28.11.2011., ponedjeljak


Silk Flowers From China - How To Make Sugar Flowers For Cakes - Florist Liverpool Street.

Silk Flowers From China

silk flowers from china

    silk flowers
  • (Silk flower) Artificial flowers and imitations of natural flowers are sometimes made for scientific purposes (the collection of glass flowers at Harvard University, for example, which illustrates the flora of the United States), but more often as articles for commercial or residential decoration.

  • high quality porcelain originally made only in China

  • Taiwan: a government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek after the conquest of mainland China by the Communists led by Mao Zedong

  • a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world

  • A fine white or translucent vitrified ceramic material

  • Household tableware or other objects made from this or a similar material

???? Quanzhou,China

???? Quanzhou,China

Quanzhou,formerly known as Zaitun,was one of the earliest places in China to have been open to the outside world and is a historical and cultural city famous both in china and abroad.

The earliest records of friendly contact between Quanzhou and the countries of Southeast Asia date from the Southern Dynasties in the sixth century.By the Tang dynasty,Quanzhou had already become one of China's four greatest ports.The developing port was known as"a city with residents from abound the word".In the Song and Yuan,Quanzhou became as famous a port as Alexandria,with ships'masts as numerous as trees in a forest,merchants gathered like clouds,and Chinese and foreign goods accumulated as high as mountains.The four great travellers of the medieval West,Marco Polo,Ibn Battuta,Giovanni Marignolli and Odoric,as well as many other Western vistors,all wrote of the opennss and prosperity of Quanzhou.This great city of southeast China,whose ships were said to "travel to ten thousand states",was a terminus of the Maritime Silk Road which linked almost one hundred countries and regions,and a destination for merchants,missionaries,and nobles of many different countries.

With increasting economic and cultural interaction,Quanzhou became a centre of East-West cultural exchange.The remnants of the ancient Minyue culture,the civilization of the Central Plains of China,and foreign cultures all intermingled together,forming a comples and multifaceted culture unique in the Chinese cultural sphere,blossoming into a flower of peace and civilization for humankind,and giving Quanzhou its reputation as a museum of world religions and a scholarly centre of the southeast coast.These enchanting images vividly and expressively portray the ancient historical character of Quanzhou,with its multi-faceted cultural forms and unusual character,and expresses the grand breadth of mind and boldness of spirit of its people.The illustration in"return to the City of Light"include rich cultural relics which have been highly praised and large numbers of precious items from the collections of the Quanzhou Maritime Museum which testify to thes splendid and praiseworthy history.We express our appreciation to all those involved in the publication,for it is through their unstinting efforts that this work,consistiong of over three hundred photographs and meticulous descriptions,has been put together in a short period of time,,enabling the culture which lives on to the present day in the hearts and minds of Quanzhou people at home and abroad to be publicized and promoted.

Research both in china and abroad into the history and culture of Quanzhou,fascinating and endlessly mysterious,has already borne rich fruit.History teaches us and important lesson.To develop economically,to play a role on the global stage,it is absolutely essential to follow the route of opening up and reform.This is indeed a splendid path.Due to prohibitions on maritime trade and other factors,Quanzhou underwent a long period of relative decline.The several centuries of stagnation that resulted are not to be laid at the feet of the curageous people of Quanzhou.Fortunately times change,and a surging spring flood now returns the world historical stage to Quanzhou.The people of Quanzhou should be proud of and treasure the fact that after its long history of cultural exchange,Quazhou's culture still retains a strong attractive force,and inspring force,a catalytic force in this new historical epoch.As we develop the economy of greater Quanzhou,promote the culture of greater Quanzhou ,and construct the city of greater Quanzhou,we should rely on this force to reinforce the ablility and productivity of the people,and realize the revival,thansmission,and further development of the true spirit of Quanzhou.

Just as humankind always returns to the sea,we hope that the eyes of the people of the world will return to the City of Light,a city tied to the sea by countless links.At the same time we hope that its reinvigorated culture and the openness of the heart and mind of its people will continue to rouse their thoughts.spread their field of vision,and enhance their order to revive the spirit of antiquity in a new certury,to construct a modern international commercial port and tourist city,an economically developed,administratively efficient,prosperous and stable garden,to live up to a proud past as well as the expectations of the current age.

XiaMen city - panorama

XiaMen city - panorama

View from GuLangYu, Xiamen, Fujian, China

Gulangyu, separated from Xiamen by the 500-metre-wide Egret River, with an area of 1.77 square kilometres, enjoys a lauditory title "Garden on the Sea." The original name of the islet was Yuan Zhou Zi. In the Ming Dynasty it was renamed Gulang, meaning ''drum waves", because the holes in the southwestern reefs hit by the waves make sounds like the drum beating.

??Overlapping peaks foil the blue water, white clouds, green trees and bright flowers. The air in the islet is fresh. The entire place is free from any sorts of vehicles and is particularly quiet. All these render an atmosphere of a fairyland.

??The roar of the waves breaks on the rocks. Impressive melodies surrounding and lingering on this island make famous for its piano-laden past. As a place of residence for Westerners during Xiamen's colonial past, Gulangyu is famous for its architecture and for being home to China's largest piano museum. It is known as the piano island because people here love the piano. As early as 1913, students in schools run by foreigners started learning the piano. The enthusiasm for music later spread to more ordinary people on the island. Many piano families have since then come into being and produced accomplished musicians. And the number of the pianos possessed is in the leading place in the nation, though there is only a population of 20,000 people.

??No tourist can afford to miss one attraction located on the island —— the nation's largest piano museum. Divided into two exhibition halls, the museum guides visitors through a vivid history of the instrument with displays and illustrations. All different types of pianos such as miniature pianos, automatic pianos, accordion pianos and round-shaped pianos, are on display.

??The architecture in the islet varies greatly in style, Chinese and foreign. Thus the islet has a laudatory title "the World Architecture Museum" Covered in green all the year round, it's charming, elegant, secluded and serene. A great variety of villas stand shrouded by lush wood resembling numerous jadeites embellished upon a piece of verdant silk brocade. Hundreds of flowers grown on the Riguang Rock (Sunlight Rock) vie with one another for beauty. With the caressing sea breeze, it's a quite cool place in hot summer. At the foot of the rock, there's the Memorial Hall to honor the national Hero Zheng Chenggong.

??Today, Gulangyu is listed as one of the nation's major scenic spots. The main sites of interest here include the Sunlit Rock, Shuzhuang Park, Gangzihou Bathing Beach and Memorial Hall to Zheng Chenggong, which are visited annually by millions of people from all parts of the country and the world. For people living in the hustle and bustle of today's metropolis, citizens on this island seem to live in a paradise with a relaxing, healthy and placid lifestyle. Find more in our detailed introduction of the major attractions in Gulangyu Tourist Area.

silk flowers from china

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