Where dead angels lie

subota, 22.04.2006.


Vjerojatno mi ne vjerujete, ali ipak imam različite oči i nisam uopće posebno biće, kako neki misle... Što se tiče vampira, danas je na sceni treća generacija vampira, tojest Kainova djeca... Svi vjerojatno znate priču o Kainu i Abelu! Sad, dijele se na 7 glavnih klanova... Svaki klan ima svog predstavnika i svoja pravila! Vampiri zaista postoje (ja sam vam prvi dokaz hehehe) to nisu priče za malu djecu! Ali, opet sve ovisi kako ih zamišljte, da li kao neka hladnokrvna bića, bića osjetljiva na sunce, vodu, križ, češnjak, srebro, kolac.... Tu ima dosta izmišljenih stvari, ali i istinitih! Nijedan vampir treće generacije nije osjetljiv na navedeno. Osjetljiv je jedino na vatru kao i ljudi... Prednost vampira je ta što se jako brzo oporavljaju od ozlijeda... Imaju moć regeneracije, neki se bave magijom, neki politikom, neki plašenjem ljudi.... Uglavnom, vampiri ne ubijaju, piju krv, opet ne bilo koga. Kad vampir popije nečiju krv, taj postaje ovisan o njemu dok djelovanje ne prestane. Djelovanje traje i do 2 tjedna. Ali ako "popijena" osoba uzme od istog vampira krv, postaje novi vampir, ali to nemože svatko! Tako da postoje i Dunpeali (muški) i Dhamphiri (ženski) polu vampiri koji nemogu pretvorit druge u vampire. Ima sad tu i svaki od klanova neku manu i vrlinu, ali o tome opširnije drugi put! Što mislite o vampirima i da li vjerujete u njih?

22.04.2006. u 00:37 • 10 KomentaraPrint#

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U doradi....


In the darkness I fall...Solitude and despair
Condemned to wander every night

While the people sleeps...
I raise from my bier and begins my life.
My life of a vampire


wish your neck I wish your mouthI
wish your blood I wish I wish I wish you

In the darkness I live...
Misanthropic existence
Condemned to live forever
While the people loves
I remember my bride
But I can't cry for my despair

Demonic dreams

Invoking the dark and the moon of the night
Summoning the beast, forgotten tales
The angels slained the shades of life
As they spread the wings of death
Screamings of fear destroyed my faith
Howling beasts, crimson tears
Ravens cries in the shadows of night
The lightning strikes from the cloudless sky

Alone in the forest of dusk I ride
Without one path where I could go
A place of ancient splendour rise
Darkness falls upon my face

As creature as shadows once roaming that place
Death lying waiting for my soul
Deep in the shadows of night
She worshiped books for demonic dreams

Deeper and deeper as light was gone
Feel embracement of the dark
At this point of time I know
Prisoned in demonic dreams

Deeper and deeper as light was gone
Feel embracement of the dark
At this point of time I know
Prisoned in demonic dreams

As I arrived on the ruined tomb
Centuries of dusk marching side by side
Bleeding shadows of thy shrine
The forest whispers laments for me
Painfull screams devours my mind
Serenades of angel tears
Falling down from the bloodred sky

A vouce of destruction is calling to me
In my dream I summon the beast

Just like the rain an october night
The sun has stopped shining light
Just like a withering flower
Slowly - fading away

An eternal landscape of ashes and dust
Dead birds are faling from the sky
The place that you've named paradise
Emptiness what I can feel

The rain that falls tast like blood
The arrive of the black northern sky
And the angel rape my soul
Forgotten in demonic dreams


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