Where dead angels lie

četvrtak, 15.06.2006.


Nema šta...bolestan sam, imam temperaturu 38...ali dobro mi je smijeh Važno mi je da mi nije dosadno thumbup Uglavnom, provodim vrijeme slušajući rijetke i podcijenjene bendove, tipa ILLNATH, THE CROWN i tak... Jednostavno sam očaran njima, neznam koji mi je bolji...Želim reć da se više maknete od te komercijale i počnete slušat mjuzu koja je kvalitetna i koja valja! Recimo Illnath je izdo samo 2 albuma, a sad će i treći rofl a Crown je već dosta star i imam feeling da je pjevač Crowna vokal današnjeg One man armya...jako mi sliči na njega, gledo sam par spotova i tak! cool Šta reć...Hrvatska izgubila od Brazila sa 1:0, ali po meni to nije nikakav gubitak! hrvatskahrvatskahrvatska Ajmo kockasti!!!!!!!!! hrvatskahrvatskahrvatska LOOOOOL inače ne volim nogas, ali ipak je to lijepa naša hrvatska Evo da vidite da sam se potrudio, evo vam par slika i lyricsa od ova 2 "podcijenjena" benda namcor

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Sad malo lyricsa od Crowna! burninmad

Dead Man's Song

When I'm long since gone, still you can hear me in this song
A voice from the dead, into your room to fill your head
Remember this, when I'm haunting from beyond
When the circle's closed, and this is sealed as the dead man's song!

When the stranger appears riding through your dreams...as pale as bones
A heartless killer in rattlesnake boots
Some say that he went down to the crossroads...and bent down on his knees
He sold his soul to the big bad black

Lost in the sand, temptated by the serpent's hiss
Voodoo drum - coyotes howl in the fullmoon's night
Now hypnotized, all alone on the desert plains
Expect no mercy! You'll meet your fear as the stranger appears...

Enter deadwood saloon, now your protected world is gone
Your helpless mind is about to discover the living darkness
Let the game begin! Let the desperate souls in!
He drains their strength and leaves them in the void of shadows, dust and smoke

The cards are given, now place your bets with your soul at stake
But as a sinner you live to win, throwing the dice...
You get triple six and flash a gain of gold!
He's never lost before, but now he's been given the dead man's hand

Shot in the back with a diamond bullet, straight through the heart
Where the darkest rivers run cold and deep, his silverdollar eyes glimmering death
As birds and blood come flowing out of his mouth, you thank the blackest ace
Fuck you and your God above, I pity you all. I pity you all 'til you die!

'Til you die! Dead man's hand!

When I'm long since gone, still you can hear me in this song
A voice from the dead, into your room to fill your head
Remember this, when the circle is closed and the stranger's dead
That even death can die in a dead man's song...

I Won't Follow

My will grows strong when Heaven falls down Hell breaks new ground
Tear up, break down and burn the circles around my life
God cries, who cares? Your paradise is a childish dream
Behind the door death stands tall, awaiting all

This is our life of Heaven and Hell
This is our time for pleasure and pain
And the dead start to sing:
"When you go, you go forever
When you go, you go alone
When you go, you won't remember
When you go, you'll never leave!"

My will stays strong. Commit the sin of being myself
Awake what sleeps, to be alive in a waking dream
I won't fade away, I won't trust the lies, I won't waste more time
Your world I leave, and as I look back, there's nothing I miss
Never will I give up my soul, nothing you say can change my way
You say: "Obey!"

Where I go, I go forever
Where I go, I go alone
Where I go, I won't remember
Where I go, I'll never leave

Darkness forever - death in excelsis. Hell after Hell, after Hell, after Hell!
Death is forever - black non-existence. Time beyond time, beyond time, beyond time!
Death after death, after death, after death!

Empty me of all your worries, concentrate on death
To find what really matters, it cuts me free, and I see it clear...
You try so hard to hide, to follow and fit in
But serving your life to the system's shit won't save you from your death!

So useless in the face of this! So useless in the face of death!

There is only one thing to make me strong, to cleanse my mind from all the filth
My death...guides my life!

I won't follow! I won't follow! I won't follow! I won't follow!
No... No! NO!!
Death after death, after death, after death!


Straight down to Hell I will go, I'll take you down with me...
Blood of divine, holier than mine...Wine of Delight I drink to ease my guilt.
Hoping to see bodies to bleed. Hoping to see the beautiful art I've built.

Pose! Pose naked with blood as your skin!
Crawl! Crawl hated, my expression of sin!

Die, die, die, die!

Drain! Drain your soul with the wounds I provide!
Take! Take your place in my gallery and die!

Feel...your breath: getting stabbed away!
Our heartbeats...synchronized...while I make you pay!
Never...again...shall you spread your filth!
Bleeding...heart sympathy...shall you never get, from me!

How can the rest just live in silence
When the children are being injected with their rotting venom?
Led to death with 'belief' as the guiding light!
Trust and Deceit, hand in hand. Born into slavery
Nailed on these walls are the scum of humanity
Parasites of life left for generations...to see!

Straight down to Hell I will go, I'll take you down with me...
One last statue I'll put on there, showing the face of vengeance!

Feel...your life...getting washed away!
Our heartbeats...synchronized...while I make you pay!
Never...again...shall you spread your filth!
My gallery is now complete...and my vengeance dies with me!

I da ne zaboravim_____JAMES, VOLIM TE!!!! cerek

15.06.2006. u 11:13 • 11 KomentaraPrint#

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Da, znam da je preslatka! cerek

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U doradi....


In the darkness I fall...Solitude and despair
Condemned to wander every night

While the people sleeps...
I raise from my bier and begins my life.
My life of a vampire


wish your neck I wish your mouthI
wish your blood I wish I wish I wish you

In the darkness I live...
Misanthropic existence
Condemned to live forever
While the people loves
I remember my bride
But I can't cry for my despair

Demonic dreams

Invoking the dark and the moon of the night
Summoning the beast, forgotten tales
The angels slained the shades of life
As they spread the wings of death
Screamings of fear destroyed my faith
Howling beasts, crimson tears
Ravens cries in the shadows of night
The lightning strikes from the cloudless sky

Alone in the forest of dusk I ride
Without one path where I could go
A place of ancient splendour rise
Darkness falls upon my face

As creature as shadows once roaming that place
Death lying waiting for my soul
Deep in the shadows of night
She worshiped books for demonic dreams

Deeper and deeper as light was gone
Feel embracement of the dark
At this point of time I know
Prisoned in demonic dreams

Deeper and deeper as light was gone
Feel embracement of the dark
At this point of time I know
Prisoned in demonic dreams

As I arrived on the ruined tomb
Centuries of dusk marching side by side
Bleeding shadows of thy shrine
The forest whispers laments for me
Painfull screams devours my mind
Serenades of angel tears
Falling down from the bloodred sky

A vouce of destruction is calling to me
In my dream I summon the beast

Just like the rain an october night
The sun has stopped shining light
Just like a withering flower
Slowly - fading away

An eternal landscape of ashes and dust
Dead birds are faling from the sky
The place that you've named paradise
Emptiness what I can feel

The rain that falls tast like blood
The arrive of the black northern sky
And the angel rape my soul
Forgotten in demonic dreams


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