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Opis bloga

ovaj je blog kao i svaki drugi,moj mali svijet...pisem gluposti kad nemam nis drugo za radit...neda mi se opisivat tak da cete sve vidjet...nadam se da ce vam se svidjet,a ako ne...boli me nesto...uziwajthe...


MoJa TiNcHeK

something about me...

zovem se:Tamara
živim:u Karpinjanu(malo mjesto kod Novigrada)
imam:1x god
volim:sebe,neke frendice(ne na lezbijski načinnono),dečkee,pričat,Kikija(moj mali bunny),spavat,slušat pjesme(umrla bih da nema toga),moj mobitel,komp,gledat filmove...itd...p.s. volim i čokoladuu
naj food:francuska salata
naj glumac:East Clintwood
naj glumica:Sandra Bullock
mrzim:pravila,školu,umisljene ljude i sve što moram radit...
slušam:gunse,nirvanu,SOAD,no doubt,metallicu,P.O.D,red hot chili peppers
i opet gunse(nađu se tu i eminem,50 cent,black eyed peas)....od hr:thompsona...
ljubaw:trenutno single,inače sve sjebem...=(
moj san:otputovat u Californiu=),i još blabla...
zanima me:sve što ima veze sa FUN=)=)
slobodno vrijeme:košarka,šetnja,komp...
najzgodniji lik:Axl Rose(ne sad,kad je bio mlad)
moj moto:živi kako znaš i možeš...{jebeš pravila}

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ŽeNsKa MoLiTvA...

BoŽe,BoŽe,DaJ Mi
KoJi MoŽe,AkO nE mOžE
PoMoZi Mu BoŽe
AkO Ni OnDa Ne MoŽe,
UzMi Ga BoŽe,
AkO MoŽe,A nEćE,
kAzNi Ga BoŽe Da ViŠe
Ne MoŽe.

I LoVe WaLkInG oN rAiN
'cAuSe NoBoDy KnOwS
I'm CrYiNg...

EvErYtHiNg HaPpEnS fOr A rEaSoN...

HaHa...I dOn' t GeT iT...

If Ur CuTe...I'm SiNgLe...

LoVe mE nOw
Or LoVe Me NeVeR
But If You LoVe Me,
LoVe Me 4EvEr...

MoMmY...WhErE dO bAbBiEs CoMe FrOm??

BoYs Are My FaVoUrItE tHiNgS tO sTuDy...=)=)

I tHiNk I'm FaLLiN aSlEeP,
BuT tHen All ThAt iT mEaNs
iS I'll AlWaYs Be DrEaMiNg Of YoU...

SoMeWhErE bEhInD yOuR
nOw ClOsEd EyELiDs iT
iS rAiNiNg...

It's BeTtEr To LoVe A LoVeR
ThAn LoVe A LoSeR...

GuYs ArE LiKe BuSeS...
AnOtHeR oNe WiLL bE AlOnG
iN 5 MiNuTeS...=)=)

PoŠtUj DeČkA ko' i SaMu SeBe,
ZaJeBi i Ti NjEgA dA nEbI oN tEbE...


ref: Teško je mislit na romantiku,
slušat razum i logiku,kad si tako...mmm...dobar!

Teško je glumit manire fine,
samo brijem kak da te skinem,tako si...mmm...dobar!

Trudim se ostat dama,
al dama izvisi sama,a ti si tako...mmm...dobar!

Ajmo ne sad raspravljat,
nemoj me samu ostavljat,
možda te,vodim doma

REMI: Vidim da me gledaš sa istog mjesta i to već cijelu večer,
baš si šećer a vjeruj mi inače frikove srećem
činiš mi se guba,zanimljiv,a meni je dosadno
nije da ovo radim inače pa izgledam zbunjeno
malo mi je crnjak,hvatam zrak,koji mi je vrag
inače uvaljam šprehu u trenu a zake sad imam tremu?
hmm...kak se zoveš,kaima,kam inače izlaziš ha?
iz kog si kvarta,iz centra isto kao i ja?
koji je tvoj znak,čekaj pogodit ću,vodenjak
nisi?šteta,al ne smeta,ajmo ispočetka
platit ću piće da mi pomogne uvaljat priče
kažeš sviđam ti se i inače voliš reperice
ma sve je pet,meni se sviđa tvoje lice
i način na koji popuniš traperice.
ajmo ne filozofirat,ako mogu birat
ovdje je raja koma a ja sam sama doma.


Dok se penjemo na kat postaje sve teže izdržat
biti svetica ko djevica,jebi ga,neću stat.
I koga briga kak se zoveš,neću te sutra zvat
dovoljno je to što vidim,bar za sad.
Kaj čekaš čekaš da sve započnem sama?
Pa da sutra imaš štofa za ispričat dečkima.
Haha,ti nemaš pojma da volim biti glasna
kažeš to te napaljuje,onda sam te dobro našla.
Igraš čudno,opusti,imam što oćeš
ja sam kontrol frik-baš tvoj tip,ak niš,bar za noćas
pusti da,budem ja,ta koja te inspirira
muza i carica ak treba rob i gospodarica...
šta titaš,hej,kad počnem pričat prljavo
nema natrag,hej,i baš me briga u što srljamo
liži mi vrat i šapni što bi mi sve radio
dok svira radio ko Boris,dost je strofe oću korus
daj što nudiš,valjda ti ne treba tumač
ajmo ne gasit svjetlo da se možeš lakše snać.


Vidno razočarana diplomatski tražim riječi
pregrizem jezik da nemoram iskreno reći
navlačim hlače i kontam,totalno bed špreha
pitaš kak je bilo,sudržavam se od smijeha
super lover men ispo totalni amater
kajem se-trebala sam znat da je predamnom blefar.

Ne srce to nije bilo cijelu noć
i to nije bilo do jaja
bilo je 10 minuta
i niš nisi obavio do kraja

Imaš predivno lice i loš smisao za humor
ajde kupi prnjice,od šprehe me hvata umor
okreni ključ,kad izlaziš,nemoj lupat vratima
nemam želje za reprizom brijem da sam shvatila.


NiRvAnA...the best...

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Heart Shaped Box

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back (Alt: ... when you turn black)

Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait! (Alt: Hate! Haight!)
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice

Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left back
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back

Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice

She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back (Alt: ... when you turn black)

Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice

Your advice (x3)

All Apologies

What else should I be
All apologies
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
I'm married

I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn with freezeburn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Married, Maried, Maried!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

All in all is all we are (x20)

Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip

GUNS 'N ROSES...the best...

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Perfect Crime

Kickin' back in the shadows
Got no need for the light
Who's sorry now old timer
Look at how you've spent your life
Scroungin' for change
To put some money in your pocket
My how scratch does burn
Laughin' at the suckers as you pissed it away

But I got the time and I got the muscle
I got the need to lay it all on the line
I ain't afraid of your smoke screen hustle
It's a perfect crime
Goddamn it it's a perfect crime
Motherfucker it's a perfect crime
I said it's perfect

Keep the demons down
And drag the skeletons out
I got a blind man followin' me in chains
I said he's fun to watch
When the world has stopped
An I think he's got somethin' to say
"You wanna fuck with me, don't fuck with me-
'Cause I'm what you'll be so
fuck with me
If you had better sense
You'd step aside from the bad side of me
Don't fuck wit'da bad side o' me
Stay away from the bad side o' me
Don't fuck wit'da bad side"


Ostracized but that's all right
I was thinkin' about somethin' myself


Call on everybody who's got last rites
Said it's better
if you locked 'em away
Runnin' through the visons
at the speed of light
Won't ya let me be
Motherfucker just let me be
Goddamn it better let me be
Don't ya know ya better let me be...

Perfect crime
Goddamn it it's a perfect crime
Motherfucker it's a perfect crime
Don't cha know
It's a perfect crime

Back OFF Bitch

Oh baby, pretty baby
Oh honey, you let me down honey
I ain't playin' childhood games
no more
I said it's time for me
to even the score
So stake your claim,
your claim to fame
But baby call another neme
When you feel the fire,
and taste the flame

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch

Makin' love
Cheap heartbreaker, broken backed,
Nasty ballbreaker, stay out of my bed, outta my head
If it's lovin' you,
I'm better off dead

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch

Emotions ripped, gone on a binge
Life lipped, I said you're off the hinge
Tellin' lies of such fame and glory
I don't even wanna hear your story

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
It's such a pity that you're such a bitch

Back off, back off bitch
It's time to burn-burn the witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Hey wha'd'ya think he's tryin' to say there, anyway?
I think it's something each person's s'posed to take in their own special
Fucking bitch

ponedjeljak, 16.07.2007.

ewo me...

ewo me ljudi napokon...danas sam se vratila iz splita s tinom i deom...bilo je ok al je bolje ovdje naravno...baka joj je zakon,stvarno super e...uglavnom ...sutra nam bjelić slavi rođendan...ja ga imam danas al ga slavim u četvrtak na nudističkoj...jedva čekam...nadam se da će sve bit super iako će falit jedna osoba,meni jako važna...=( =(.al ovako:u srijedu ili četvratk idem s poli u b-cop po piće...ne smije falit naravno...pozvani su svi...koji žele doć...uglavnom...imam jednu vijest...ipak idem u buje,istina je da će nam starci malo srat(meni i dei) jer su morali često ić u piranzbog škole i sve to al opet...JEBE NAM SE...svi idu u buje...ja idem u tal gimnaziju al ću se nakon nekog vremena prebacit u hrvatsku gimnaziju...i još nešto:skužila sam da ja i # možemo ostat samo jako dobri frendovi...nije bitno.uglavnom neki to kuže.uglavnom...nemam šta radit,dosađujem se po cjele dane...stavit ću vam par slikica iz splita...poz svima...

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