nedjelja, 25.02.2007.


U "vječnom derbiju" , Dinamo je nadigrao Hajduk, iskoristio pogreške Splićana i upisao zasluženu pobjedu od 2:1. To bi bio najkraći opis utakmice koju smo čekali cijelu zimu i koja je pokazala da je u Hrvatskoj Dinamo ipak kvalitetniji od cijele lige,pa i Hajduka te će u završnicu prvenstva ući kao apsolutni favorit za osvajanje titule prvaka. Nije prvenstvo još gotovo, no Dinamo si je osim bodovne prednosti osigurao i još jedan derbi na Maksimiru. U Split će putovati samo za Kup,a sudeći po viđenom Dinamo ima veliku priliku za dvostruku krunu.
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Derbi možda nije ponudio nogomet kakav je najavljivan ili kakvom smo se nadali, no ipak je bio značajno bolji od onog splitskog. Sudac Svilokos, o kojem se previše pričalo proteklog tjedna, odsudio je vrlo dobro 80-ak minuta, a iako je propustio svirati očigledan jedanaesterac za Dinamo u završnici, neće biti čovjek o kojem će se pričati nakon derbija.
Svilokos nije dopustio da utakmica postane obračun poput onog u Splitu, dobro je sankcionirao oštrije prekršaje, ali je i dopuštao - nogomet.
Derbi je prema očekivanjima napunio maksimirski stadion, a Zoran Vulić odlučio se za neobično ofenzivnu postavu s čak trojicom napadača, Rukavinom, Bartolovićem i Bušićem no ni jedan od njih nije se proslavio.
Prvu zanimljivu situaciju vidjeli smo već u drugoj minuti kada je Eduardo izvrsno uposlio Vugrinca, Varaždinac pokušava iznuditi jedanaesterac neuvjerljivim padom preko Balića,a Vuga za lošu glumu umjesto penala dobiva žuti karton.
Bez ozbiljnijih situacija igralo se do 19. minute kada je Eduardo izvrsno opalio s 20-ak metara, ali jednako je dobra i reakcija Balića koji je loptu skrenuo u korner. Nažalost po Hajduk, bila je to samo odgoda Dinamovog vodstva. Loptu upućenu iz kornera Balića je slabo odbio, Pelaić "asistira" na peterac Eduardu koji se odlično snalazi i poluvolejom šalje loptu u mrežu za 1:0 Dinama.
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Pogodak nije promijenio odnose na travnjaku, Dinamo je imao laganu terensku premoć no bilo je to daleko od neke dominacije. Igralo se tako bez prigoda sve do 38. minute kada Eduardo dobiva još jedan poklon Hajdukovih igrača. Mario Carević nepotrebno se zaigrao u driblinzima usred šesnaesterca, Ćorluka mu je izbio loptu, Eduardo je u duelu bio uspješniji od Živkovića i potom lijepo matirao Balića za svoj drugi pogodak na utakmici.
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Dan prije 24. rođendana, Eduardo si nije mogao pokloniti ljepši poklon.
Utakmica je trebala biti riješena u 80. minuti, Eduardo je gurnuo loptu pored Balića koji ga očigledno ruši, no Svilokos je ostao nijem.
Nadu Hajduku je vratio Bartolović koji nakon ubačaja Muse s desne strane koristi smušenost Dinamove obrane koja je inače odigrala odličan susret. Pogodak je naravno pogurnuo Splićane u napad, Ivanković je zatvorio susret vađenjem Vugrinca i Eduarda, a Dinamo se do kraja uspio obraniti unatoč dvije-tri neugodne situacije.
Opet je izvrsnu utakmicu odradio Schildenfeld, reprezentativci su bili na svojoj visokoj razini, a posebno treba istaknuti Modrića i Drpića koji su odigrali susret pod infuzijom.

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| 08:01 | Komentiraj (4) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 22.02.2007.

Pozdrav !

"Poklade su
Da pjevaju lole.
A Korizma
Da se babe mole!!"

(Slavonska narodna)

E moj narode. . Eto prođoše poklade,maškare,maskenbali i kako ih sve mi Hrvati ne nazivamo i dođe nam Korizma. . Sad će biti tko se čega odrekao i zašto,a kad nam dođe Uskrs biti će udri i peglaj po svemu,naravno u neumjerenim količinama. . pred Bogom ništ' koristi od takvog odricanja,jedino se čovjek,u neku ruku,osjeća bolje! No počesmo sa veselijom temom, sa maškarama,a s njom ćemo i završiti.Evo pa si iz prve ruke pogledajte naše "MASKE"!
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.............ILI BAŠ I NIJE TOLIKO SLUČAJNA.............
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Uglavnom,bilo nam je dobro,i više od toga. .

| 08:43 | Komentiraj (6) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 08.02.2007.

Za Sve One Što Su Za Dom Pali . .

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Ovdje neću puno pisati. . Samo želim podsjetiti posjetitelje mog bloga na sve one koji su dali život,dali sebe za Lijepu Našu, za naše bolje sutra !! Hvala im. .

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*************DA SE NE ZABORAVE************

| 10:06 | Komentiraj (9) | Print this! | #

nedjelja, 04.02.2007.


E sad. . O bendu Iron Maiden nemogu pisati objektivno! Slušam ih već. .Hmm. . 19 godina. To su bila vremena; išarane vojničke torbe,uske traperice,visoke patike(Puma,Adidas ili Converse),jeans jakne sa prišivcima bendova. . Jest da su nas šminkerčići čudno gledali,ali nama je bilo dobro. Sjećam se prve original kazete koju sam dobio; Iron Maiden-Somewhere In Time,a nakon nje je krenulo . . Prvo što me kao klinca privuklo Maidenima bio je Eddie-njihova maskota. . Gledam ja taj omot i neda mi vrag mira,stavim ja kazetu u kazetofon i 1.stvar,2.stvar,3.stvar i to je bilo to . . Oni su postali neizostavni dio mog života i nadam se da će to uvijek i biti!
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Naravno i oni imaju svoj kutak na mom tijelu!

Dugačak put do današnjeg sastava Iron Maidena je započeo davne 1975. godine, kratko nakon što je basista Steve Harris otišao iz benda Smiler. Razlog tomu je bio što se Harrisovim kolegama nisu svidjele njegove pjesme. Naziv za novi bend je Harrisu pao na pamet prilikom gledanja filmske adaptacije Man in the Iron Mask. Naziv Iron Maiden označava srednjevjekovnu spravu za mučenje.
Steve Harris i gitarista Dave Murray su dan danas najstariji članovi benda, prisutni gotovo od samoga početka. Bend je imao dvanaest različitih sastava u 70im godinama.
Pravi Iron Maidenov uspjeh počinje 1978. godine kada se Harrisu i Murrayu pridružuju vokal Paul Di'Anno te bubnjar Doug Sampson.
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Kao i kod mnogih drugih bendova, i u Iron Maidenu je bilo velike konzumacije alkohola. Kakogod, većina članova nije koristila nikakve druge supstance, iznimka biva vokalista Paul Di'Anno koji ima problema sa ponašanjem, uzrokovan uzimanjem kokaina. Baš u vrijeme kada Iron Maiden doživljava uspjeh i u Americi, performanse vokaliste opadaju, a 1981. ga zamjenjuje bivši Samsonov vokalista Bruce Dickinson.
Od samoga početka Dickinson ne pokušava impersonirati Paula Di'Annoa već slijedi svoj stil. Prije Dickinsonova dolaska, legendarni DJ Tommy Vance mu je savjetovao da se ne pridružuje Iron Maidenu, no ovaj ga ignorira. Dickinson debitira 1982. izlaskom albuma The Number of the Beast koji se svrstava među klasike heavy metal žanra.
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Album biva uspješan u cijelome svijetu, a najuspješnije pjesme su "The Number of the Beast", "Run to the Hills" te "Hallowed Be Thy Name". Bend po drugi puta ide na svjetsku turneju, ovoga puta posjećuju SAD, Kanadu, Japan i Australiju. Turneja postaje prepoznatljiva po kontroverzi sa strane religijskih skupina, koje tvrde da je Iron Maiden sotonistički bend. Optužbe su se uglavnom vrtjele oko pjesme "The Number of the Beast", a Steve Harris osporava optužbe tvrdeći da je ista pjesma bazirana na njegovom snu. Optužbe se unatoč tome nastavljaju. Skupina krščanskih aktivista uništava Iron Maiden ploče ( uključujući one od Ozzya Osbournea ) zapalivši ih. Ono što ne idu u ruku aktivistima je činjenica da je jedan od članova benda krščanin, Nicko McBrain, a on sam ne vidi nikakvih problema u pjesmi.

B.Dickinson ostaje na mjestu vokala završno sa albumom "Fear of the Dark" kada odlazi iz benda zbog,kako je sam rekao,zasićenosti. Na njegovo mjesto dolazi Blaze Bayley koji se u bendu zadržava do,ako se ne varam,siječnja '99.godine kada se vraća B.Dickinson i Maideni izdaju jedan od boljih albuma Heavy Metala "Brave New World". . Sve Ostalo je povijest! !

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Trenutni sastav
• Bruce Dickinson - vokal (1982.-1994., 1999.- do sada)
• Dave Murray - gitarist (1976.- do sada)
• Adrian Smith - gitarist (1980.-1990., 1999.- do sada)
• Janick Gers - gitarist (1990.- do sada)
• Steve Harris - basist (1975.- do sada)
• Nicko McBrain - bubnjar (1983.- do sada)

Studijski albumi
• 1980. Iron Maiden
• 1981. Killers
• 1982. The Number of the Beast
• 1983. Piece of Mind
• 1984. Powerslave
• 1986. Somewhere in Time
• 1988. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
• 1990. No Prayer for the Dying
• 1992. Fear of the Dark
• 1995. The X Factor
• 1998. Virtual XI
• 2000. Brave New World
• 2003. Dance of Death
• 2006. A Matter of Life and Death

| 10:49 | Komentiraj (2) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 01.02.2007.

"Ti si naša ljubav, mi smo tvoja snaga!"

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Ovo je još jedna od mojih tetovaža . . Napravljena je '98.godine dok je naš klub nosio nametnuto ime "Croatia". . Svaka njima čast,lijepo je to ime. . No kad su već htjeli(svi znamo tko) imati jaki klub sa tim imenom mogli su dio novca sa raznoraznih tajnih računa i od pretvorbi uložiti u osnivanje novog kluba i krstiti ga tim imenom! Dinamo je uvijek bio i ostao ponos Hrvata bez obzira što je početna zamisao '45.godine bila da se tim imenom izbriše dio povijesti Zagrebačkog-Hrvatskog sporta . . Mislili su tada crveni da će narod zbog Dinama zavoljeti i crvenu petokraku, no narod je ispod te njihove zvijezde vidio crveno-bijele kockice i tako je Dinamo s vremenom dobio status,faktički nepodobnog kluba,pa svi znamo koliko puta je fk crvena zvezda i njoj slični(ima ih i kod nas) osvajala prvenstva i kupove maršala tita,a koliko naš Dinamo! U svakom dijelu ondašnje države biti navijač Dinama bilo je jednako,takoreći,neprijatelju države. . No navijači su izdržali. . Sve podvale,sve krađe nisu mogle zatrti Hrvatski duh ljudi koji su ponosno u reveru nosili značke svetog im kluba i djecu vodili na Maksimir da i ona nauče voljeti Dinamo . .

Došla je 90-ta i od 13.svibnja sve se promijenilo . . delije(nemogu velikim slovom početi rečenicu) su krenuli u četnički pohod zaštićeni milicijom, ali zaboravili su na Hrvatski duh i slogu i slomili zube . .Sa sjetom pogledam snimku gdje Boban udara milicajca,Boysi brane Zagreb i Domovinu pod zastavama Dinama i Hrvatske(sveta šahovnica) . . Tada je počeo rat,tada su "komšije" prvi put pokazali svoje pravo lice,a s njima i "narodna" milicija,kao poslije i armija!
Dinamo je svetinja,iskrena ljubav . . Dinamo je način života!

Bože,čuvaj nam Dinamo i Majku Hrvatsku . .

| 08:35 | Komentiraj (4) | Print this! | #

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Ovdje ćeš naći
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Isus-Put,Istina i Život
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Slavonija-Dio mene,a ja dio nje
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Davor-tu sam rođen . U Davoru sam provodio svake školske praznike,sjećam se bakinih buđenja: Froštuk,ajmo. .i to uvijek s jelima koje sam volio,s djedom sam odlazio zaprežnim kolima u polje,pa do Orubice;Štivice i Starog Petrovog Sela. Volio je djed konje,a s njim sam ih i ja zavolio . .
I plivati naučio sam u Davoru,na Savi,ne na moru. . Hah,sjećam se pri svakom početku ljetnog raspusta ja put Slavonije,a sve moje kolege s čuđenjem i uvijek s istim izrazom lica: Pa,Robi,svi na more,a ti s mora?!
Nisam ja to tada znao objasniti . .
A zimi su kolege odlazile u Sloveniju,Gorski Kotar,BiH-rijetki i u inozemstvo na snijeg,a ja opet u moj Davor. .
I tako su prolazile godine,no moja povezanost s Davorom nije slabila. . E da,i prve prave izlaske,prva pijanstva "obavio" sam u Davoru!
I sada,sa trideset i jednom godinom,volim ja svoj Davor,a znam i da i on voli mene! Nema više moje bake niti onakvih froštuka,nema moga djeda niti konja. . No u meni sve to živi,još se ponekad učim plivati na Savi,još se znam buditi ujutro u Davoru uz miris froštuka i s djedom odlaziti s konjima . . Lijepo je sanjati,a takav Davor će uvijek za me postojati,pa bar to bilo samo u neodsanjanom snu. .
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Pula-tu živim
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Maideni su Maideni
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9 maskiranih freakova


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O.K. Blogovi

Moja draga
Moj Buraz
matko the legend
Journey Girl
Hrvatski Iron Maiden
Fan Club

BBB Karlovac

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These Colours Don't Run
It's the same in every country
When you say you're leaving
Left behind the loved ones
Waiting silent in the hall
Where you're going lies adventure
others only dream of
Red and green light this is real
and so you go to war

For the passion, for the glory
For the memories, for the money
You're a soldier, for your country
What's the difference, all the same

Far away from the land of our birth
We fly a flag in some foreign earth
We sailed away like our fathers before
These colours don't run, from a cold bloody war

Here is no one that will save you
Going down in flames
No surrender certain death
You look it in the eye
On the shores of tyranny you

Crashed the human wave
Paying for my freedom with your
Lonely unmarked graves

For the passion, for the glory
For the memories, for the money
You're a soldier, for your country
What's the difference, all the same

Far away from the land of our birth
We fly a flag in some foreign earth
We sailed away like our fathers before
These colours don't run, from a cold bloody war

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Hallowed Be Thy Name
I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
'Cause at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be there's been some sort of an error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying?
After all am I not afraid of dying?
Don't I believe that there never is an end?

As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul 'cause it's willing to fly away

Mark my words believe my soul lives on
Don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to see the truth

When you know that your time is close at hand
Maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Hallowed be Thy name
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Hallowed be Thy name

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Brave New World
Dying swans twisted wings, beauty not needed here
Lost my love, lost my life, in this garden of fear
I have seen many things, in a lifetime alone
Mother love is no more, bring this savage back home

Wilderness house of pain, makes no sense of it allClose this mind dull this brain, messiah before his fall
What you see is not real, those who know will not tell
All is lost sold your souls to this brave new world

A brave new world, in a brave new world
A brave new world, in a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world

Dragon kings dying queens, where is salvation now
Lost my life lost my dreams, rip the bones from my flesh
Silent screams laughing here, dying to tell you the truth
You are planned and you are damned in this brave new world

A brave new world, in a brave new world
A brave new world, in a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world

A brave new world, in a brave new world
A brave new world, in a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world

Dying swans twisted wings, bring this savage back home. .


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Left Behind
I've known faces that have disapeared in time
Find me wrapped in glass and slowly soaked in lime
All My friends have pictures made to make you cry
I've seen this and wondered what I've done to calcify

(I ignore you)
As I close my eyes I feel it all slipping away
(I come toward you)
We all got left behind, we let it all slip away

I can't stand to see your thalidomide robot face
Don't even try it! You had to be a liar just to
infiltrate me - I'm still drowing

(I ignore you)
As I close my eyes, i feel it all slipping away
(I come toward you)
We all got left behind, we let it all slip away

I can feel it on my mouth
I can taste you on my fingers
I can hear you like the holy ghost
And kill you if you get to close

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I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Candles raise my desire
Why I'm so far away
No more meaning to my life
No more reason to stay
Freezing feeling,
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Hazing clouds rain on my head
Empty thoughts fill my ears
Find my shade by the moon light
Why my thoughts aren't so clear
Demons dreaming
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came [x4]

Voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.

So far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...

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Unknown man
Speaks to the world
Sucking your trust
A trap in every world

War for territory
War for territory

Choice control
Behind propaganda
Poor information
To manage your anger

War for territory
War for territory

Dictators' speech
Blasting off your life
Rule to kill the urge
Dumb assholes' speech

Years of fighting
Teaching my son
To believe in that man
Racist human being
Racist ground will live
Shame and regret
Of the pride
You've once possessed

War for territory
War for territory

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I Can't Remember Anything
Can't Tell If this Is True or Dream
Deep down Inside I Feel to Scream
this Terrible Silence Stops Me
Now That the War Is Through with Me
I'm Waking up I Can Not See
That There's Not Much Left of Me
Nothing Is Real but Pain Now

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God,wake Me

Back in the Womb its Much Too Real
in Pumps Life That I must Feel
but Can't Look Forward to Reveal
Look to the Time When I'll Live
Fed Through the Tube That Sticks in Me
Just like a Wartime Novelty
Tied to Machines That Make Me Be
Cut this Life off from Me

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God,wake Me

Now the World Is Gone I'm Just One
Oh God,help Me Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God Help Me


Imprisoning Me
All That I See
Absolute Horror
I Cannot Live
I Cannot Die
Trapped in Myself
Body My Holding Cell


Has Taken My Sight
Taken My Speech
Taken My Hearing
Taken My Arms
Taken My Legs
Taken My Soul
Left Me with Life in Hell


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Sveto tlo Hrvatsko

Stoljeća su prošla mnoga,
slobodno sad zboriš ti,
u Hrvatskoj zemlji živiš,
i sa tim se ponosiš.

E moj Franjo, svak' se klanjo,
svemu što si činio,
e Franina, k'o planina,
domovina i sveto tlo,
sveto tlo Hrvatsko.

Danas kažu protiv tebe,
riječi pune zavisti,
za života šutjeli su,
glasa nisu podigli.

E moj Franjo, svak' se klanjo,
svemu što si činio,
e Franina, k'o planina,
domovina i sveto tlo,
sveto tlo Hrvatsko.

E moj Frane, pamtim dane,
kad smo skupa bili mi,
prijatelj do prijatelja,
Hrvatsku smo branili.

Sveto tlo Hrvatsko, Hrvatsko,
sveto tlo Hrvatsko.

Podiglo se plavo more,
zaplakale sve su gore,
otkad tebe više nema,
ostala je uspomena.

E moj Frane, pamtim dane,
kad smo skupa bili mi,
prijatelj do prijatelja,
Hrvatsku smo branili.

E Franina k'o planina,
živio si ti za to,
e Franina k'o planina,
domovina i sveto tlo,
sveto tlo Hrvatsko.


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Posljednja Bitka

Čudni su puti Gospodnji,
al' u njih nemoj sumnjati,
pravda na kraju pobijedi,
istina uvijek nađe put,
i nikad nije uzalud.

Sjeti se hrabrih koji su,
stali pod ovu zastavu,
i sve su bitke dobili,
al' još se jedan bije boj,
tamo u zemlji dalekoj.

I zato nemoj pitati, što zemlja čini za tebe,
podigni ovu zastavu i pomoli se za nju,
i za vitezove sve, što biju s nepravdom,
posljednju bitku za naš dom.

Iza nas duga stoljeća,
i krune tuđih kraljeva,
išli smo jedni na druge,
vodili tuđe ratove,
al' Bog je dao, prošlo je.

Sjeti se hrabrih koji su,
stali pod ovu zastavu,
i sve su bitke dobili,
al' još se jedan bije boj,
tamo u zemlji dalekoj.

I zato nemoj pitati, što zemlja čini za tebe,
podigni ovu zastavu i pomoli se za nju,
i za vitezove sve, što biju s nepravdom,
posljednju bitku za naš dom.


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Nema više suživota

Sad tražite suživot,
i nudite kolce,
sad kada ste razbili,
na polici lonce.

Neće biti suživota,
Drina huči,
dok u svakom srbesiji,
čedo čući.

Sad bi htjeli suživot,
đavolu ga dajte,
nitko vama više,
ne vjeruje znajte.

Neće biti suživota,
Drina huči,
dok u svakom srbesiji,
čedo čući.

Draga braćo možemo,
u suživot fini,
kad nas bude spajao,
šum vode na Drini.

Neće biti suživota,
Drina huči,
dok u svakom srbesiji,
čedo čući.


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Iznad polja makova

Kaži gdje su ratnici,
gdje su davni snovi,
kaži gdje su grobovi,
da li znade tko.

Iznad polja makova,
blagi lahor piri,
zauvijek će živjeti,
hrvatski ratnici.

Da l' ih cvijeće pokriva,
il' divlja trava,
da l' će bit' još grobova,
kad će prestat' to.

Iznad polja makova,
blagi lahor piri,
zauvijek će živjeti,
hrvatski ratnici.

Kaži gdje su ratnici,
tko im ležaj sprema,
kaži gdje su grobovi,
da li znade tko.

Iznad polja makova,
blagi lahor piri,
zauvijek će živjeti,
hrvatski ratnici.


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Duh ratnika

Odakle si i s koje fronte stižeš,
ej, ratniče, umornog koraka,
odavno se ovdje boj ne bije,
zašto kao duh ovuda lutaš?

«Ja sam duša hrvatskih ratnika,
domovinu tražim i stijeg što se vije,
i mojom je krvlju ona natopljena,
a duša nema mira - traži je»

Pa ovo je zemlja tvoja, zar ne vidiš ti,
domovina koju smo svi snili,
za njenu slobodu krv si svoju dao,
i tisućljetni san je stvarnost postao!

«Ne poznam je takvu i tužna mi se čini,
u snovima je mojim ponosna i lijepa,
a gdje su joj junaci i sinovi vrli,
a gdje vrednote za koje smo mrili!?»

Ej, ratniče, te Hrvatske nema,
čim propupa snašle je nevolje,
podigle se na nju sile tame,
udarile na krunu i prijestolje!

»Uvijek je bilo i uvijek će biti,
onih što će dušu vragu prodati,
a vi zato bdijte jer morate bditi,
Domovini ponos vratiti!»

Sve bi' dao da je vidim,
ponosnu i lijepu k'o u snovima,
sve bi' dao da je vidim,
i opet bi' spreman stao,
svoj bi' život dao!

«Ja sam duša hrvatskih ratnika,
domovinu tražim i stijeg što se vije,
i mojom je krvlju ona natopljena,
a duša nema mira - traži je!»

CoMe On YoU IRoNs

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Phantom Of The Opera
I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp.
You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.
And you know and I know that you ain't got long now to last.
Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.

You're standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.
Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.
Yeah, I know that you're gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.
You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call.

Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait.
Don't you stray, don't fade away.
Watch your step, he's out to get you, come what may.
Don't you stray, from the narrow way.

I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there.
You're the Phantom of the Opera, you're the devil, you're just out to scare.
You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.
Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

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Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen,
Fantasies lived times before.
I split my brain, melt through the floor.

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why.
My body tries to leave my soul.
Or is it me, I just don't know.
Mem'ries rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast.
Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led.

Oh another time, another place.
Oh another smile on another face.
When you see me floating up beside you,
You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you.

Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen,
Fantasies lived times before.
I split my brain, melt through the floor.

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why.
My body tries to leave my soul.
Or is it me, I just don't know.
Mem'ries rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast.
Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led.

Oh another time, another place.
Oh another smile on another face.
When you see me walking up beside you,
You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you.

Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.

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The Number Of The Beast
"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six."

I left alone my mind was blank
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind

What did I see can I believe that what I saw
that night was real and not just fantasy

Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me

'Cos in my dream it's always there the evil face that twists my mind
and brings me to despair

The night was black was no use holding back
'Cos I just had to see was someone watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
Was this all for real or some kind of hell
666 the number of the beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
As they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires burning bright
The ritual has begun Satan's work is done
666 the number of the beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight

This can't go on I must inform the law
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream
But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes
They seem to mesmerise me ... can't avoid their eyes
666 the number of the beast
666 the one for you and me

I'm coming back I will return
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
I have the fire I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take it's course

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Flight Of Icarus
As the sun breaks, above the ground,
An old man stands on the hill.
As the ground warms, to the first rays of light
A birdsong shatters the still.

His eyes are ablaze,
See the madman in his gaze.

Fly on your way, like an eagle,
Fly as high as the sun,
On your way, like an eagle,
Fly and touch the sun.

Now the crowd breaks and young boy appears
Looks the old man in the eye
As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd
In the name of God my father I fly.

His eyes seem so glazed
As he flies on the wings of a dream.
Now he knows his father betrayed
Now his wings turn to ashes to ashes his grave

Fly, on your way, like an eagle,
Fly as high as the sun,
On your way, like an eagle,
Fly as high as the sun.

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Aces High
There goes the siren that warns off the air raid
Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak
Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne
Got to get up for the coming attack.

Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines
Remove all the wheel blocks
there's no time to waste
Gathering speed as we head down the runway
Gotta get airborne before it's too late

Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high

Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers
Let off a sharp burst and then turn away
Roll over, spin round and come in behind them
Move to their blindsides and firing again

Bandits at 8 o'clock move in behind us
Ten ME-109's out of the sun
Ascending and turning out spitfires to face them
Heading straight for them I press my guns.

Rolling, turning, diving
Rolling, turning, diving, goin' again
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high.

Was many years ago that I left home and came this way
I was a young man, full of hope and dreams
But now it seems to me that all is lost and
nothing gained
Sometimes things ain't what they seem
No brave new world, no brave new world
No brave new world, no brave new world

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Stranger In A Strange Land
Night and day I scan horizon, sea and sky
My spirit wanders endlessly
Until the day will dawn and friends from home
discover why
Hear me calling, rescue me
Set me free, set me free
Lost in this place, and leave no trace

Stranger in a strange land
Land of ice and snow
Trapped inside this prison
Lost and far from home

One hundred years have gone and men again
they came that way
To find the answer to the mystery
They found his body lying where it fell all that day
Preserved in time for all to see
No brave new world, no brave new world
Lost in this place, and leave no trace

What became of the man that started
All are gone and their souls departed
Left me here in this place
So all alone

Stranger in a strange land
Land of ice and snow
Trapped inside this prison
Lost and far from home

What became of the man that started
All are gone and their souls departed
Left me here in this place
So all alone

Stranger in a strange land
Land of ice and snow
Trapped inside this prison
Lost and far from home

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The evil that men do
Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade
Slept in the dust with his daughter, her eyes red with
The slaughter of innocence
But will pray for her.
I will call her name out loud.
I would bleed for her.
If only I could see her now.

Living on a razors edge.
Balancing on a ledge.
Living on a razors edge.

The evil that men do lives on and on....[4 times]

Circle of fire my baptism of joy at an end it seems
The seventh lamb slain, the book of life opens before me.
But I will pray for you.
And some day I may return.
Don't you cry for me.
Beyond is where I learn.

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No Prayer For The Dying
There are times when I've wondered
And times when I've cried
When my prayers they were answered
At times when I've lied
But if you asked me a question
Would I tell you the truth
Now there's something to bet on
You've got nothing to lose

When I've sat by the window
And gazed at the rain
With an ache in my heart
But never feeling the pain
And if you would tell me
Just what my life means
Walking a long road
Never reaching the end

God give me the answer to my life
God give me the answer to my dreams
God give me the answer to my prayers
God give me the answer to my being

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Be Quick Or Be Dead
Covered in sinners and dripping with gilt
Making you money from slime and from filth
Parading your bellies in ivory towers
Investing our lives in your schemes and your powers

You got to watch them - Be quick or be dead
Snake eyes in heaven - The thief's in your head
You've got to watch them - Be quick or be dead
Snake eyes in heaven - The thief's in your head....

Be quick !
Or be dead !
Be quick !
Or be dead

See... what's ruling all our lives
See... who pulling the strings...
I bet you won't fall on your face
Your belly will hold you in place

The serpent is crawling inside of your ear
He says must vote for what you want to hear
Don't matter what's wrong as long as you're alright
So pull yourself stupid and rob yourself blind.

You got to watch them - Be quick or be dead
Snake eyes in heaven - The thief's in your head
You've got to watch them - Be quick or be dead
Snake eyes in heaven - The thief's in your head....

Be quick!
Or be dead!
Be quick!
Or be dead!

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Lord Of The Flies
I don't care for this world anymore
I just want to live my own fantasy
Faith has brought me to these shores
What was meant to be is now happening

I've found that I like this living in danger
Living on the edge it feels... it makes me feel as one
Who cares now what's right or wrong it's reality
Killing so we survive wherever we may roam
Wherever we may hide we've got to get away

I don't want existence to end
We must prepare ourselves for the elements
I just want to feel like we're strong
We don't need a code of morality

I like all the mixed emotion and anger
It brings out the animal the power you can feel
And feeling so high on this much adrenalin
Excited but scary to believe what we've become

Saints and sinners
Something within us
We are lord of the flies

Saints and sinners
Something willing us
To be lord of the flies

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The Clansman
Wake alone in the hills
With the wind in your face
It feels good to be proud
And be free and a race
That is part of a clan
And to live on highlands
And the air that you breathe
So pure and so clean

When alone on the hills
With the wind in your hair
With a longing to feel
Just to be free

It is right to believe
In the need to be free
It's a time when you die
And without asking why
Can't you see what they do
They are grinding us down
They are taking our land
That belongs to the clans

Not alone with a dream
Just a want to be free
With a need to belong
I am a clansman...

Freedom [x4]

It's a time wrough with fear
It's a land wrough with change
Ancestors could hear
What is happening now
They would turn in their graves
They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free
Has been written in chains

And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman

And I swear to defend
And we'll fight to the end
And I swear that I'll never
Be taken alive
And I know that we'll stand
And we'll fight for our land
And I swear that my bairns
Will be born free

And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman...

Freedom [x4]

No, no we can't let them take anymore
No we can't let them take anymore
We've the land of the free

No, no we can't let them take anymore
No we can't let them take anymore
No we can't let them take anymore
We've the land of the free

Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

Freedom [x4]

It is right to believe
In the need to be free
It's a time when you die
And without asking why
Can't you see what they do
They are grinding us down
They are taking our land
That belongs to the clans

Not alone with a dream
Just a want to be free
With a need to belong
I am a clansman...

And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman...

Freedom [x4]

And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman...

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Out Of The Silent Planet
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are

Withered hands, withered bodies begging for salvation
Deserted by the hand of gods of their own creation
Nations cry underneath decaying skies above
You are guilty, the punishment is death for all who live
The punishment is death for all who live

Out of the silent planet, dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation
Out of the silent planet, dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation

The killing fields, the grinding wheels crushed by equilibrium
Separate lives no more disguise, no more second chances
Haggard wisdom spitting out the bitter taste of hate
I accuse you before you know the crime it's all too late
Before you know the crime it's all too late

Out of the silent planet, dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation
Out of the silent planet, dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation

Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are

Out of the silent planet, dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation
Out of the silent planet, dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation

Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are

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In a foreign field he lay
Lonely soldier, unknown grave
On his dying words he prays
Tell the world of Paschendale

Relive all that he's been through
Last communion of his soul
Rust your bullets with his tears
Let me tell you 'bout his years

Laying low in a blood filled trench
Kill time 'til my very own death
On my face I can feel the falling rain
Never see my friends again

In the smoke, in the mud and lead
Smell the fear and the feeling of dread
Soon be time to go over the wall
Rapid fire and end of us all

Whistles, shouts and more gun fire
Lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire
Battlefield nothing but a bloody tomb
Be reunited with my dead friends soon

Many soldiers eighteen years
Drown in mud, no more tears
Surely a war no-one can win
Killing time about to begin

Home, far away
From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away
But the war, no chance to live again

The bodies of ours and our foes
The sea of death it overflows
In no man's land, God only knows
Into jaws of death we go

Crucified as if on a cross
Allied troops they mourn their loss
German war propaganda machine
Such before has never been seen

Swear I heard the angels cry
Pray to god no more may die
So that people know the truth
Tell the tale of Paschendale

Cruelty has a human heart
Every man does play his part
Terror of the men we kill
The human heart is hungry still

I stand my ground for the very last time
Gun is ready as I stand in line
Nervous wait for the whistle to blow
Rush of blood and over we go

Blood is falling like the rain
Its crimson cloak unveils again
The sound of guns can't hide their shame
And so we die on Paschendale

Dodging shrapnel and barbed wire
Running straight at cannon fire
Running blind as I hold my breath
Say a prayer symphony of death

As we charge the enemy lines
A burst of fire and we go down
I choke a cry but no-one hears
Feel the blood go down my throat

Home, far away
From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away
But the war, no chance to live again

Home, far away
From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away
But the war, no chance to live again

See my spirit on the wind
Across the lines, beyond the hill
Friend and foe will meet again
Those who died at Paschendale

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Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
We are not the sons of God
We are not his chosen people now
We have crossed the path he trod
We will feel the pain of his beginning

Shadow fingers rise above
Iron fingers stab the desert sky
Oh Behold the power of man
On its tower ready for the fall

Knocking heads together well
Rise a city build a living hell
Join the race to suicide
Listen for the tolling of the bell

Out of the universe a strange love is born
Unholy union trinity reformed

Yellow sun it's evil twin
In the black the wings deliver him
We will split our souls within
Atom seed to nuclear dust is riven

Out of the universe a strange love is born
Unholy union, trinity reformed

Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns

Bury your morals and bury your dead
Bury your head in the sand
E=mc squared you can relate
how we made God
With our hands

Whatever would Robert have said to his God
About how we made war with the sun
E=mc squared you can relate
how we made God
With our hands

All the nations are rising
Through acid veils of love and hate
Chain letters of Satan
Uncertainty leads us all to this
All the nations are rising
Through acid veils of love and hate
Cold fusion and fury

Divide and conquer while ye may
Others preach and others fall and pray
In the bunkers where we'll die
There the executioners they lie

Bombers launch whit no recall
Minutes warning of the missile fall
Take a look at your last sky
Guessing you won't have the time to cry

Out of the universe a strange love is born
Unholy union, trinity reformed

Out of the darkness
Out of the darkness
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness
Brighter than a thousand suns

Holy Father we have sinned

Mojoj Lijepoj
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Ja sam je gledao u svitanje dana
U tihim noćima od zvjezdanog sna
Rumenim sutonima ona me ljubi
Zelenim poljima i beskrajem dna..

Ja sam je gledao kroz kapljice kiše
Ona je svjetlo što me vodi kroz noć
Olujnim valovima ona me njise
Ona je ljubav koja ne može proći..

Ja bih ugledao sunce
Kad bih ugledao nju
Ja bih imao ljepotu
Da je pored mene tu..

Ja sam znao da ću svoju ljubav pokloniti njoj
Mojoj lijepoj zemlji Hrvatskoj,
Ja sam znao da ću svoju ljubav pokloniti njoj
Mojoj lijepoj zemlji Hrvatskoj.

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Oj Hrvatska mati, nemoj tugovati.
Oj Hrvatska mati, nemoj tugovati.

Zovi, samo zovi, svi će sokolovi
Za te život dati.

Srijem, Banat i Bačka, tri srca junačka!
Srijem, Banat i Bačka, tri srca junačka!

Zovi, samo zovi, svi će sokolovi
Za te život dati.

Herceg-Bosna, Lika, to je naša dika!
Herceg-Bosna, Lika, to je naša dika!

Zovi, samo zovi, svi će sokolovi
Za te život dati.

Dalma, Kvarner, Istra, slobodno nek blista!
Dalma, Kvarner, Istra, slobodno nek blista!

Zovi, samo zovi, svi će sokolovi
Za te život dati.

Za mir, za slobodu, Hrvatskom narodu,
Život ćemo dati!

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Ja volim (/d)inamo !
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Znaj da te volim Dinamo ja,
i neka cijeli svijet zna za to,
ja volim samo Dinamo,
ja volim Dinamo, ja volim Dinamo...
I naše će se pjesme opet pjevati,
i naše će se baklje opet paliti,
i neka cijeli svijet zna za to,
ja volim samo Dinamo,
ja volim Dinamo, ja volim Dinamo...
I neka moja pjesma tebi snage da,
Jer samo s tobom sretan bit ću ja,
I neka cijeli svijet zna za to,
ja volim samo Dinamo,
ja volim Dinamo, ja volim Dinamo...

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Splite zašto plačeš,
reci mi zar su ti o nama pričali?
Noćas bit će samo mali neredi,
Splite zašto plačeš, reci mi.

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Dinamo, Dinamo,
znaj da mi te volimo,
mi smo uz tebe,
mi smo uz tebe,
znaj da nema predaje!

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Dinamo, moj Dinamo,
ja volim tebe jako!!!
Dinamo, moj Dinamo,
ja volim tebe jako!!!

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Tko ne voli, joj tko ne voli,
Dinamo sa Save.
Taj će otić, joj taj će otić,
razbijene glave!

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Rođen sam na sjeveru,
slušajte me svi,
volim tebe Dinamo,
život si mi ti!!!
Tuče nas policija,
ko šugave pse,
al' za tebe Dinamo,
preboljet ću sve!!!

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