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28.05.2016., subota

Verica Jadanec

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24.05.2016., utorak

This sounds exciting!!! I hope I WIN!! *Fingers Crossed


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Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)

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14.05.2016., subota

20 Tips On How To Become A Great Salesman!

1. Think In Terms Of Building Business Relationships
As one whose sole aim is to be an outstanding salesman, your thought must be primarily channelled towards building a lasting business relationship. Do not just think of how to sell your product and make some extra bucks; you must also think about your relationships outlasting your job and even transcending beyond.

2. Leverage on Your Established Customers
Never joke with the fact that your existing customers can link you to several others. So you must maintain a good rapport with them so that you can leverage on the relationships.

3. Understand The Need Of Your Customer And Your Prospects
It is mandatory for you to make your findings about what really your customers’ needs are. When you do this, you will be able to push to the top the needs of your customers, so that the type of value they demand can be achievable.

4. Under-promise And Over deliver
Here is a rule of thumb; ‘Say only what you mean, and mean what you say’. This is important because you will be found wanting if you promise what you cannot deliver. People are quick to lay blames, especially when you do not live up to expectation. Hence it pays never to promise, but to surpass that which you set out to do.

5. Excellent Time Management Skills
For Instance, never keep your client waiting. It pays to be a master at time management. This way you are able to plan your daily activities without stress.

6. Invest In Relationships
The way you build and handle your relationships determines if you will be successful as a salesman or not. Never trivialize any relationship you have. Rather treat all your clients including the prospective ones like very important personalities.

7. Seek Better Ways Of Servicing Clients
It is your calling to seek out ways to serve your clients better. There are a myriad of ways to do this. It could be through books, trainings, seminars, the internet and what have you.

8. Believe In Your Product
You are your own first believer; hence you must really value and appreciate the product you are selling. It becomes mandatory for you to study or even use the product so that you will have a firsthand experience of what you are advocating for.

9. Take Prompt Actions
You have to master to be swift with whatever activity you are carrying out. Being able to achieve more in a little time will stand you out. Ditch having a lackadaisical attitude or dragging your feet against the floor.

10. Work with a Coach/Mentor
Working with someone who you respect or who has an outstanding profile in your industry will give you an edge. This is so because you will acquire a whole lot of principles and strategies that will be needful in your pursuit.

11. Don’t Settle For Status Quo
Be innovative and evolving. Look for ways to do things that are extraordinary. Creativity is all that life is about, so you must be willing to go for the very best.

12. Don’t Accept No As Final
Do not let yourself be intimidated by the negative responses you get. If your clients say ‘no’, have at the back of your mind that it isn’t you they are rejecting, but the product. Be courageous enough to dust yourself and try again.

13. High Level Self Motivation
Look for ways or things to motivate you. One good way to motivate yourself is to talk to yourself. Tell yourself things like ‘I will come out tops’, ’I am the best’ and so on. Also you must be willing to work with little or no supervision.

14. Excellent Communication Skills
You must be articulate and eloquent when you are relating with your clients. Stuttering and not having a good diction will repel rather than attract customers to you.

15. Continuous Self development
Seek ways to be better informed and to move with the trend. Be abreast with issues in and outside your industry. This can be achieved through the print or electronic media and also through the internet.

16. Set Goals and be Target Driven
Set goals and targets to keep you fast on your toes. When you accomplish your set goals and targets, you open yourself up to accomplish other tougher ones. This practice will make your salesman skills soar high.

17. Great Team Player
You have to be willing to blend with the different personalities you mingle with. If you fall short of this, you will not achieve much result, because you truly need to synergize with others to thrive.

18. Honesty and Integrity
You must not be a dubious person. No one wants to deal with one who is cunning. Your ability to be transparent at all times as well as not being two faced will stand you out.

19. Good Sense of Judgment
You must be sensitive enough to know when to close the deal at every stage of negotiation. This means that your negotiation skills have to be top notch because like it or not, you’ll meet difficult prospects who are hard to convince.

20. Healthy Self Esteem and Good Sense of Humour
Possessing a healthy self esteem is key to being a great salesman. If you do not possess a healthy one, you will be timid to approach your prospective clients. In the same light, you must have a good sense of humour, because being able to cause your clients to laugh is an added advantage; it helps reduce the tension in the atmosphere.

These characteristics cannot be watered down. An attempt to water all these steps down, will be tantamount to settling for less. Mediocrity isn’t what being a great salesman is about; it is about knowing your “onions” and working at better ways to outshine

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- 16:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.05.2016., ponedjeljak

How to increase their business in SFI?

Hello Everyone,

Here are some tips - works very well if you use them!

Author and publish guest posts on high profile or well-trafficked sites in your niche. It’s a great way to promote both your brand and your expertise.

Hold a sweepstakes, contest, or a giveaway on your site, promote it on your site, and on your social media accounts for some free buzz.

Pool proprietary data from your organization’s niche, industry, or even customer database (get customer consent and anonymize the data, of course) and compile it into a free report.

Leverage social media and social distribution channels to both demonstrate expertise in a subject and to share your content.

Make content distribution frictionless by adding social sharing icons site-wide (Facebook, Twitter, Google+). Use a free Wordpress plugin like Sharebar or have a Web dev resource implement developer sharing code, like Facebook’s “Like” button code.

Answering questions is a great way to build relationships and your expertise while helping others unselfishly market your brand and you can do this on social sites:
Answer questions on Google+
Answer questions on Facebook

Join relevant or niche-related groups on LinkedIn and answer group questions and post news and event about your organization

Given that YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, create a YouTube Channel and leverage proven video marketing tactics, like “how-to” style video content and response videos to improve search visibility and potentially drive leads.

Join forums that are relevant to your companies niche, join in the conversation and offer insightful and helpful answers to questions.

Blog, blog, and blog some more. Give your wisdom and experience away for free. Leverage your blog to build relationships and build brand awareness.

Spotlight individual thought leaders: ego bait-type posts are a great way to connect with influencers in your niche, who in turn can help expose you and your company to their audience.

Run a big best blogs in your niche type post featuring a bunch of great blogs and bloggers. Again, this is a form of ego-stroking that builds relationships, social engagement and many of participants will help promote the article. Tip: create “best blog” badges that blogs on the list can add to their sites.

Run a big group interview – helps you build relationships and brand evangelists within your niche, gets links, social media engagement and you can potentially create a super authoritative document that ranks for a competitive topic.

Run a weekly roundup where you highlight blog posts from around your industry; helps you make friends and valuable connections. Tip: be sure to @ the bloggers on Twitter from your roundup each week.

Run reviews on and help promote beneficial products or services in your niche (ego-stroking, relationship building).

Respond to all comments on your blog; engaging with your readership and nurturing a community on your blog is a fantastic and low effort way to build your brand and your site’s following.

Solicit guest posts on your blog and get free user-generated content and make friends in your niche.

Give a donation to a local organization or a national charity and get exposure on their donors page and potentially a link back to your site.

Sponsor an event and get listed as a supporter on their event site.

Ask for a testimonial or endorsement from your clients. It’s a free form of proof of concept for your products and helps instill trust, which can lead to more sales.

Respond promptly to customer complaints (again, and can’t say it enough, word of mouth is the best marketing tool, free or not).

Engage with popular blogs in your niche via intelligent comments. Link back to relevant value-add content on your site where applicable.

Help influential people in your space promote their own products on your blog and on social media (I guarantee that most will return the favor and help promote your stuff too).

Create a free how-to webinar or video.

Create awards for your industry, promote it on social media, reach out to everyone nominated for an award, create branded badges for the winners.

Create a free newsletter signup on your site and publish a free newsletter each month. Tip: to get fresh content on the cheap, you can repurpose content from your blog, Webinars, turn a white paper into a series of newsletters with a link to download the rest for free, and so on.

Market other products, services, upgrades from your company in your thank you emails and pages.

Organize a campaign against a particular injustice in your niche and get free publicity.

Think totally outside the box and do stuff like helping others with no expectation of reciprocation, which can cause really cool things to happen for your brand.

Read blogs, subscribe to RSS feeds of top marketing blogs and get even more free, or almost free ideas, each day to help market and grow your business on the cheap. This big list is a darn good place to start.

Free Join Now!

- 14:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.05.2016., nedjelja

Do you want to grow a flower garden or an orange grove?

When trying to grow a team, frustration can set in because the results may not appear as quickly as we would like them to. This is why we need to keep in mind that anything worthwhile takes time to grow. We have to make up our minds to grow an orange grove instead of a flower garden.

Flower gardens can be exciting because they usually show up about a month after planting them. You can plant seeds, care for them with minimal effort and reap the benefits in the same season. You can also buy plants that are already growing and plant them for an even quicker result. Flower gardens can grow fast, but they can fade away just as quick.

An orange grove takes time to grow, but the benefits can make the waiting worthwhile. When you plant an orange grove, it may take 4-6 years before you can eat the fruit that is produced. It is hard work and requires patience because you will spend time looking at a fruitless field while you wait. However, if you take care of the orange grove, the trees can last for 100 years!

When you are building your team, make sure you work towards the future instead of trying so hard to be an overnight success. The benefits can make the waiting worthwhile!

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