Mozda nas otkazu za MC

četvrtak, 13.07.2006.

jer nismo prodali 40 karata vec samo 20, nadamo se da nebudu, i ovim putem jos pozivamo zainteresirane da nam se jave. hvala.

sluzbeni dopis je ovaj


dear artist,

we just checked your pre-sales figures, and it seems
to us that you may not be able to fulfill the contract
we did – which is a must. pls confirm back that you
will sell the agreed amount of tickets and that you
will pay the due amount as agreed.

if you can not guarantee this, we need your immediate
cancellation of your appearance at METALCAMP 2006 not
later than next sunday, 16th of july, since we do NOW
– the final running order.

thank you for understanding .

//by order of the METALCAMP director


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