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HIM- The Wings Of A Butterfly

Heaven ablaze in our eyes
We're standing still in time
The blood on our hands is the wine
We offer as sacrifice

Come on and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul - my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For you soul

This endless mercy mile
We're crawling side by side
With hell freezing over in our eyes
Gods kneel before our crime

Come on and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul - my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For you soul

Rip out the wings of a butterfly
Don't let go
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

Come on and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul - my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For you soul

Rip out the wings of a butterfly
Don't let go
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

Rip out the wings of a butterfly
Don't let go
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

06.02.2006., ponedjeljak


oi! moj klas (sa 4.b) valjd prek proljetnih praznika ide u london- no, profa hoće vodit samo nas i njih, a treba nas bit bar 40 – a trenutno nas je 12! tak da je agencija rekla da ak nađejoš neku školu iz koje bi išlo 30-ak učenika, da idemo, a inače propada :(
Ide se avionom, na 6 dana, fakat nije skupo... za sve informacije obratite mi se na mail tamara666@net.hr
molim vas, ako koga zanima, neka se raspita u svojoj školi, ko bi htio ići, zamolite me preko mejla da vam pošaljem aranžman- tj. plan puta i cjenik i to je to. pliz, nama se zbilja ide !!!
unaprijed hvala.

još ću reć da (ovo je vrili intrsting, ya, right) jedan lik iz loodine (prof. hrvatskog, svira gitru, slika, piše- jednom rječju-umjetnik) i ja snimamo album ! već par tjedana. ne brinite se, nećete dobiti primjerak. (ja pjevam) i tak to. pjesme su one neke fensi s estrade, stare stvari, koje svi vole i tak... poslije ćemo valjd snimit pravi album, s našim pjesmama. loodnica.
i osnovali smo novi band (al ovaj put za zbilja, nije saša, tina i kedža).
taj profesor, dva dečka iz 8.raz koje ovim putem pozdravljam i ja- pevaljka. divno.
evo, ovakav poduži post mora imat i pjesmicu.

David Bowie- The man who sold the world

We passed upon the stairs, we spoke of was and when
Although i wasn't there, he said i washis friend
Which came as some surprise ispoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone, a long long time ago

Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

I laughed and shook his hand, i made my way back home
I searched for form and land, for years and years i roamed
I gazed a gazley stare at all the millions here
We must have died alone, a long long time ago

Who knows, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

inače, ovu je pjesmu obradila i Nirvana. :)

još ću sad uredit i ovo sa strane, dodat par linkova i tak to. vozdra =)