Angels...they fell first...but I'm still here...

subota, 27.01.2007.

there is darkness all light is to be found...I'm lost in a black world...

Mourning for a lifetime, a past now buried within,
A time when things were simple, no need for useless sin,
Tear drops slowly staining, porcelain cheeks naive,
For love and all its sorrows, I'm left alone to grieve.

Bitter soul so tortured, ripped from useful mind,
Now subject to disaster, which I can only hide behind,
Pinned beneath my cravings, breath I fight to take,
Imagining my memories, of a time I thought was fake.

Broken soul controlling, now all that I perceive,
Leaving me to rot, with paranoia to achieve,
Shaking from the silence of a past now faded deep,
An unmistakable conquest for regret to slowly reap...

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da...neznam baš kaj da pišem...osim da baš i nisam dobre volje zadnjih per dana...neznam zakaj...
a i stalno mijenjam raspoloženja...ono...neznam...sama sebi sam č dobro nadam se da nem takva vani...
ajd ništa ljudi sve vas pozdravljam...
- 16:21 - Komentari (27) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 17.01.2007.

It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you...My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing, I know it's me you fear...If you want me hold me back...

evo i ja pišem novi post...iako neznam kaj da pišem...da da pomirila sam se s dafčom...
i tako...neznam kaj bi napisala...
pa ide pjesma...

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al ne od nekog izvođača nego ovako...
jedna vampirska...Image Hosted by

sin of a vampire...

Is it a sin that I desire you this much
in such an unnatural way?
Is it bad that i'm longing to touch
your throat where I see the blue of your vein?
I'd like nothing more than to feel the taste
of your fresh blood pulsing into my mouth
to feel the final beats of your heart
before they gradually fade out
Is it wrong for me to touch your cheek
and pretend I just want you in flesh?
Would you run from me if you knew what I want?
Would you allow me to fulfill my request?
Would you be frightened if I were to hold you
and bend your throat to my mouth?
Would you scream as my teeth pierced your skin
would you cry, would you pray, or simply black out?
Are you wondering why you're so drawn to me
why you're fallowing me into this alleyway
have you noticed yet that you can't ascape
and you'll never again see the light of day?
But ah, I should have asked this before
because now darling, you're merely a bloodless corpse.
- 19:08 - Komentari (20) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 04.01.2007.

The worst is over now and I can breathe again...

evo ja se javljam...prvi put bum stavila na blog malo ne mojih mračnih...nego ovak...

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za početak da vas upoznam ovo je moj pas terry...terry ovo su ljudi koji čitaju moje postove...(jako se veseli)

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ovo je moj mačak max...max ovo su ljudi...mda

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ovo je techno...inače zakon lik i dobra osoba al se u zadnje vrijeme baš i ne slažemo...

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ovo je maj prešs cica...nedavno smo se upoznale ali je sura skroz super...

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tu ivić i baat toče bambije za technijev rođendan...s tim da je baat svaku treću s vinom natočil do kraja...

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pogled s technijevog prozora...

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vinc i fifi...zakon dečkovi...

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i opet...heh

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đuka i janje...hehe...pazite kaj bu rekla kad vidi...

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maj majoooooo...super cura...znam ju ja od prije al smo si tek sad postale dobre...

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ovo je vita...ivićeva draga...tu se međusobno slikamo...oke je ona...

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gorča i krpan...:)

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tu je trebao bit samo se gorča

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vojvodić...jebemti njega gledam ko da boga gledam...ak on nije visok 2 i pol metra onda stvarno...

a sad mi babe jučer na kafi...

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bajo se uljepšava :P

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nello i bajo...putem do side streeta nellina svaka druga je bila: odjebi baja! :D

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nella...neznam točno al mislim da mi je zaprijetila smrću zbog te slike :D

i sad margo i ja ujutro danas u mea culpi...

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celo vreme se micala jedva sam ju uspela poslikat...

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a tu se skriva...

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a tu pozira...jao jao...

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i za kraj sviječica...obožavam svijeće...da da...

evo stavila sam par (ili?) sličica...slikane su s mobom pa nisu oke...ajd ljudi pozz!!

- 18:57 - Komentari (22) - Isprintaj - #

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