subota, 02.08.2008.

Evo nakon duljeg vremena da nešta napiš moglo bi se reći da više nisam onako tužna...neke stvari su mi postale jasnije...pomirila sam se s jednom frendicom s kojom sam se posvađala jer sam mislila da priča svešta o meni...a ispalo je da je sve to onaj „moj bivši“ dečko izmislio...zapravo je dosta toga on izmislio i nasrao...i sve bi bilo super da se nije on opet javio...a tu počinje priča...prvo me je ispitivao općenito...šta radim...ima šta novoga...jel se ja možda ljutim na njega (ma zašto bih...uopće nemam razloga...rolleyes)...i onda je počeo s tim kak mu falim...da mu je žao šta me prevario...ugl. bio bi jako sretan kad bi se vjerujem ja njemu više i neme tu ok...poslije se je javljo svaki dan...čak me i zvao jednu večer...ali tu je sada bila moja frendica koja je tvrdila da on i njoj šalje poruke a on je opet pričao da ona šalje njemu...e sad stvarno ne znam kome da vjerujem...odlučila sam ne vjerovati ni jednom jer je bilo dosta nejasnih priča i s njom i s njim...tako da s njom mogu biti frendica ali sigurno ne ko prije...a s njim...ako hoće može mi nešto poslati, ja mu mogu odg. ali mu se sigurno neću prva javiti...mada znam da bi bilo najbolje da se uopće ne čujemo ali ne znam zašto mu to jednostavno ne mogu reći...još nemam snage za to.......

- 21:13 -

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..ovo je anoniman blog i nitko od mojih frendova ne zna za njega..pisat ću o patnji i boli koju trenutno osjećam..ostavljat ću linkove na blogovima do kojih slučajno dođem pa ako se nekom svidi blog, a i ako mu se ne svidi, nak ostavi komentar..

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...o meni...
...imam 16 godina...
...idem u srednju ekonomsku...
...slušam metal, a najbolji mi je symphonic metal...
...naj grupe su mi Nightwish i Within Temptation...
...naj pjesme Bring Me To Life, I Wish I Had An Angel, Frozen, What Have You Done, Tears Don' Fall...
...moj msn ako me netko zeli dodati:

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...kad nešto MORAM...
...kričave&žive boje...
...kad je vani dosadno...
...kad moram rano doma...
...kad me neko povrijedi...
...kad preko noći neko mijenja mišljenje...
...ljudsku glupost...
...kad nekome ne mogu vjerovat, a htjela bih...
...kada nešto ostane nedovršeno...

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I can't feel my senses
I just feel the cold
All colors seem to fade away
I can't reach my soul
I would stop running, if knew there was a chance
It tears me apart to sacrifice it all but I'm forced to let go

Tell me I'm frozen but what can I do?
Can't tell the reasons I did it for you
When lies turn into truth I sacrificed for you
You say that I'm frozen but what can I do?

I can feel your sorrow
You won't forgive me, but I know you'll be all right
It tears me apart that you will never know but I have to let go


Everything will slip way
Shettered peaces will remain
When memories fade into emptiness
Only time will tell it's tale
If it all has been in vain

I can't feel my senses
I just feel the cold
But what can I do?

Tell me I'm frozen but what can I do?
Can't tell the reasons I did it for you
When lies turn into truth I sacrificed for you
You say that I'm frozen, frozen...

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Going Under

Now I will tell you what I've done for you
50 thousand tears I've cried
Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you
And you still won't hear me (going under)
Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once (wake up for once)
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
I'm dying again

I'm going under (I'm going under)
Drowning in you (Drowning in you)
I'm falling forever (I'm falling forever)
I've got to break through
I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
So I don't know what's real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I'm dying again

I'm going under (I'm going under)
Drowning in you ( Drowning in you)
I'm falling forever (I'm falling forever)
I've got to break through

So go on and scream
Scream at me I'm so far away (so far away)
I won't be broken again
I've got to breathe I can't keep going under
I'm dying again

I'm going under (I'm going under)
Drowning in you ( Drowning in you)
I'm falling forever (I'm falling forever)
I've got to break through
I'm going under
I'm going under
I'm going under

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Couldn't save you from the start
Love you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Time has passed you by

Oh, for so long I've tried to shild you from the world
Oh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence

You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven

I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away

I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you?
Why did fate deceive me?
Everything turned out so wrong
Why did you leave me in silence?

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