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Razred: 1.b (HTT Opatija)
Rođena: 22. kolovoza 1993. (Lav)
Ljubav: zaljubljena
Hobi: šetnje, sviranje sinta, pjevanje (neki kažu atonalno)sretan
Volim: ''fancya-schmansya'', Moniku, obitelj,
sve frendove i svoje životinje
Ne volim: lažna prijateljstva,umišljenost,matku,
tjelesni,učenje i lepu vodeničarku.rofl

Razred: 1.a (ŽTŠ Moravice)
Rođena: 9. travnja 1993. (Ovan)
Ljubav: nisam više sretna...odričem se dečkiju neko vrijeme..headbangheadbang
Hobi: slušanje glazbe, surfanje po internetu i
skidanje pjesama,
izrada Powerpoint prezentacija
Volim: svoju obitelj,prijatelje, Valentinukiss,dečkacerek,
svoje mačke,Ivana Rakitića (jebač)cerekcoolhrvatska,
Tree hillwink,zajebanciju..., dečkenaughty, radnike!!
Ne volim:OŠ Brod Moravice,tjelesni,dvoličnost,svađe,

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Damir Kedžo-Idem

Ko zna gdje ti je pobjeg'o korak
od tada moj osmijeh je gorak
gdje si sada ti ko zna
kako da izlijecim sebe
plasim se, srce mi zebe

Oslobodi me i znaj
da ova igra ipak ima sretan kraj
kad srusim sve figure
sjecanja mi nekud zure

Idem, gdje vratit cu se sebi
idem, ma nije vazno gdje bi
da me slomis to si htjela, znam

Idem, na lice pustam kisu
idem, svi tragovi se brisu
medju slabe ne, ne pripadam

Ma daj, pusti da i dok te gubim
tiho i sporo te ljubim
gdje si sada ti ko zna
sta sad tu ja vise mogu
kad prkosis meni i Bogu

Oslobodi se i znaj
za tebe ova igra nema sretan kraj
kad rusis sve figure
zarobe te hladne bure




Toše Proeski-Srećo ne krivi me

Odlutam ponekad preko necijega ramena do tebe
odlutam i znam da imas sve i tebi dobro je bez mene
ovo je preduga noc, da l' ikad jutro ce doc'

Bjezeci od sebe ovaj zivot cesto tebi me ponese
jos sam samo slijepi putnik koji nema ime, ni adrese
pristajem, duso, na sve, tako sam slab na tebe

Sreco, ne krivi me, javi se i ozivi me
ne mogu cekati, zbog nas lud sam od ljubavi
daj da ti cujem glas, molim te, spasi nas
sreco, ne krivi me, jer ti si mi sve

Odlutam ponekad preko necijega ramena do tebe
odlutam i znam da imas sve i tebi dobro je bez mene
ovo je preduga noc, da l' ikad jutro ce doc'

Sreco, ne krivi me, javi se i ozivi me
ne mogu cekati, zbog nas lud sam od ljubavi
daj da ti cujem glas, molim te, spasi nas
sreco, ne krivi me, jer ti si mi sve

Sreco, ne krivi me, javi se i ozivi me
ne mogu cekati, zbog nas lud sam od ljubavi
daj da ti cujem glas, molim te, spasi nas
sreco, ne krivi me, jer ti si mi sve


Severina-Iz glave

Rastopi me na usnama
otkopcaj dugme zubima
tijela u mraku sad su zar
vec goris mi u grudima

Na kozi ostavljas mi trag
vlazan od tvojih dodira
upali svijetlo, gledaj me
kako te ljubim najbolje

I svaki tren s tobom me uzbudjuje
njezan ko cvijet tvoj je dodir za mene
ti imas moc nada mnom
kao noc kad spusti svojih zvijezdica roj

Refren 2x
Iz glave meni ti vise ne izlazis
ko slatki nemir trncima me prolazis
i bas te briga sto cu sad ja
u ovoj noci bez sna
kad me opet u sebe zaljubis

S tobom sam tu na jastuku
osjecam samo kemiju
ti sutis, ja ne govorim
citas mi misli, zelim te

Moje te ruke diraju
kosu ti njezno miluju
a tijela traze jos
jos socnih poljubaca sto

I svaki tren s tobom me uzbudjuje
njezan ko cvijet tvoj je dodir za mene
ti imas moc nada mnom
kao noc kad spusti svojih zvijezdica roj




Da mi srce ima krila, poletjelo bi
i trnci tijelom prolaze mi
razuzdane misli ko pcele se roje
ne mogu te izbacit' iz glave svoje

Odavno vec nisam okusila nemir
jer nasa jutra su privatni svemir
oprosti mi sto cinim ovaj grijeh
sto posesivno cuvam nas savrsen svijet

Ref. 2x
Ni ledene zime, kise, oluje
olovno more, gromovi, munje
i starost, i vrijeme sto nam godine broje
rastavit' nece nas dvoje

Ako ikad osjetis da smo izgubljeni
male mrve sunca sacuvat cu ti
da ugriju te njezno, tiho i lako
ako ikad krene zlo i naopako

Ref. 4x


Toše Proeski-Ako me pogledaš u oči

Ako me pogledas u oci
o meni nista vise ti neces znati
jer oci odati me nece
u moju odbranu ce ovaj put stati

Slobodno gledaj mi u usne
na njime ne pise bas nista vazno
koliko puta slicne tebi
usnama ovim ja sam ljubio lazno

A ne gledaj mi u dlanove
jer oni ce me znam, odati
za samo jedan poljubac tvoj
sve moje tajne odmah prodati

I ne gledaj mi u cipele
jer reci ce ti o meni sve
da sam bas jednu takvu kao ti
trazio sve ove godine

Ako me pogledas u celo
nijednu boru tamo ti neces naci
sakrit' cu svoje pravo lice
glumit' cu da sam nocas od tebe jaci

Slobodno gledaj mi u usne
na njime ne pise bas nista vazno
koliko puta slicne tebi
usnama ovim ja sam ljubio lazno



E.T.-Da je moglo

Ja ne priznajem ni poraz ni da te volim
to ti neko gadno laze sad
idi iz zivota mog, te samo molim
jer te mrzim, to je sve sto znam

Da se zemlja negdje spoji s nebom
da se svijet pretvori u prah
ja ni tad vise ne bih s tobom
u to sam sigurna

Da je moglo, jos bi trajalo
za mene, duso, ne brini
kad nije bilo nam sudjeno
bolje me zaboravi

Da je moglo, jos bi trajalo
kraj tebe ja bih ostala
jer sto si htio si dobio
boljeg sam zasluzila

Je l' to bila mladost, ludost ili nesto trece
ja naglas razmisljam o tome sad
i tesko preko usta prevalim te rijeci
sve je bila samo navika


Toše Proeski-Dal' si sretnija

Moja si bila ti od glave pa do pete
moja si bila, grlila me kao dijete
sad od mene oci sakrivas

Tudja si, vise nemam ja na tebe pravo
tudja si, sve je propalo sto dao sam ti ja
bas kao kula karata

Da l' si sretnija sto ti drugi usne ljubi
il' nesretnija sto on se na mom mjestu budi
nisam Bog zna sto, al' kako sam te ludo volio

Da l' si sretnija tamo daleko od mene
il' nesretnija kad zabole te uspomene
nisam Bog zna sto, al' jednom sam te ludo volio

Otkud ti, kojim dobrom tu na pragu mome
malena, milja presao sam milione
sad vise ti ne spavam sam


Ljubio sam te k'o da nijednu nisam imao na svijetu
a spalila si me, pretvorila u dim



Karma-Oči zelene

Broji do tisucu
toliko tebe ja ljubicu
broji sve do beskraja
poljupce koje ti saljem ja

Za tvoje dodire tijelo mi umire
dodji, spasi me
ljubi me do zore
smiri mi nemire

Ref. 2x
Oci su tvoje zelene boje
meni je mjesto u narucju tvom
oci su moje zauvijek tvoje
gdje ti je srce tu mi je dom

Broji sve zvijezdice
koje ti padnu u zenice
broji svaki dodir moj
sve dok ne izbrojis do bezbroj


Karma-Hladnija od leda

Ne prilazi mi jer sve znam
s kim si bio, kada i gdje
ja nikada ne oprastam
kada me tako prevare

Mrtva sam hladna na tvoje rijeci
jer djela rekla su sve
pokupi ono svoje oprosti mi
i vise ne vracaj se

Hladnija od leda bicu nocas
da tebi ispred nosa
ja s drugim se ljubim
hladnija od leda, naucicu te nocas
ljubav kako se lako gubi
hladnija od leda idem dalje
samoca sivog jutra sad neka te budi

Ne prilazi mi jer sve znam
cure ko ja to osjete
ne moli da ti oprostim
na licu su boje osvete

Hi people, in the begining
we jumped to the left
and jumped to the right
but now we will do something
completely different
I wanna hear your voice
repeat after me in the house
let me hear your voice


E.T.-Dat ću ti sve

Kome lazem da mi stalo nije
varam sebe da je sve k'o prije
vrijeme leti, godina je dana
nemam nikog, tebi jos se nadam

Ti si negdje s drugom sada
i krene suza od sebe sama
da l' se sjetis moga imena

Dat cu tebi nocas sve
sklopi oci zauvijek
da jos jednom usne tvoje ljubim ja

Samo vodi me
gdje su duse umorne
jer bez tebe nemam mira nocima

Mrzim noci kad mi u san dodjes
uspomene bole, pa me prodje
bilo je ovo srce do pakla
razbio ga k'o da je od stakla

Ti ne znas da ja postojim
da cuvam slike i dane brojim
jer sve su ljubavi prave tuznije



Samo vodi me
gdje su duse umorne
jer bez tebe nemam mira nocima


Nina Badrić-Nije mi svejedno

Ne placem to vise ja
to su kapi sjecanja
ne placem to sada ja
to je kisa gospodnja

Bol je nocas preskupa
da se na nju naviknem
a kad svi odu
nekome ja ti ostajem

Jer nije mi svejedno
tebi sam bila samo ime i broj
i uzmi jos vise
mada nije te vrijedno
prezivjet cu ja to

I nije mi svejedno
a tebi je lako
ti se vracas njoj
i kao da nikad tu
i nije te bilo
prezivjet cu ja to
jer nije mi svejedno

Sad samoca budi strah da
necu uspjeti s nekim drugim sanjati
a tebe voljeti
ako treba ja cu
s tobom isto disati
samo jedan dodir tvoj
i ja cu zivjeti


Sad samoca budi strah da
necu uspjeti s nekim drugim sanjati
a tebe voljeti
ako treba ja cu
s tobom isto disati
samo jedan dodir tvoj
i ja cu zivjeti



E.T.-Da je moglo

Ja ne priznajem ni poraz ni da te volim
to ti neko gadno laze sad
idi iz zivota mog, te samo molim
jer te mrzim, to je sve sto znam

Da se zemlja negdje spoji s nebom
da se svijet pretvori u prah
ja ni tad vise ne bih s tobom
u to sam sigurna

Da je moglo, jos bi trajalo
za mene, duso, ne brini
kad nije bilo nam sudjeno
bolje me zaboravi

Da je moglo, jos bi trajalo
kraj tebe ja bih ostala
jer sto si htio si dobio
boljeg sam zasluzila

Je l' to bila mladost, ludost ili nesto trece
ja naglas razmisljam o tome sad
i tesko preko usta prevalim te rijeci
sve je bila samo navika


Karma-Hej, hej

Hej, hej nisam znala kol'ka si budala
ti bi na jednu noc
i znaj da hej, hej, ova mala
tebi ne bi dala
drugu zovi u pomoc

Hej, hej nisam znala kol'ka si budala
isti ko drugi svi
i znaj da hej, hej, ova mala
tebi ne bi dala
a ni da si jedini

Nisam, vjeruj, vise tako mala curica naivna
da bi se tebi tako lako dala
i snove ti prodala
ni da si covjek ti
na cijelom svijetu jedini


Nisam ja, vjeruj, mala bez morala
samo za ljubav znam
ono sto imam godinama cuvam
i necu da tebi dam
ni da si covjek ti
na cijelom svijetu jedini


E.t.-Prazan stan

Duge noge, kratka suknja
Sve bas stvoreno za grijeh
mozda nije, mozda je
al' muskarca ni za lijek
i to me brine
jer tko ce zvijezde da mi skine

A ja bi da me neko nocas ljubi vatreno
dok mi prica da mi laze "ti si moje jedino"
da me dira usnama, pada mi na koljena
bude moj

Ref. 2x
Prazan mi stan, a nas je dvoje
tijelo tvoje, moje
mozda bismo mogli mi
slusat stare one pjesme
radit sto se nesmije
cekat zoru ljubavi

Kud god krenem ista lica
iste fore, it's OK
zgodni decki vise-manje
svi od reda sad su gay
i to me brine
jer tko ce zvijezde da mi skine

I pobjegla bih nocas negdje, s nekim daleko
da mi laze, da mi kaze "lane moje maleno"
da sam mu u mislima, dok se igra prstima
da je moj

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x

Bleeding Heart

Vesna Pisarović-Ptica na tvom ramenu

Nasa ljubav slijepa ulica
nikuda nas nije dovela
sto sam puta znala otici
uvijek sam se htjela vratiti

Jer gdje si ti sunce izlazi
gdje si ti zelim zivjeti

Ja ti nosim pozdrave
kad te svi zaborave
kada oci otvoris
mozda jednom primjetis

Da bit cu tu
kad podje sve po zlu
kao ptica na tvom ramenu

Da mi vratis sto si mi uzeo
cijeli zivot bi ti trebao
nije pamet mene vodila
kad sam ti srce poklonila

Al' gdje si ti sunce izlazi
gdje si ti zelim zivjeti


Ja bit cu tu
da, bit cu tu
kad podje sve po zlu
kao ptica na tvom ramenu

Ref. 2x


E.T.-Varat ću te

Sto se meni desilo
da sebe tako lako dam
kad dama s takvim ne ide skupa
ma, jasno je ko dan

Zlato, skupljaj stvari svoje
jer sve znam, i ko je, i sto je
a ti lose lazes mi, sreco
a Bog to vidi sve

Varat cu te dusom i tijelom
a ti me opsuj, reci gradu cijelom
varat cu te makar se opekla
ruku na srce, samo jednom zivim
da krevet dijelim s covjekom krivim
ne dam da me vise trujes dodirom

Ne vjerujem u ljubav vise
jer prije, kasnije
nevjera na vrata kuca
tek sad mi je jasnije

Dugo srce drugoj te vuce
sve znam, bas ti nisam od juce
necu, ja necu ti sudit'
kad Bog to vidi sve

Ref. 2x

Gibonni-Dvije duše

Previse sam gresan da bih bistrom vodom ruke umio
da sakrio bih lice pred tvojim okom sto me bodrilo
i mislit cu na tebe onda kad mi svane sudnji dan
a mislit cu na ljubav koje nikad nisam bio dostojan

Nisam bio dostojan ni ove dvije duse
sto nam je Bog povjerio, povjerio
mjesto da se ljube ja sam i to iznevjerio

I izdao sam te i izdala si me
i bolje nismo ni zasluzili
ni ove dvije duse
sto nam je Bog povjerio

I koliko sam blesav, toliko sam spreman gubiti
nauci se od mene to sto nikad ne smijes postati
jer previse sam gresan i onda kad mi svane sudnji dan
ja mislit cu na ljubav koje nikad nisam bio dostojan


Ref. 2x

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quotes and sayings

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evo ovdje imate nekoliko linkova s kojih možete skinuti neke pjesme:


Enrique Iglesias-Hero


Jojo-Beautiful girls

Sugababes-About you now

Britney Spears-Gimme more

Toše Proeski-Ubijaš me usnama

Connect feat. Nova Stars- Šta će mi više

Colonia-Pod sretnom zvijezdom (BB himna 2007)



Rihanna ft. Nicole-Winning women

Toše Proeski-Pratim te

Toše Proeski-Ko ti to grize obraze

Toše Proeski-Čija si

Toše Proeski-Čuješ li

Toše Proeski-Dal si sretnija

Toše Proeski-Mjesečina

Aantonija Šola-Eldorado

Nered-Srce Vatreno

ENI-Oči su ti ocean

Colonia-Tipično muški

Backstreet Boys-I want it that way

ET-Ljubav nema ništa s tim

Leteći Odred-Od Prevlake do Dunava

Rihanna-Don't stop the music


1) RapidShare: prvo kliknite FREE gdje vam se nude dvije opcije (FREE i PREMIUM)....zatim samo prepišite kod sa slike, pritisnite ENTER, spremite u željenu mapu, i to je to!!! Jedina caka je da ćete morati pričekati jedno 5 min (ovisno o tome koliko je velika pjesma) da bi mogli skinuti sljedeću pjesmu...

2) Sendspace: pričekajte da učita DOWNLOAD LINK, zatim kliknite na njega, opet spremite pjesmu u željenu mapu i to je cijela mudrost.....

3) Speedyshare: desni klik na link za download, SAVE TARGET AS,i opet spremite u željenu mapu, ili možete i lijevi klik na download link pa spremiti, ali ja vam preporučujem ovo sa SAVE TARGET AS

I još jedna NAPOMENA:
Moguće je da su neki linkovi istekli i moguće je da je stranica preokupirana-ali to nisam ja kriva.....



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Simple Plan-Shut up

There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
its all about you
You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time to criticize me

It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right
It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today...

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down

There you go
You never ask why
It's all a big lie
Whatever you do
You think your special
But I know and I know and I know and we know
That you're not
You're always there to point out my mistakes
And shove them in my face
It's like I'm the one you love to hate
But not today

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down

( So Shut up, shut up, shut up)
Is gonna bring me down
(Shut up, shut up, shut up)
You'll never bring me down

Don't tell me who I should be
don't tell me who i should be
And don't try to tell me what's right for me
Don't tell me what I should do
I don't want to waste my time
I'll watch you fade away

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down.....

i love you

Kelly Clarkson - Miss Independent

Miss independent
Miss self-sufficient
Miss keep your distance
Miss unafraid
Miss out of my way
Miss don't let a man interfere (no)
Miss on her own
Miss almost grown
Miss never let a man help her off her throne
So, by keeping her heart protected
She'd never ever feel rejected
Little miss apprehensive
I Said ooh, she fell in love

What is this feelin' takin' over?
Thinkin' no one could open the door
Surprise! It's time
To feel whats real
What happened to Miss Independent
No longer need to be defensive
Goodbye (goodbye), old you,
when love is true.

Miss guarded heart
Miss play it smart
Miss if you wanna use that line you better not start
But she miscalculated
She didn't want to end up jaded
And this miss decided not to miss out on true love
So, by changing her misconceptions
She went in a new direction
And found inside she felt a connection
She fell in love.

What is this feelin' takin' over?
Thinkin' no one could open the door
Surprise! It's time (yeah)
To feel what's real
What happened to Miss Independent?
No longer need to be defensive
Goodbye (goodbye), on you (oh you)
When love, when love is true

When Miss Independent walked away
No time for love that came her way
She looked in the mirror and thought today
What happened to miss no longer afraid?
It took some time for her to see
How beautiful love could truly be
No more talk of why can't that be me
I'm so glad I finally see...

What is this feelin' takin' over?
Thinkin' no one could open the door
Surprise (surprise), it's time (yeah)
To feel (to feel) what's real
What happened to Miss Independent?
No longer need to be defensive
Goodbye (goodbye), on you
When love, when love is true...

I love you

RNG - Radio heartbeat

If you make me believe
that you love so
show it on heartbeat radio
No more lonely nights
'cause you're the one

Attention all the ladies,
R'n'G is in the town
Heartbeat radio is in your city
you've got to tune in now!
Come on

Do you really wanna spend a night with me?
(you wanna spend a night with me?)
I'll be ready of all in my dreams
(all in my dreams)

I'll be watchin' you
you'll be watchin' me
we are lost in that sound of the melody

I can't hide, (come on)
don't stop
come on baby
do you wanna turn the world around

If you make me believe
that you love so
show it on heartbeat radio
No more lonely nights
'cause you're the one

No more lonely night without you girl

If you make me believe
that you love so
show it on heartbeat radio
cause you are the one that turns me on

i'm the only one for you babe

would you ever send your love to me?
(would you ever send your love to me)
moonlight kisses is all that I need
(is all that I need)
I will follow you,
every way you go
R'n'G is gonna give it on the radio
give it fast
give in slow
up is the sound
here we go

If you make me believe
that you love so
show it on heartbeat radio
No more lonely nights
'cause you're the one
(no more lonely nights)
If you make me believe
that you love so
show it on heartbeat radio
cause you are the one that turns me on
(come on, come on)

(on heartbeat radio)

heartbeat radio

Attention all the ladies,
R'n'G is in the town
(town town)

heartbeat radio
(heartbeat radio)

Heartbeat radio is in your city
you've got to tune in now!
(come on, come on)

If you make me believe
that you love so
show it on heartbeat radio

i love you so
(aah ahh ahh)

love you

Timbaland - The way I are

I ain't got no money
I ain't got no car to take you on a date
I can't even buy you flowers
But together we could be the perfect soulmates
Talk to me girl

(Oh) Baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me
If we go dutch you can still touch my love, it's free
We can work without the perks just you and me
thug it out 'til we get it right

[Chorus] - Keri Hilson & (D.O.E)
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like you just the way you are
(I'm about to strip and I'm well equiped
Can you handle me the way I are?)
I don't need the G's or the car keys
Boy I like you just the way you are
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like, I like, I like...

[Verse 2 - Timbaland]
I ain't got no Visa
I ain't got no Red American Express
We can't go nowhere exotic
It don't matter 'cause I'm the one that loves you best
[The Way I Are lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Talk to me girl

[Bridge 2 - Keri Hilson]
Oh, baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me
If we go dutch, you can still touch my love, it's free
We can work without the perks just you and me
thug it out 'til we get it right

[Chorus] - Keri Hilson & (D.O.E)
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like you just the way you are
(I'm about to strip and I'm well equiped
Can you handle me the way I are?)
I don't need the G's or the car keys
Boy I like you just the way you are
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like you just the way you are

[Verse 3 - D.O.E.]
Baby girl, I don't got a huge ol' house I rent a room in a house
Listen baby girl, I ain't got a motorboat but I can float ya boat
So listen baby girl, once you get a dose of D.O.E. you gon' want some mo'
So listen baby gďrl, when I'm naked I want you there, want you there, yeah.
(oooohh ooh whoahh!)
(oooohh ooh whoahh!)

i love you

Rihanna - Push Up On Me

we break, break, we break, break, we break, break, we're breaking down 2x

It's getting later baby, and I'm getting curious
nobody's looking at us, i feel delirious
cause the beat gonna chase my body
shaking aside my bones
and you pushin all my buttons, takin me outta my zone

The way that you stare, starts a fire in me
come up to my room you sexy little thing
and let's play a game, I won't be a tease
I'll show you the boom , my sexy little thing

I wish you would push up on me
I wish you would push up on me
I wish you would light me up and say you want me
push up on me 2x

I know many guys just like ya, extremely confident
got so much flavour with you like you're the perfect man
you wanna make me chase ya like its a compliment
but let's get right down to it
I can be the girl that can break you down

The way that you stare, starts a fire in me
come up to my room you sexy little thing
[Push Up On Me lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

and let's play a game, I won't be a tease
I'll show you the boom , my sexy little thing

I wish you would push up on me
I wish you would push up on me
I wish you would light me up and say you want me
push up on me 2x

we break, break, we break, break, we break, break we're breaking down 2x

I wanna see how you move it
show me , show me how you do it
you really got me on it , I must confess
baby there ain't nothing to it
baby who you think you're fooling
you wanna come get me outta my dress

The way that you stare, starts a fire in me
come up to my room you sexy little thing
and let's play a game, I won't be a tease
I'll show you the boom , my sexy little thing

I wish you would push up on me
I wish you would push up on me
I wish you would light me up and say you want me
push up on me 2x

we break, break, we break, break, we break, break, we're breaking down 2x

i love you

Cascada-Another you

So many times I was alone I couldn't sleep
You left me drowning in the tears of memory
And ever since you've gone, I found it hard to breathe
Cause there was so much that your heart just couldn't see
A thousand wasted dreams rolling off my eyes
But time's been healing me and I say goodbye

Cause I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day
Now I feel free again, so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again for sure
I'll find another you

Could you imagine someone else is by my side
I've been afraid he couldn't keep myself from falling
My heart was always searching for a place to hide
Could not await the dawn to bring another day
Your not the only one so hear me when I say
The thoughts of you that just fade away

Cause I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day
Now I feel free again, so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again for sure
I'll find another you

Sometimes I see you when I close my eyes
You're still apart of my life

But I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day
Now I feel free again, so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again for sure
I'll find another you
I'll find another you


The Veronicas - Leave Me Alone

I'm getting tired of you pushing me 'round
Dragging me down
Making a sound because you wanna
I guess that's why I like messing with you
Putting you through
A lesson or two, because I'm gonna
Before I go my own way
I just gotta say

Leave me alone
Get out of my face
I'm tired in love
Feeling so misplaced
Time for you to go
You still know I'm better off on my own, oh
Leave me alone

This isn't gonna work
Don't call me on the phone
Because I'm all out of words
I'll face the unknown
Thinking about all the ways that I've grown
Oh, Leave me alone

There was the time I thought you were the one
Having some fun
Getting it done
What an illusion
'Cause you were trying to take control of me
That couldn't be, I need to be free of this confusion
Don't give me a guilt trip, because I'm so over it

Leave me alone
Get out of my face
I'm tired in love
Feeling so misplaced
Time for you to go
You still know I'm better off on my own, oh
Leave me alone

This isn't gonna work
Don't call me on the phone
Because I'm all out of words
I'll face the unknown
Thinking about all the ways that I've grown
Oh, leave me alone

Don't turn around and don't look back
I see right through all your selfless acts


Leave me alone
Get out of my face
I'm tired in love
Feeling so misplaced
Time for you to go
You still know I'm better off on my own, oh
Leave me alone

This isn't gonna work
Don't call me on the phone
Because I'm all out of words
I'll face the unknown
Thinking about all the ways that I've grown
Oh, leave me alone

If you win your love

I'll feel better on my own


Pink-Leave me alone (I'm lonely)

go away
give me a chance to miss you
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you
i love you so
much more when you're not here
watchin all the bad shows
drinking all of my beer

i don't believe adam and eve
spent every goddamn day together
if you give me some room there will be room enough for two

leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely
i'm tired
leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely tonight

i don't wanna wake up with another
but i don't wanna always wake up with you either
no you can't hop into my shower
all i ask for is one ***kin' hour
you taste so sweet
but i can't eat the same thing every day
cuttin off the phone
leave me the ***k alone
tomorrow i'll be beggin' you to come home

leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely
i'm tired
leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely tonight

go away
come back
go away
come back
why can't i just have it both ways
go away
come back
go away
come back
i wish you knew the difference
go away
come back

go away
give me a chance to miss you
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you
go away
give me a chance to miss you
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you
go away
give me a chance to miss you
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you

leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely
i'm tired
leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely tonight

leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely
i'm tired
leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely tonight

go away
give me a chance to miss you
leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you
i'm tired
go away
give me a chance to miss you
leave me alone i'm lonely
alone i'm lonely
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you
go away
give me a chance to miss you
say goodbye
it'll make me want to kiss you




I never want to play the games that people play
I never want to hear the things they gotta say
I've found everything I need
I never wanted anymore than I can see
I only want you to believe

CH - (LEE)
If it's wrong to tell the truth
Then what am I supposed to do
When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my heart's a crime - ALL
Then I'm guilty

I wanna give you all the things you never had
Don't try to tell me how he treats you isn't bad
I need you back in my life
I never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy - LEE)
I never wanted to live a lie

CH - (LEE)
If it's wrong to tell the truth
What am I supposed to do
All I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my heart's a crime - ALL
Then I'm guilty


Girl I followed my heart
Followed the truth
Right from the start it led me to you
Please don't leave me this way
I'm guilty now all I have to say

CH - (LEE)
If it's wrong to tell the truth
Then what am I supposed to do
When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my hearts a crime - ALL
Then I'm guilty

What am I supposed to do (Duncan)
Then I'm guilty (Lee)
All I wanna do is speak my mind (All)
Gulity (Lee)
Then I'm guilty (Lee)
I'm prepared to testify (Duncan)
If it's wrong to do what's right then tell me about this feeling inside (Lee)
If loving you with all my hearts a crime (All)
I'm Guilty (Duncan)


Ashlee Simpson-L.O.V.E.

I'm talkin' bout love
All my girls stand in a circle and clap your hands this is for you
Ups and downs highs and lows no matter what you see me through
My boyfriend he don't answer on the telephone
I don't even know where the hell he goes
But all my girls we're in a circle and nobody's gonna break through

Oh did you hear me say?
Did you hear me say
Im talkin' bout

I'm talkin' bout love, say you'll be my girls for life
Girls for life
Oh hold up, I need another one
I think you, you do too
Grab my bag, got my own money
Don't need any man in this room
My boyfriend he'll be calling me now anytime
I need all my girls to keep him off my mind
So hold up we need another one
What we got is all good

Did you hear me say?
Oh did you hear me say?
I'm talking bout

I'm talkin' bout love
I'm talkin' bout love
Love is an energy, love is a mystery
Love is meant to be true
Love is a part of me, love is the heart of me
Love is the best thing we do

Oh did you hear me say?
Did you hear me say?
I'm talkin' bout
I'm talkin' bout
Oh did you hear me say?
I'm talkin' bout
I'm talkin' bout
I'm talkin' bout love

ponedjeljak, 08.10.2007.

I šta ću ja sad?

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Kao što vam i sam naslov govori, šta ću ja sad?Šta ću kad Valentina neće pisat post! Danas sam bila kod nje ali sam zaboravila joj reć. Ovaj ''produženi'' vikend sam skoro svaki dan bila vani osim u subotu kad je padala kiša pa sam se dosađivala doma, ali ne daj Bože da ja uzmem bilježnicu iz informatike i učim, pa sam učila danas prije nego šta sam išla van. I tako ja čekam dečke ispod j**enog oraha i pržim se na suncu jer su oni naravno kasnili i to pol sata.mad I vidi me stara kako sjedim na betonu i viče s prozora: ''Digni se s tog betona,
prehladila buš se, ajde odmah''. bangbangbang Mislim, toliko o tome da me stara ne špijunira. Onda smo mi krenuli na Sela kod Valentine. Nju je jako boljela glava ali ipak se dovukla van! Dečki su se napucavali s loptom, i mene pogodili u rame-baš gdje sam se cijepila!burninmad I onda smo našli neke oraha i.... neda mi se više o tome! Ljudi, pozdrav i komentirajte!!!! Monikakiss

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