Black Rose

25.10.2005., utorak


Pozdrav ljudovi! Da,da jako dugo me nije bilo ali eto...trazio sam neke knjige koje bi mi pomogle u sastavljanju novih post-ova ali jos nisam imao uspjeha, a uz to malo mi je frka na faxu pa... nadam se da razumijete... ;) No bez brige uskoro slijede neki novi postovi koji su u pripremama, a nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti. Pozdrav!
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Evo nekih link-ova koji mozda nekome zatrebaju, a meni su dobri. ;)

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Dark Lyrics
A-Z lyrics
Guitar tabs(fretplay)
Guitar tabs(mysongbook)
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a evo i jedan dobar blog ;)

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o meni...

Pa, eto...jednog dana moji su procitali oglas u novinama da u veterinarskom institutu traze udomitelje za zivinu humanoidnog oblika ali da je to jos u eksperimentalnoj fazi. I tako su oni sretni dosli i prijavili se. Doktor koji ih je tamo primio je rekao da navrate za koji dan, a da ce on za to vrijeme sve pripremiti. Nakon par dana moji su se ponovo sastali sa doktorom, a on je nosio u epruveti nesto sto bi trebalo biti njihovo buduce dijete ali je doktor nesto zeznuo i pitao dal da to ostavi ili baci i radi drugo? Moji su naravno rekli da ostavi...i eto malo po malo moji su shvatili da to bas i nije bila najpametnija odluka koju su mogli donijet pa su probali reklamirat ali nisu primjetili da je na ulazu u institut bio natpis: "Naknadne reklamacije ne primamo!". ;) Sala naravno...s tim su me starci "hranili" kad sam bio manji. Nije neka uobicajena zgoda ali nema veze, ak nis drugo popunit ce prostor! ;)
Izostavimo li tu pricicu imam 20 godina... dobro! dobro! 04.10 cu imat 20. ;) Idem na fax (FSB) i trenutno se mucim sa prvom godinom iako sam siguran da je necu dat jer za razliku od drugih fakulteta FSB nema parcijalu(prenosenje ispita). Ali eto, probat cu to kompenzirati time sto cu raditi cijele godine dok dajem tih par ispita sto su mi ostali. Sto se tice nekih ciljeva u nemam ih bas puno ali bi volio zavrstiti fax i nac nekakav posao kojeg cu najvjerojatnije traziti negdje vani jer su razlike u placama vani i ovdje astronomske. Znaci kad bi uspio srediti dobar posao volio bi se ozenit te djeci bit dobar tata(ne kao moj meni) i naravno zeni biti dobar muz. Volio bi posjetiti Skotsku i Irsku. Sviram gitaru u bendu, izlazim gdje me noge odnesu, a volim citati o svemu i svacemu...od mitova, legendi, prorocanstava i takvih stvari pa sve do telepatije, telekineze, magije i tome slicnim stvarima i na kraju ono meni najbolje...racunala. Neznam zasto ;) ali sve bi dao osim njega i gitare. E, da...skupljam slike, najvise one sa neta pa ak netko ima nesto dobro (da je tehnicki slika dobra) nek posalje...

Evo i nekih lyricsa

---Blind Guardian---
Welcome To Dying

Close to insanity
beyond the realms I've been
at darkest places
I'm crying
The dragon flies

Something savage
is yearning for me
I'm waiting afraid for the night
what will be
I've lost myself
a few days ago
it's touching my soul
and a vision of past dreams comes true

Welcome to dying
I don't let it out
Welcome to dying
Look to the mirror it shows what I am
Welcome to dying
This town must burn now
Welcome to dying
Can't you see the dragon's seed bears in me
the one who's been before
many times I terrorized this town
many times and here I start again
now I'm stronger and so cold
cold as ice
returning is my destiny
now I feel it's growing up in me
now I feel it's burning deep in me
I'm not what I was before
could I stop this dream
I'm a stranger to myself
and I cannot control

Welcome to dying
I don't let it out
Welcome to dying
Look to the mirror it shows what I am
Welcome to dying
Can't you see the dragon's seed bears in me
Welcome to dying
The dragon's breath I don't let it out

I'm a savage
it's too late for me
the other side's taking control and I know
there's one way I can walk alone
or the dragon will fly
and a growing fear's all that I feel

Can't you see the dragon's seed bears in me

Spread my wings and fly away
I spread my wings and fly away
I spread my wings and fly away

---Bruce Dickinson---
Darkness Be My Friend

Cold sunlight falling on me
Cold sunlight falling on me
I am a lonely man, sorrow is my friend
Fall asleep as the dawn comes up, a ray of hope again

Hold a crystal vision, for a second, let it pass
Hold a crystal vision, for a moment making last
Summers so quickly gone, darkness be my friend
Nothing lasts forever, but the certainty of change

I am a lonely man, sorrow is my friend
Nothing lasts forever, but the certainty of change

Dawn Of Victory

Fire is raging on the battlefield
while Arwald is fighting the war of the kings
The army of Dargor, the thunder, the storm...
so people are calling the brave and his sword
No time left to save the wise throne!

Shades of a past not so far to forget...
the rise of the demons from their bloody hell!
So come mighty warrior to light the lost hope
for Tharos the dragon and your cosmic soul...
Now handle your emerald sword!

For Ancelot
the ancient cross of war
for the holy town of gods
Gloria, gloria perpetua
in this dawn of victory

The ride of the dead and their practice of pain
is pounding in him as a terrific quake
You're closer and closer now follow their smell
with your holy armour the steel in your hand
Fly angel of bloody revenge!

For Ancelot
the ancient cross of war
for the holy town of gods
Gloria, gloria perpetua
in this dawn of victory

Tragic and furious the clash of the steel of the gods
and so magic the power, the sword in his valorous hands
Oceans of fire are blasting the throne of the demons
and from distant red skies the thunders are calling his name
the name of the master of pain!

For Ancelot
the ancient cross of war
for the holy town of gods
Gloria, gloria perpetua
in this dawn of victory

---Merlyn Manson---

The hunger inside given to me,
makes me what I am
Always it is calling me,
for the blood of man...

They say I cannot be this,
I am jaded,
hiding from the day
I can't bare, I cannot
tame the hunger in me...
Oh, I say I did and
always searching,
you can't fuck with me
So instead you'll taste my pain

The hunger inside given to me,
makes me feel alive
Always out stalking prey,
in the dark I hide
Feeling, falling, hating, feel like
I am fading, hating LIFE!

They say I cannot be this,
I am jaded,
hiding from the day
I can't bare, I cannot
tame the hunger in me...
Oh, I say I did and always searching,
you can't fuck with fate
So instead you'll taste my pain

You say your life I'm taking, always bothering me,
I can't take this anymore,
I'm failing,
always smothering me
You look down on me, hey what you see,
take this gift from me, you will soon be ME!

Nothing seems exciting,
always the same hiding...
It's haunting me.

Cults Of The Shadow

Secret Chiefs cloaked in wisdom dark
Illuminators of Zyx
Brings the putrifaction process
To lead the soul across the Styx

Ludul bel nimeqi ea
Nartamtu dianau apsu

The seven ones
Of Babel
Offer the Grail
Of Ecstasy
To open
The eye of Shiva
Through the great
Work of Ecstasy.

Of becoming
Appears in the Sethian mystery
To turn lead
To gold through
The great work of Alkhemy.

The secrets sign of mendes
Unveil the magic of the Goat
Cults of the Shadow
Under Ilan Hizon’s root.

La tapallah puluthu
Utukke lemnuti apkallu

The seven ones
Of Babel
Offer the Grail
Of Ecstasy
To open
The eye of Shiva
Through the great
Work of Ecstasy.

Of becoming
Appears in the Sethian mystery
To turn lead
To gold through
The great work of Alkhemy.

Erset la tari ki utu kam
Adapa baru sar kissati
Ziqqurrat Kuteha pet pi girru
Erset la tari ki utu kam

Subigo inimicus

Ludul bel nimeqi ea
Nartamtu dianau apsu