Nova pjesma - hear me scream

srijeda, 28.06.2006.

Can you tell me what has become of this world we live in
The world of a better life, the hope open wide
This sensless illusion, we all believe in
You know the truth is on the other side

Can you hear me scream tonight
I'm affraid this is my last fight

This is now a strange place
Where creatures do not exist
A crazy planet without a human trace
And we are not missed

Can you hear me scream tonight
I'm affraid this is my last fight

There's a blaze in the sky
One mighty blink of your eye
A true sensation of life
Is coming in our sight

We can climb the hills
We can tear down the wall
We are ready for our fight
And to make them fall

| 16:41 | Komentari (1) | Isprintaj | # |

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