utorak, 08.11.2011.


Croton swiss watch : Vintage watch collection.

Croton Swiss Watch

croton swiss watch

    swiss watch
  • Swiss Made is a label used to indicate that a product was made in Switzerland.

  • A small evergreen tree or shrub of the Indo-Pacific region, which is grown for its colorful ornamental foliage

  • grown in many varieties for their brightly colored foliage; widely cultivated as a houseplant

  • tropical Asiatic shrub; source of croton oil

  • A strong-scented tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant of the spurge family, native to tropical and warm regions. Several kinds yield timber and other commercially important products

  • The Croton-Harmon Metro-North Railroad station serves the residents of Croton-on-Hudson, New York via the Hudson Line.

Anthurium and Croton

Anthurium and Croton

Pink Anturium- Yellow and Red Croton

Croton....Place of origin: Malaysia and the pacific islands.
The leaves of the Croton are characteristic not for their oval or elongated shape, but for their bright colour varying from yellow to red, pink or green. These colours make the plant highly decorative.

Al genere codiaeum appartengono alcune specie di arbusti sempreverdi, originari dell'Asia; il croton e un arbusto di piccole o medie dimensioni, originario delle isole del Pacifico. Ha foglie di grandi dimensioni, vistosamente variegate di vari colori, giallo, arancio, rosso o rosa; esistono numerose varieta, con foglie di dimensione varia, ovali o allungate, anche lobate. Pianta molto apprezzata per il fogliame decorativo, in estate produce anche piccoli fiori, riuniti in lunghe pannocchie arcuate. Gli esemplari della specie raggiungono i 90-100 cm di altezza, esistono pero varieta nane, con piccole foglie, che si mantengono entro i 30-40 cm.

Anthurium is a large genus of about 600- 800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix.
The species has neotropical distribution; mostly in wet tropical mountain forest of Central America and South America, but some in semi-arid environments. Most species occur in Panama, Colombia, Brazil, the Guiana Shield and Ecuador.
Anthurium grows in many forms, mostly evergreen, bushy or climbing epiphytes with roots that can hang from the canopy all the way to the floor of the rain forest. There are also many terrestrial forms which are found as understory plants, as well as hemiepiphytic forms. A hemiepiphyte is a plant capable of beginning life as a seed and sending roots to the soil, or beginning as a terrestrial plant that climbs a tree and then sends roots back to the soil. They occur also as lithophytes. Some are only found in association with arboreal ant colonies or growing on rocks in midstream (such as Anthurium amnicola).
The stems are short to elongate with a length between 15 and 30 cm. The simple leaves come in many shapes; most leaves are to be found at the end of the stems, although terrestrial plants show less of this pachycaul tendency. Leaves may be spatulate, rounded, or obtuse at the apex. They may be borne erect or spreading in a rosette, with a length that may surpass 100 cm in some of the larger species (such as Anthurium angamarcanum). The upper surface of the leaf may be matte, semiglossy, or fully glossy, and the leaf texture may range from leathery to fragile and papery. The leaves are petiolate and possess a structure called the geniculum, which is unique to the genus Anthurium. The geniculum allows the plant to swivel its leaves towards the sun, much in the same manner as sunflowers. In drier environments, the leaves can form a bird's-nest shaped rosette that enables the plant to collect falling debris, and thus water and natural fertilizer. Terrestrial growers or epiphytes often have cordate leaves; others grow as vines with rosettes of lanceolate leaves, and still others have many-lobed leaves.

L'Anturio (Anthurium) e una pianta a fogliame decorativo della famiglia delle Araceae originaria dell'America equatoriale e sub-equatoriale, il genere Anthurium comprende diverse specie che devono essere coltivate esclusivamente in serra calda, alcune apprezzate come piante ornamentali per i fiori molto decorativi come l' Anthurium andraeanum e l' Anthurium scherzeranum con fiori (spesso utilizzati anche come fiori recisi) formati da una grande spata color rosso-lacca, salmone, bianco o rosa, uno spadice sottile ben eretto da cui originano i fiori. Le foglie sono grandi cordiformi o lanceolate, la fioritura dura da giugno a settembre.
Altre specie del genere sono coltivate per il fogliame decorativo dalle grandi dimensioni.
Il nome o deriva dal greco anthos, "fiore", ed oura, "coda", alludendo allo spadice longilineo che caratterizza l'infiorescenza.
L'anturio esige ambienti caldo-umidi e luminosita intensa ma indiretta, terreno umido e leggero, concimazione liquida mensile nella bella stagione, annaffiature e nebulizzazioni frequenti, d'inverno le innaffiature vanno diradate. Pulire le foglie con un panno umido e non utilizzare lucidanti fogliari.
Ogni due anni in primavera si effettuera una rinvasatura utilizzando terriccio comune leggero ponendo sul fondo del vaso ciottoli o argilla espansa per il drenaggio idrico.

Font : Wikipedia

crotons 1

crotons 1

Crotons and similar shrubs are common in Fiji and many other tropical Pacific islands and commonly used as an "informal fence" between properties. These are from around our office area in Nabua, Suva

croton swiss watch

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