strong>Moj icq broj:482-294-750-javite se ak vam se da...
And my
I jos mail na
Shot at 2007-07-07
...Ako me bude tražio,
recite mu da sam umrla...
...Ako će tražiti moje tijelo,
recite mu da sam izgorjela...
...Ako bude tražio moj grob,
recite mu da je na dnu mora...
...A ako kaže da me volio,
nemojte mu vjerovati
...jer on me je ubio...
Zovem se:Ne zovem se sama,al me drugi vole zvati Petra...Neznam zaš?lol
Imam godina:ponosnih 14 XD
Volim:sve lijepooo
-moje prijatelje
-slusat glazbu
-slatkiše i čips
-lijepe booojee;crvena,zelena...
-jednog malog bedstog =P
i jos puunoo toga...
Ne volim:sve ruznooo
-zloceste ljude =(
-kad nema nikog na emesnu
-kad sam s nekim posvadana =(
-brokulu i povrce
-i jos neke stvariiii...
Shot at 2007-07-23
A kolko vas je posjetilo moj blogich dosad,probajte malo povecat taj broj,lol:
Sta slusam(ne ide po nikakvom redu,samo onak kak su mi spremljeni u mp4)
XThe Rasmus
XThe All American Rejects
XThe Click Five
XGood Charlotte
XBullet For My Valentine
XWithin Temptation
XSimple Plan
XFall Out Boy
XMy Chemical Romance
XThe Von Bondies
XThe Ramones
XLinkin Park
XPanic!At The Disco
XGreen Day
XYellow Card
XBilly Talent
XSum 41
XThe Unseen
XAmber Pacific
itd.itd.itd.nes slusam manje,nes vise,al eto,to bi bilo
"enough of the scars
enough broken hearts
I will protect you
and I..
I'll take the shot
I'll make it stop"
Shot at 2007-07-23
"But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)"
Shot at 2007-07-23
"You're just another star
that burnt out so quickly
but I still see you
Shot at 2007-07-23
"When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did
Shot at 2007-07-07
"Catch me as I fall
say you're here
and it's all over now..."
Shot at 2007-07-23
"And what's the worst you take
from every heart you brake?"
Shot at 2007-07-23
"If you were here I'd never have a fear.
So go on live your life.
But I miss you more than I did yesterday.
You're so far away.
So c'mon show me how.
'Cause I mean this more than words can ever say"
Shot at 2007-07-23
"This is me for forever
one of the lost ones..."
Shot at 2007-07-23
"One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren't so great"
Shot at 2007-07-23
"I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain"
Shot at 2007-07-23
"Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in backround of the morgue
The unsespecting victim of darkness in the valley"
Jedina prava pogreška je ona iz koje ništa ne naučimo.
Shot at 2007-07-23
Ljudi uvijek stvore vrijeme za raditi stvari koje zbilja žele.