Bosanska Piramida

02.02.2006., četvrtak

22.01.2006./Australian in Bosnia pyramid riddle

Friday Jan 20 07:40 AEDT

Australian archaeologist Royce Richards is among a team preparing to look for the truth behind a theory that Bosnia-Herzegovina has an ancient pyramid.

Archaeologists from Australia, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, and Slovenia will begin excavation work in April on the Visocica hill, 32 kilometres north-west of Sarajevo.

The hill is quite symmetrical, and the theory that it was once a pyramid is supported by preliminary investigations.

If true, it would rewrite world history, putting Europe alongside South America and of course Egypt as homes of ancient pyramids.

Bosnian Semir Osmanagic put forward his theory last year that a 100 metre geometrically-shaped hill with evenly shaped sides and corners that point north, south, east and west is an ancient man-made edifice.

Osmanagic, who has spent 15 years studying the pyramids of the Americas is convinced the hill is a genuine man-made pyramid from an ancient civilization.

His preliminary excavations shows what he believes is evidence that the earth has been shaped to form a pyramid and covered in prehistoric concrete and stone blocks.

"We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid," Osmanagic said.

"We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels.

"You don't have to be an expert to realise what this is."

Osmanagic's assertions have been supported by experts studying aerial and satellite images.

Theorists believe the Illyrian people who inhabited the Balkan region before the conquering Slavic tribes overran them about 1,400 years ago had the sophistication to shape a hill into a pyramid.

Excavation work to test Osmanagic's theory will begin on April 14 in the Visoko region and is expected to continue until October and the rugged mountainous area has become an archaeological park.
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