namcornamcorludnut.jučer sam odgovaro povjest i dobio sam 4,4 smijeh.htio sam 5,5, al i ovo je dobro.kemiju smo pisali.nije bilo tak teško.uglavnom sam sve znao,sam kaj su me one jednadžbe jebale.jučer mi otišli na x mjesto di se uglavnom skupljamo.i išli mi halat fredija(skrivača u mraku).doleti nama neki frajer i krene nam nekaj srat kak se trebamo pokupit il bu nam murju pozval.mi se smijemo.i vidiš za sat vremena dolete 2 murajka.mi smo se tak usrali.krenu nam nekaj srat a jura se nekaj svađa s jednim od njih.i tak su oni nas jednog po jednog(a bilo nas je negde 10)počeli zapisivat u neku bilježnicu kak se zovemo,di i kad smo reođeni,di živimo i tak.i ja,koka,tuta i katićka se skrpali i nisu nas zapisali smijeh.danas se ja dignem u 9 a išo sam spavat u pol 2.odlučim se ja danas javit biologiju jer je rekla da bu me tak i tak pitala jer nisam predo test.ja sjednem za stol i krenem učit u 10 i zakrmim do pol 1. ja se onak slučajno probudim u pol 1 i onda se sjetim da tream na priredbu ić jer bu nam smoljo dao neopravdani ak ne dođemo.ja si mislim AU KURAC neznam niš biologiju a pitala bu me danas.ja se neak dovućem do škole.priredba je bilaa... ok. vi koji ste gledali,kak vam se činila priredba? na kraju su ove "naše" cure plesale na "don't phunk with my heart". bilo ih je negde 40.ti sad tu nađi kog tražiš. pod matišom nam je krenula žena nekaj srat zakaj ju ne slušamo dok ne slušamo.i krene nam onda ona pričat kolko ona zarađuje.veli "50 kuna po satu".ja sam se iznutra lomio.biologiju me nije pitala smijeh. imali smo neki referat o evoluciji i fosilima bang fakat zanimljivo... 2 sata likovnog i oba dva sata smo se svi zajebavali.kak je bilo ludo.radas se zdero na profu i nekaj se svađo s njom,pa ju je poslje skrpo s lopticom u bulju.a mi se svi lomimo smijeh hehe koji car smokin.sutra nema škole thumbup aj vidimo se ljudi.moram ić na španjolski i neam više o ćem pisat.byby wave
- 18:46 - tvoja obaveza (26) - troši tintu - #

21.05.2006., nedjelja

i tako... jučer u garaži.dogodila se moja noćna mora... onaj trenutak za koji sam znao da će doć... da ljudi... koka i ja smo prekinuli nonono sad neznam dal sam u depri il ne,dal sam se još uvijek u nju il ne uglavnom u stanju sam ubit se... (šmrc) fali mi.......
- 11:37 - tvoja obaveza (24) - troši tintu - #

19.05.2006., petak

aj dobro.smirio sam se.ok evo posta. idem ja u ponedjeljak u školu u pol 8(neznam kaj mi je došlo u pol 8 se tek dižem iz kreveta) uglavnom ja hodam i iz vedra neba na pod padne... NARANČA. ja onak molim kaj je ovo lud pogledam gore i neka 2 limača mi se tam smiju, ja uzmem narnču i skrpam jednog od njih (buhahah smijeh) i doleti mi na porozr njegova stara i krene mi neš srat kak se nesmije gađat hranom,kao kak bi meni bilo da mene neko gađa hranom(ono lol namcor).5 minuta ja nisam progovorio i tih minuta ona nije prestala govorit.onda mi je počela ič na kurac pa sam joj reko"pozdravi doma" i odšeto. u utorak se ja u školi sjetim da smo trebali taj dan napisat za zadaću više od pola vježbenice iz tehničkog.ja krenem prepisivat.i jedva sam stigo. a ona nama onda veli da danas nebu gledala zadaće jer moram pročitat referate ONO UBI SE!!! bangbangbang u srijedu sam bio taaaak živčan. neznam zake al zbog nečeg sam cjeli dan u školi pizdio i živčanio.onda sam još dodatno popizdio jer smo koka i ja skoro prekinuli i svađali smo se(bez uvrede koka) onda mi je još stara nekaj srala zakaj nisam naučio neku lekciju iz povjesti. to mi je po običaju srala pol ćuke.uglvanom nakon sveg tog bio sam u stanju ubit nekog dead. jučer je povjest pito sve koji imaju komad iz testa.a ja iam komad iz testa. došo je do radasa i reko do bu ostaak pito idući sat. a ja sam 2 broja poslje radasa. tak sam bio nervozan i živčan,skoro sam srčani dobio.kemija... dobro ajd nije me zapisala u č zato danas je. pitala me dal sam učio.ja onak ne. pa mi je nekaj grmila kak si moram sredit ocjene iz kemije i kak moram naučit to gradivo jer bu mi trebalo iduće godine.ja onak sam klimam buljom ovak yes a mislim na nekaj skroz drugo. vjerkas me pitala za kaznu jer sam se okrenuo da zašamaram jednu curu koja mi je zašarala pol ruke kemijskom. onda je i nju pitala pa smo obadvoje dobili komad.evo dunja dobila si post. si happy? iam pitanje za sve vas: koji dizajn vam je bolji?ovaj il onaj prijašnji?.neda mi se više pisat. byby wave
- 14:55 - tvoja obaveza (27) - troši tintu - #
- 14:21 - tvoja obaveza (2) - troši tintu - #

12.05.2006., petak

ej ljudi.starci su mi nekaj dobre volje danas pa mi daju za komp prek vikenda smijeh ajmo počet. ponedjeljak:nismo imali biologiju smijeh,zato smo imali stareicu koja nam je cjeli sat grmila o kazalištima i ostalim dosadnim stvarima.ja poslje škole odem otpratit koku do ulaza i malo se zadržim.i stara me zove na mob i sere mi da se nactram doma za 5 min. pa mi krene neš pričat kao da sam se trebo javit,ko zna kaj mi se dogodilo...ludnamcor mislim vračam se iz škole i zadržim se malo duže a ona bu idući put zabrijala da su me teroristi oteli i otfurali u pripizdinu negde. mislim ludnamcorludnamcor utorak preeedosadan dan.2 sata matiše eek ona meni krene srat o tom kakvim slovima ja pišem.dal su velka il mala,pisana il štampana,nju to dira. KAJ TEBE BOLI KURAC KAKVIM JA SLOVIMA PIŠEM! madheadbang tjelesni smo bili vani i nekaj je ocjenjivo za košarku.treba nekaj malo trčat,pa desna ljeva,pa koja ruka ono nut.ja sam se skroz sjebo i smoto. pol njih je dobilo 5,3(uključujući i mene).srijeda... khm.. kemija. valjda znate kaj je bilo. daaa... tako je.uzela mi bilježnicu,srala mi,SKORO mi OPET dala komad jer nisam imo 3 rečenice napisane.vjeronauk je pitala cjeli sat. kako sam se usro da će me pitat. al sam se skrpo smijeh. povjest smo pisali i bilo je prepre teško.predo sam polu-prazan test tak da bum bio sretan ak 3 dobim.četvtrak,predobar dan. bio sam kod kokecerek,nebum u detalje al bilo je prejebeno(dunja... znam kaj buš napisala na ovo).danas mi ona(koka,ne dunja)pošalje poruku da je bolesna.NEEEEEE nonono,cjeli vikend bu bolesna i vraća se MOŽDA u ponedjeljak. dotad bum crko!još smo danas pisali zemljopis.opet prepre teško.i opet sam predo polu-prazan test(tipično) al dobro.današnji dan ima i dobre strane. dobio sam 5 iz tehničkog smijeh i 5 iz engleskog... ono iz zadaće.jer sam napiso malo dužu zadaću,lik mi daje 5.mislim ne žalim se al ono iz zadaće. i to bi bilo to. za vas sve: komentirajte
za koku:

Glittery texts by

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

isto za kokucerek
- 21:32 - tvoja obaveza (88) - troši tintu - #

09.05.2006., utorak


NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! nonononononononononono stara mi je uzela neki dan i komp i telku i liniju.i sad nemrem niš.post pišem poskrivećki sa starovog laptopa.jer mi je stara komp rastavila. a sve to bum dobio natrtag tek na početku ljetniih praznika.tak da vas pozdravljam. ali... il be back thumbup
- 09:51 - tvoja obaveza (12) - troši tintu - #

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sad me vidiš/sad ne

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rođen sam: 2.4.93.
živim u kvartu:malešnica
navijam za:DINAMO!!!
bavim se:vaterpolo,španjolski
volim:cure :D,ić van,bit za kompom,gledat tv,zajebavat se s frendovima...
ne volim: školu,glupe i bahate ljude,učit
slušam: metal i rap(znam da je kombinacija... al kaj ćeš)
ne slušam: narodnjake,pop


I am 24% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

kaj nisam kewlcool

The Stupid Quiz said I am

aha,pametan sam ja smijeh

I am nerdier than 5% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!


eminem:ass like that:

EMINEM:[chorus]the way you shake it,i can't belive it,i ain't never seen a ass like that.the way you move it,you make my pee pee go,da doing doing doing. i don't belive it,it's almost too good to be true,i ain't never seen a ass like that.the way you move it,you make my pee pee go,da doing doing doing.

[1st vers]the way she moves,she's like a belly dancer,she's shakeing that ass to new nelly jams,i think someone's at the door but i don't think i'ma answer,police saying freezee,da doing doing doing.what do you mean freeze?please i'm a human being'i have needs,i'm not done,not till i'm finished peeing.i am not restiting arrest i am agreeing mr. officer,i'm already on my knees,i can't get any further it's imposible for me,and do not treat me like a murder,i just like to pee,pee pee yes,i make r&b,i sing song it go ringy chong ah,ching chong chong chong ching. psyche,i joke,i joke,i kid i kid,if i offend i'm sorry plese ples forgive,for i am triumph the puppet dog,i am a mere puppet,i can get away with anything i say and you will love it.

[chorus]the way u shake it,i can't belive it,i ain't never seen a ass like that.the way you move it,you make my pee pee go,da doing doing doing.jessica simpson looks o so temptin'nick i ain't never seen a ass like that,everytime i see that show on MTV my pee pee goes,da doing doing doing.mary kate and ashley used to be so wholesome,now they're getting older they're staring to grow bum bums,i go to the movies and sit down with my popcorn,police saying freeze da doing doing doing.

[2nd vers]what do you mean freeze,jeeze,i just got my sit,i have ticket,look i pit it away my zippers zipped.plese don't remove me from this movie theater please,i did not even get to see mary kate's shower scene.i didn't mean to be obscene or make a great big scene,and don't treat me like i'm pee pee herman this movie's PG,mr. officer,i demand to see my attorney,i will simpley plead inncoent,cop a plea and be free,free yes free right back on the streets.what do you meean my lawyer is with michael he's to busy? i am triumph! britney spears has sholders like a man and i can say that and you laugh cause there's a puppet on my hand.

[chorus]the way you shake it.i can't belive it,i ain't never seen a ass like that,the way you move it,you make my pee pee go,da doing doing doing. hilary duff is,not quite old enough so,i ain't never seen a butt like that.maybe next year i'll say ass and she'll make my pee pee go,da doing doing doing.

[3rd vers]the way she moves she dances like a go that video she sings "get out" you bozo.i need a new boyfriend,hi my name is jojo,police saying freeze,da doing doing doing.what do you mena freeze? my computeswill be seized,and my keys to my ranch,i just bakes cookies,mr. officer,looky,take a whiff of these,here i make jesus juice,take a sip of this.nobody is safe from me,no not even me.i don't even know if i can say the word pee pee,pee on a radio but i think i just did,janet is that a breast?i think i just saw a tit.psyche i joke,i joke,i kid,i kid, i don't think my joke is working i must flee,quick get to the chopper everybody get out,i am not triumph,i am arnold get down.

[chorus]the way you shake it,i can't belive it,i ain't never seen a ass like that.the way you move it,you make my pee pee go,da doing doing gwen stefany,will u pee pee on me please,i ain't never seen an ass like that,cause the way you move it you make my pee pee go,da doing doing doing
DR.DRE:what the fuck is wrong with you...

eminem:crazy in love
[chorus]tell myself that i was doin' all right there's nothin' left to do at night,but to go crazy on you crazy on you,let me go crazy crazy on you...

[1st vers]can't you see what you do to me baby u make me crazy u make me act like a maniac.i'm like alunatic u make me sick you're truly the only one who can do this to me you just make me get so crazy.i go schizo,i go insane i just go schizophrenic,one minute i wanna slit your throat the next time i wanna make me crazy the way we act like two maniacs in the sack we fuck like two jack rabbits,and maybe that's a bad habit 'cause the next day we're right back at it in the same exact pattern,what the fuck is the matter with us we can't figure out if it's lust or it's love which that is attracting us to each other,they say that every man grows up to marry his own mother.which would explain why you're suck a motherfucking bitch but i stay and stick it out with you even though i just hit you today.but you deserved it you hit me first and provoked me to choke you just cause i came home late last night,crawled in bed and i woke you.but if there's one thing about you that i admire is it's baby because you stay with me maybe cause your crazy as i am.cause when i look at you i can see an angel in your eyes but if i look deeper inside i can see your freakish little a devil in disguise you're always full of surprises,always pulling devices out your purce,little vibrators and dildos you fucked yourself so much you barely feel those're only 24 but you're plenty more mature,than those other little hoes who just act like little girls,like they're in middle school still,you're crazy,sexy,cool,chill you play your position,you never step out of line,even though i stay in your business you've always kept out of mine.i wonder what's on your mind,sometimes they say love is blind,maybe that's why the first time i dotted your eye you didn't see the sign,or maybe you did,maybe you like being shoved,maybe cause we're crazy in love

[chorus]let me go crazy on you,crazy on you,let me go crazy crazy on you...

[2nd vers]you are the ink to my papper what,what my pen is to my pad,the moral,the very fiber the whole substance to my are my reason for being the meaning of my existence,if it wasn't for you i would never be able to spit this intense as i do and the irony is you rely on me as much as i rely on you,to inspire me like you provide me the lighter fluid the fuel to my fire,you're my entire supply gas the match and igniter.the only way that i'm able to stay so stable is you're the legs to my table,if you were break i'd fall on my face,but i'm always gonna make you fell i don0t need you as much as i really need you so you don't use it to your advantage.but you're essential to me you're the air i breathe i belive if you ever leave me i'd probably have no reason to are the kim to my marshall,the slim to my shady,the dre to my eminem,the alaina to my are the word that i'm looking for when i'm trying to describe how i fell inside and the right one just won't come to my're like the pillar that props me up,the beam that supports me.the bitch who never took half,the wife who never divorced're like the root to my evil,you let my devil come out me,you let me beat the shit out you before you beat the shit out me.and no matter how much,to much is never enough,maybe cause we're crazy in love...

[chorus] let me go crazy on you,crazy on you,let me go crazy crazy on you...


[intro]yeah,i know sometimes,things may not always make sence to you right now,but hey,what did daddy always tell you?straighten up little soldier,stiffen up that upper lip.what youcryin' about?you got me.

[1st vers]hailie i know you miss your mom,and i know you miss your dad,when i'm gone but i'm tryin' to give you the life that i never had,i can see you sad even when you smile even when you laugh i can see it in your eyes deep inside you wana cry,cause you're scared.i ain't there,daddy's with you in your prayers,no more cryin' wipe them tears,daddy's here no more nightmares.we gonna pull it together through it we gonna do it,laine uncle's crazy ain't he yeah but he loves you girl and better know it.we're all we got in this world,when it spins,when it swirls,when it whirls,when it twirls,two little beautiful girls.lookin' puzzled,in a daze.i know it's confusing you,daddy's always on the move,mama's always on the news.i try to keep you shelted from it but somehow it seems,the harder i try to do that,the more it backfires on me.all the things growin' up as daddy .that he had to see,daddy don't want you too see but you see just as much as he did.we did not plan to be this way,your mother and me,but things have got so bad between us i don't see us ever being,together ever we used to be when we was teenagers but than of course everything always happens for a reason.i gues it was never ment to be,but it's somthing we have no control of and that's what destiny is.but no more worries,rest your head and go to sleep maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream.

[chorus]now hush little baby don't you cry,everything's gonna be all right,stiffen that upper lip up little lady i told ya,daddy's here to hold through the night.i know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why,we fell how we fell inside,it may seem a little crazy,pretty baby but i promise,mama's gon' be alirght

[2nd vers]it's funny,i remember back one year when daddy had no money,mommy wrapped the christmas presents and stcuk 'em under the tree,and said some of 'em were from me,cause daddy couldn't buy them,i'll never forget that christmas i sat up the whole night crying.cause daddy felt like a bum,see daddy had a job but his job was to keep food on the table for you and mum,and at the time every house that we lived in either kept getting broken into and robbed or shut up on the block,and your mum,was saving money for you in a jar,trying to start a piggy bank so you can go to college.almost had thousand dolars til someone broke in and stole it and i know it hurt so bad it broke your mamma's heart.and it seemd like everything was just starting to fall apart,mom and dad was arguing so loud that mama moved back on to chalmers in a flat one bedroom apartment,and dad moved back to the other side of 8 mile on novara.and that's when daddy went to california with his CD and met Dr.Dre and flew you and mama out to see me.but daddy had to work,you and me,then you started seeing daddy on the TV,and mama didn't like it and you and laine were to young to understand it,that papa was a rolling stone,mama developed a habit,and it all happened to fast for either one of us to grab it,i'm just sorry you were there and had to witnes it first hand cause all i ever wanted to do was just make you i'm sitting here in this empty house,just reminiscing looking at your baby pictures it just trips me out,to see how much you both have grown up it's almost like you're sisters,gues you pretty much are and daddy's still here,lainnie 'm talking to you too,daddy's still here,i like the sound of that,yeah,it's got a ring to it don't it.sssshhh,mama's only gone for the moment

[chorus]now hush little baby don't you cry,everything's gonna be all right,stiffen that upper lip up little lady i told ya,daddy's here to hold ya throught the night.i know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why,we fell like we fell inside,it may seem a little crazy,pretty baby but i promise mama's gon' be alroght [end chorus] and if you ask me to daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird,ima' give you the world,ima' buy a diamond ring for you,ima' sing for you,i'll do anything for you to see you smile.and if the mockingbird don't sing and the ring don't shine,i'ma break that birdie's neck,i'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to ya and make him eat every carat don't fuck with that