There are 1,400 different kinds of fish, and more than 300 kinds of coral. - bolhom -


četvrtak, 20.05.2010.

There are 1,400 different kinds of fish, and more than 300 kinds of coral.

In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.
The secret of greatness is simple: do better work than any other man in your field - and keep on doing it.
Maybe the most any of us can expect of ourselves isn't perfection but progress.
Never feel self-pity, the most destructive emotion there is. How awful to be caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self.
Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent.
It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted.
Each individual woman's body demands to be accepted on its own terms.


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20.05.2010. u 00:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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