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Pozdrav svim Britney fanovima :) - They say I'm crazy...I really don't care! That's my prerogative (it's the way that I wanna live but you can't tell me what to do!) -

Pozdrav svim Britney fanovima :)


Evo upravo se otvorio još jedan od mnogobrojnih blogova o Britney. Pisat ću novosti o njoj i sve po malo
dok se ne uhodam wink
Nadam se da ćete uživati i da ćemo se super slagati... Fala bogu, o Britney se uvijek ima puno za pisati smijeh
tako da materijala neće falit...
Evo za početak ću staviti jednu pjesmu koju je Brit još davno napisala na svojoj web stranici, a pjesma je bila namijenjena za sve one koji misle da ju poznaju...

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Remembrence of who I am

Enough of the pain
Now I'm craving
Something sweet, so delight
How do you stand sleeping at night

No more chains
That you gave me.
Enough of pain
Now I’m craving
Something sweet, so delight
How do you stand sleeping at night?

Silly patterns that we follow
You pull me in
I'm being swallowed.
By the ones you think you love
They pull you down
You can't see up above.

Manipulation is the key
They screw it in
Because you're naive.
You come to me now
Why do you bother?
Remember the Bible
The sins of the Father.
What you do
You pass down
No wonder why
I lost my crown.

You don't see me now
You ask yourself why
My crown is back
And it's way too high
For you to be in my presence
Especially my son
You should bow down
I've only just begun.

The guilt you fed me
Made me weak.
The voodoo you did
I couldn't speak.
You're awakening
The phone is ringing.

Resurrection of my soul
The fear I'm bringing.
What will you say
And what will you do?
She's not the same person that you're used to.

You trick me one, twice, now it's three.
Look who's smiling now
Damn, it's good to be me!

*This is for everyone who thinks they know me...

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