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x×peace is just a shadow of death, desperate to forget it/`s painful past×x
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x×death is more universal than life, everyone dies but not everyone lives×x
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x×death is but insatiable hunger for death×x
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G. tonY
MoJ drugi bljog, namijenjen svim ovim ljudima, i još nekima...
Me after death!
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imam 13god
ljudi me zovu Ella, pa, valjda se tak i zovem
b.t.w. - osim micka, on me zove Mijau!
idem u "dragi" 7. raz
I.OŠ. - nek se zruši već jemput...
slušam metal(je! sad sam cool! hahahah! :P) i neš malo rocka
volim sve osim jesti i škole
i ono što najviše ne volim je SVAĐATI se s nekim
to nikad dobro ne završi
i još nekaj ne volim, ali se nebrem sjetiti... hmmmm
moja najbolja frendica, je sunshine, crna djevojchica, tratinčica... kaj god Ena i naravno
Gala, odnosno cwetacha
LoVe: bljeeeeeK! neĆem nikooog!
ja sam slobodna, i volim sLobodu!
i ne treba mi niko osim frendova, i još nekih stvarčica,
nije za javnost... :D
moj mob: o985353574
nick na chatu: ella_d_black
nekad, rijetko o__ella__o...
ajsikju: 428183896
i to je to... valjda

best bend
x×Iron Maiden×x
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... te bendove najviše slušam ... ina ih još, al ove naaaaaaaaajviše vooooolim! :D

litle dodaTak:
Angelo Batio:Image Hosted by

ko vidi ovo, neka vidi... gubim se malo... :D


23.11.2006., četvrtak


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danas je bio vrlo zanimljiv dan! jep! ovako, da ne pričam duuuugo... ubiti budem! :D
jedna djevojčica se zove LeoNa. ona je jedna dobra djevojčica koja sluša punk, i koja je u pozitivi LuDa.
išla asm van, nju sam odma prvu vidla, normalnu i... normalnu...
neznam kaj je onda bilo, došel je leon, pa vanja, pa luka... koji je onda nestal nekam, pojma nemam di... o tome poslje, a ve ovo z djevojčicom LeoNom. negdje već oko 6h, totalno je poludjela, počela je trčati po gradu, rušiti bicikle, bacila si je jaknu, vrištati tak da je cijeli grad čuje, i onda je još strgala retrovizor, niko nezna na kojem autu, ni nišššš...
do sad, do 8h, ona luduje po gradu, i dva puta smo je nosile doslovno nosile do doma, al ja sam morala doma, i nisam stigla vidit, kak je završilo, ubiti, vidla sam kroz prozorok kak se veva i ema smiju, i još hrpa ljudi, pa sam pretpostavila da su je uspjeli odvući do doma... kaj se sad događa kod nje, ne želim znati.... a joj! :))
trčimo za njom već 1h... užas... ahhh...

onda druga tema...
ovo još nikad nisam vidjela ni čula, napravili smo takvu glupost da boli. kupili smo si pola polubjelog kruha, i za 5kn salamu, i lijepo se najeli... baš je bilo fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiino! :D
i neznam više kaj je bilo. al ubiti dobar dan jer nije bilo ŠkoLeeeee!
ou jeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

dosta! eNo, moraš da ideš van zakon je i super i krasno, i lijepo, i svakakvo... tako da, doĐi djevojčice vanka!

Đenja ljudi!

- 20:13 - x×x (17) - X×X - Xx×xX

22.11.2006., srijeda


bok! drugi post... jej! ovak, ja sam sada sretna cujica jer možda sutra štrajkaju... a joj, da bar. već mi na živce ide ta škola, al sumnjam za hrvatski. vrlo lako da budemo imali hrvatski jer je učiteljica apsolutno luda, i neznam više kakva... blago srednjoškolcima, ni danas nisu morali u fucking školu.
inače, danas pjevam! jej! idem se sramotit s zborom (na koji moram ići). i pazite koja pjesma je:
zec je reko svojoj braći noćas neće biti lova: to su zadnje vijesti, jer će lovci ove noći odojčiće jesti! hahaha!
ima još al mi se neda
tak da, ja imam dan sramoćenja... sutra ak nema škole idemo slavit van! o jea! naravno... i Onak...

više mi se fakat neda pisat, pa onda, ajde boooook!

- 13:44 - x×x (9) - X×X - Xx×xX

19.11.2006., nedjelja


Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usnight, imam novi blog, i opet i opet, već mi je stari dopizdio... btw. da skratim, priča o tome kak oje bilo jučer vani:
jučer je vani bilo zaakon! ne žalim se ni na jedan trenutak, sve je prošlo ljpo i krasno, luka je postalo još umišljeniji (zajeb)... luka, luka... ja sam sada vanji ukrala MP3, i neće ga dobiti, makar ništa ne valja, sada je moj i moj! ou jea! hm... danas je bilo oke, vani, tak tak ubiti. i sada mi se više neda pisati i kratko i jasno sam sve napisala... pozdraF!

- 21:12 - x×x (6) - X×X - Xx×xX

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×xManowar - The Power of Thy Swordx×
Lord of battle I pray on bended knee conquest by the rising sun
Ill wait for thy command with flame and blood at hand
Glory and a broken sword.

Im the master of the world I have no fear of man or beast
Born inside the soul of the world
Riding hard breaking bone with steel and stone
Eternal might I was born to wield.

Let us drink to the battles weve lived and weve fought
Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought
Great heroes charge into the fight
From the north to the south in the black of night

The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall
Gods of war feel the power of my sword

Drink to the battles weve lived and weve fought
Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought
Great heroes charge into the fight
From the north to the south in the black of night

Fierce is my blade fierce is my hate born to die in battle
I laugh at my fate
Now pay in blood when your blood has been spilled
Youre never forgiven death is fulfilled !

The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall
Gods of war feel the power of my sword

The clash of honor calls
I will stand when others fall
Open magic doors
The will know the power of my sword

There is blood in my hands there is blood in my eyes
With blood in my voice I scream as you die
Thirsting for vengeance and mounds of the slain
Shaking the forest onto the plain

Fierce is my blade fierce is my hate born to die in battle
I laugh at my fate
Now pay in blood when your blood has been spilled
Youre never forgiven death is fulfilled !

The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall
Gods of war feel the power of my sword

x×Manowar - Wheels Of Fire Lyrics×x
Since the dawn of time
I've rolled across the earth
Spinning in the dust
Long before your birth
Eating tar and gasoline
Every light I see is green
Open pipes, my machine's triple-plated chrome

Spirit of the wheel

Wheels of fire burn the night
Ride across the sky
Wheels of fire burning bright
We live to ride

Motors running
Now you're gonna learn
Waiting on the line
Make your tires burn
Fast, faster, faster, faster
Speeding always kills
Nothing else takes us to get these thrills

Spirit of the wheel

Wheels of fire burn the night
Ride across the sky
Wheels of fire burning bright
We live to ride

Blood and thunder on the road
My heart is pounding
My blood is nitroglycerine
I'm fire
Burning, burning, burning, burning
Ready to explode
Don't want nothing left of me to scrape off the road

Spirit of the wheel

Wheels of fire burn the night
Ride across the sky
Wheels of fire burning bright
We live to ride

Clouds of smoke
Tires screaming
Fire in my hair
Blown into a thousand pieces
Scattered everywhere
Fast, burn, burning, faster
Wanna take a ride
Spirit of the wheel
Wheels of fire ride

Spirit of the wheel

Wheels of fire burn the night
Ride across the sky
Wheels of fire burning bright
We live to ride