Počela je škola

Konačno 3.9.! Počela je škola...nakon 3 mjeseca vraćamo se u klupe. Baš sam sretna. Već mi je bilo dosadno doma, sad ekipa, zajebancija...zakon!
Doduše, morali se bumo učiti ali, ok.
Danas smo bile na otvorenju nove gimnazije. Sve je tak nekak čudno. Izgleda mi ko spejs šatl, ogromno sivilo... Ali izuzevši to, super je. Imaju lift čovječe, wc-i su zakon..sve je super. Ispred smo vidle Kosoricu smijeh, odjednom su počeli dolaziti veliki crni auti zg registracije i poznate face su se počele stvarati pred nama, a novinari su ko ludi počeli slikati, intervjui... Osjećala sam se ko u hollywoodu zubo. U razred nam je došla neka nova učenica, ponavljačica...nije se ni predstavila. Prvo je došel neki dečko a onda su se zamjenili. Ona je došla u be a on u a razred. Sad imamo samo 8 dečki u razredu cry, a u a rezredu ih ima oko 13-14 ja mislim. Zakaj dečki ne upisuju ekonomsku??
Ma nije bed... super nam je i ovak.
Pošto sam nosila fotić...ewo par slika yes!

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Mateja & Anna

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Blizanci Milošević & Petra

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Naša metalka Sonja iza nje Marina, a iza njih Kranjčec i Blaž

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Mateja & Anna again...poziraju malo hehe

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Nova gimnazija

Samo da kažem onima koji mi ANONIMNO seru po blogu.... odjebite i potpišite punim imenom frajerčine!
Jadnici isfrustrirani...bang

03.09.2007. | 12:42 | 23 K | P | # | ^

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O meni:
Ime: Marija
Prezime: Ko da je bitno
Godina: 16
Škola: 2.raz ekonomske
Mjesto: Koprivnica, grade moj
stari rock, grunge, punk...
Volim: Kurta, mjuzu, prijatelje, za_ebanciju, engleski, snijeg, svog peseka- Rikija, sladoled od jagode, ljeto, more, skijanje, kavicu s curama, kišu, starke, youtube, životinje, spavati, spontanost...
Ne volim:
matematikumad burninmad, cajke, šupljoglave cure koje trče za nogometašima, dok mi netko okreće s očimarolleyes, tračanje, neiskrenost, deranje, tjelesni...
Najdraža boja: ljubičasta, zelena, crna, crvena
Najbolje mjesto u gradu: Kugla, JC, Dom mladih...

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Nirvana- Sappy

And if you save yourself
You will make him happy

He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
And you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
And you'll think you're happy

You're in a laundry room (x2)
Conclusion came to you

And if you cut yourself
You will think you're happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll make him happy
He'll give you breathing holes
And you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
And you'll think you're happy

You're in a laundry room (x2)
Conclusion came to you

And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you will think you're happy
You'll wallow in your shit
Then you'll think you're happy

You're in a laundry room (x3)
Conclusion came to you

Nirvana- Drain you
One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
I travel through a tube
And end up in your infection

Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you

With eyes so dilated
I've become your pupil
You've taught me everything
about a poison apple
The water is so yellow
I'm a healthy student
Indebted and so grateful
Vacuum out the fluids

Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
You (x5)


One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to've met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
I travel through a tube
And end up in your infection

Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a flatulent kiss
From my mouth to yours
Sloppy lips to lips
You're my vitamins
I like you

Limp Bizkit- Livin' it up
This is dedicated to you Ben Stiller
You are my favorite mutherfucker
I told you, didn't I?

Drama makes the world go around
Does anybody got a problem with that?
My business is my business
Who's guilty?
Can I get a witness?
First things first
The Chocolate Starfish is my man Fred Durst
Access Hollywood lisence to kill
A redneck fucker from Jacksonville
Bangin' on the dumpster funk
My microphone machete's in the back of my trunk
Rocker's who's steady with the
He says, she says
And don't forget about the starfish navigation system
Don't hate me
I'm just an alien
With thirty seven tons of new millenium
Dum diddie dum
Where's it coming from?
Mrs Aguilera, come and get some
Oh know, which way to go
To the dance floor
It's on my stereo
Pay me no mind
I seen The Fight Club
About twenty eight times
And I'm 'a keep my pants saggy
Keep a skateboard
A spray can, for the taggin'
And I'm 'a keep a lot of girls in my beer wagon
Cause I don't give a fuck
Livin' life in the fast lane

I'm just a crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
Livin' life in the fast lane

Another crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
In the fast lane

Take two
Hoo haa!
Now who's the star sucker?
I'm the Starfish
You silly mutherfucker
Puff puff
Give the marujuana cig
I don't even smoke
But I love the way it smells
Here's a toast to the females
Sippin' lung champagne from a seashell
I think I gotta feel
And pop his ass like a zit
With the starfish navigation system

I'm no cheap thrills baby
Fill the briefcase with three dollar bills
I'm just an ordinary run of the mill fella
Spittin' out hella mic skillz
And I'm 'a keep my pants saggy
Keep a skateboard
A spray can, for the taggin'
And I'm 'a keep a lot of girls in my beer wagon
Cause I don't give a fuck
Livin' life in the fast lane

I'm just a crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
Livin' life in the fast lane

Another crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
In the fast lane

Cause it's so easy
To tell a lie
And it's so easy to run and hide
But it's not easy to be alive
So don't be wasting
None on my time

This world is like a cage
And I don't think it's fair
And I don't even think
That anybody cares
It'll leave a hole down the side of me
And it'll leave a scar
Can anybody see?
That we gotta get it out
We gotta get it out
And I'm 'a get it out
With the mutherfucken microphone
Plugging in my soul
I'm a renegade riot getting out of control
I'm 'a keep it alive
And continue to be
Flying like an eagle
To my destiny
So can you feel me? (Hell yeah)
Can you feel me? (Hell yeah)
If you feel mutherfucker then you'll say (Hell yeah)
Hell yeah, I'm livin' life in the fast lane

Cause it's so easy
To tell a lie
And it's so easy to run and hide
But it's not easy to be alive
So don't be wasting
None on my time

I'm just a crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
Livin' life in the fast lane

Another crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
In the fast lane

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Kaiser Chiefs

Let it never be said that romance is dead
cos' there?s so little else occupying my head
There is nothing I need, cept the function to breathe
But I?m not really fussed doesn?t matter to me

Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
Know what your doing, doing to me
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

Due to lack of interest
tomorrow is cancelled
let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held
cos? theres nothing at all cept' the space in between
Finding out what you?re called and repeating your name

Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
Know what your doing, doing to me
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

Could it be could it be that you?re joking with me
And you don?t really see you with me
Could it be could it be that you?re joking with me
And you don?t really see you with me

Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
Know what your doing, doing to me
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
what your doing, doing to me

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Znam da se baš ne uklapa al moram stavit kad mi je super pjesma
Avril- Girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don’t like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I know that you like me
No way! No way!
You know it’s not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

[Verse 1]
You’re so fine
I want you mine
You’re so delicious
I think about ya all the time
You’re so addictive
Don’t you know what I could do to make you feel alright?
Don’t pretend I think you know I’m damn precious
And Hell Yeah
I’m the motherfucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I’m right

She’s like so whatever
And you could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that’s what everyone’s talking about!

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don’t like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I know that you like me
No way! No way!
You know it’s not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

[Verse 2]
I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again
So come over here, tell me what I want to hear
Better yet make your girlfriend disappear
I don’t want to hear you say her name ever again
(And again and again and again!)



Hey! Hey! You! You!
I know that you like me
No way! No way!
You know it’s not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

In a second you’ll be wrapped around my finger
Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There’s no other
So when's it gonna sink in?
She’s so stupid
What the hell were you thinking?!


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