The Blue Jams

29.08.2006., utorak

Mongolski Ledeni Khav

"Unrelated..." (Naslov)

Sabaoth -

(Slušajte Atom heart mother i čitajte nas polako...jako polako...ili barem jedite čips..ili puding...)

"Da li sam narastao?
Da li sam odrastao?"

Što želim reći...jest da je ovo još o ničemu...
Napravio sam novu stvar...ležeći na krevetu kasno predvečer dok su zrake sunca milovale zgužvanu postelju oko mene...

Čudna je...i nezavršena...volim ih takve...
Takav je naš svijet

Ekke -

Evo me nazad...ventilator na kompjuteru se slomio...možda peraje iskoristim za trzalice...idem probati...


Uglavnom, Irkinja se ne javlja...tko zna što sad radi...hmmm...

DA. Nazad na krevet.

Trebam pivu...lječim se od alkokakolizma.
(Alkoholom protiv ovisnosti)

Kupit ću si maleno pojačalo i skakutati među zbunjenim zagrebčanima ispuštajući neartikulirane distorzirane zvukove iz gitare...
(Samo trebam dvjesto kuna)

Idem po pivu...

Dir'Gim -

Želim kraj...reče pjesnik...gledao sam ga čudno...podigao obrvu...znao je odakle mi taj pokret...nasmješio se...i umro...

Da li sam narastao?
Da li sam odrastao?

Barem sam nekad sličio na nešto...sad će me progutati tama milijunskog sjevera.

Ima li tamo mjesta za vilenjaka poput mene?

Ima li tamo mjesta za pjesnika poput mene?

Ima li tamo mjesta za boga poput mene?

Kraj je na početku kraja na početku kraja na početku...dalje možete i sami...

(Kraj Atom heart mothera)

Volim tu temu...

Napokon jedan zajednički uradak
- 22:34 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

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Ovaj log služi za ispoljavanje naših ponekad poremećenih misli i ideja. Moram smislit nešto pametno za reć ovdje,hmmm....

...Ne ide.

G.B.Sabaoth (01.01.0001.-Sad)

ICQ: 215-515-129

Ondje gdje ja idem

Ko Sam Ja?

Pojma nemam. Al bih volio da sam jedan od ovih:

The Man In Black

Riča Crnovišević
Najbolji i najzliji harmonikaš na balkanu (gitara je tu zbog šprda)

The Man Who Prefered Yellow

Đemo Straničić
Legendarni sevdah majstor (a ni linija mu nije za bacit ;-)

The Man Who Made Black

Toni Jaomeni
Gospodar cajke osobno. Cecin pomagač iz sjene. I dozlaboga nefotogeničan tip,namučio sam se dok sam našo poštenu sliku!

The Man Who Was Black

Misteriozna Senka Ubojica
Zadnji put viđena kako ubija kamermana PINK TV-a. I pritom dere zadnji hit turbofolka "Oću da ti glavu odsečem satarom"

Kažu da ovdje treba staviti pjesme

Ajde neka.

Black Sabbath

The Warning

Now the first day that I met ya
I was looking in the sky
When the sun turned all a blur
And the thunderclouds rolled by
The sea began to shiver
And the wind began to moan
It must've been a sign for me
To leave you well alone
I was born without you, baby
But my feelings were a little bit too strong

You never said you love me
And I don't believe you can
Because I saw you in a dream
And you were with another man
You looked so cool and casual
And I tried to look the same
But now I've got to know ya
Tell me who am I to blame?
I was born without you, baby
But my feelings were a little bit too strong

(Jedan posve dobar solo)

Now the whole wide world is moving
Because there's iron in my heart
I just can't keep from crying
Because you say we've got to part

Sorrow grips my voice as I stand here all alone
And watch you slowly take away
A love I've never known
I was born without your favor
But my feelings were a little bit too strong
Just a little bit too strong

(Najbolji jam solo ikad,a bogme i jedan od najdužih)

ATTENTION! (prva ploča koju sam ikad poslušao)

Gary Moore

Don't Believe A Word

Don't believe me if I tell you.
Not a word of this is true.
Don't believe me if I tell you,
Especially if I tell you that I'm in love with you.

Don't believe me if I tell you
that I wrote this song for you.
There just might be some other silly pretty girl
I'm singing it to.

Don't believe a word,
'cause words are only spoken.
And a heart is like a promise,
Meant to be broken.

Don't believe a word,
For words can tell lies.
And lies are no comfort
When there's tears in your eyes.

Don't believe me if I tell you.
Not a word of this is true.
Don't believe me if I tell you,
Especially if I tell you, that I'm in love with you.

Don't believe a word.
Lord, don't believe a word.
Don't believe me, don't believe me.
Oh, not a single word.

Deep Purple

Alaj sam jeben

Sail Away

If you’re driftin’ on an empty ocean
With no wind to fill your sail,
The future, your horizon,
It’s like searchin’ for the holy grail.
You feel there’s no tomorrow
As you look into the water below.
It’s only your reflection
And you still ain’t got no place to go.

Time will show,
When, I don’t know.

Sail away tomorrow,
Sailin’ far away.
To find it steal or borrow.
I’ll be there someday

Oh, woman, I keep returnin
To sing the same old song.
The story’s been told, now I’m gettin’ old.
Tell me,where do I belong?
Feel like I’m goin’ to surrender,
Hard times I’ve had enough.
If I could find a place to hide my face,
I believe, I could get back up.

Time will show,
When, I don’t know.

Sail away tomorrow,
Sailin’ far away.
To find it steal or borrow.
But I’ll be there someday

Jethro Tull

Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die

The old Rocker wore his hair too long,
wore his trouser cuffs too tight.
Unfashionable to the end drank his ale too light.
Death's head belt buckle yesterday's dreams
the transport caf' prophet of doom.
Ringing no change in his double-sewn seams
in his post-war-babe gloom.

Now he's too old to Rock'n'Roll but he's too young to die.

He once owned a Harley Davidson and a Triumph Bonneville.
Counted his friends in burned-out spark plugs
and prays that he always will.
But he's the last of the blue blood greaser boys
all of his mates are doing time:
married with three kids up by the ring road
sold their souls straight down the line.

And some of them own little sports cars
and meet at the tennis club do's.
For drinks on a Sunday work on Monday.
They've thrown away their blue suede shoes.

Now they're too old to Rock'n'Roll and they're too young to die.

So the old Rocker gets out his bike
to make a ton before he takes his leave.
Up on the A1 by Scotch Corner
just like it used to be.
And as he flies tears in his eyes
his wind-whipped words echo the final take
and he hits the trunk road doing around 120
with no room left to brake.

And he was too old to Rock'n'Roll but he was too young to die.
No, you're never too old to Rock'n'Roll if you're too young to die.


Šumadijski Blues
(Prijevod Ali Nusret Ibn Bayezid)

O kako ste ljudi moji
Jedna soba drugi svijet
Ja sam sam u svojoj čoji
Gledam tuđi truo cvijet

Poklonio bih zivot
Da pređem stari plot

Sanjao sam žutu dunju
Zemlju moju zelen gaj
Vidjeo sam sjajnu munju
Drag i dalek zavičaj

Netko mi tad priđe i reče
Stranče dobro veče

Imaš lijepa kola stranče
Sigurno si sretan ti
A ja uplakan rekoh jadan
Dajem je za tvoj jedan dan

A onda poče blues
Moja šumadija pjeva o sreći

Ozzy Osbourne

Breaking All The Rules

Well I know
I could be just another stranger
But to you
I guess I’m just another fool
And you swear
You like to live your life in danger
Then you hide
Behind a wall of silly lies

Nobody thinks the way I do
I guess that nobody cares
Your head’s so full of things,
so set your mind free of them
I’m breaking the rules

Did you know
That in the truth, there’s nothing stranger
I suppose
You think I think I know it all

Nobody hears the things I say
I guess that nobody cares
My head’s so full of things
I set my mind free of them
I’m breaking the rules

Breaking all the rules
Can’t you see they’re nothing without you
Empty heads full of fools
Now you see
I’m breaking all the rules, breakin’ all the rules

Well I know
That you would love to go to heaven
But you know
That you’re just too afraid to die
And I know
That you would love to know the answers
But to you
The truth is just another lie

Nobody hears the things I say
I guess that nobody cares
My head’s so full of things
I set my mind free of them
I’m breaking the rules

Jethro Tull

My God

People what have you done:
locked Him in His golden cage.
Made Him bend to your religion
Him resurrected from the grave
from the grave.
He is the god of nothing
if that's all that you can see.
You are the god of everything
He's inside you and me.

So lean upon Him gently
and don't call on Him to save you
from your social graces
and the sins you used to waive.
The bloody Church of England
in chains of history
requests your earthly presence at
the vicarage for tea.

And the graven image you-know-who
with His plastic crucifix
he's got him fixed
confuses me as to who and where and why
as to how he gets his kicks.
Confessing to the endless sin
the endless whining sounds.
You'll be praying till next Thursday to
All the gods that you can count...


Another Night

Dark clouds before our eyes
Can't face the morning skies
Day comes a day too soon
I'm waiting for that silver moon

Maybe I'm wrong
But I'm feeling like another night
Would make it alright

Twilight is fading through
Seems like I'm fading too
How can I believe it's real
When nothing starts to stop this wheel?

Ko je ovaj?

What Kind of God Am I?


I Lost My Lisa!

"Isto rade sigurno u bombayu
Isto rade, mladi ko

Da, lagano sam šizofreničan.

Jedna ličnost je tužni pjesnik.

Jedna ličnost je ludi vilenjak.

Jedna ličnost je Bog.

Ljubav je teško pronaći
...ali jebeš ti to.
Isplati se.