09.11.2011., srijeda


Flight time map - Airfare predictions for 2011

Flight Time Map

flight time map

    flight time
  • That portion of the trip actually spent in the air. For billing purposes this definition is generally strict and only applies from moment of lift-off to moment of touch-down.

  • The time you have spent, in an hour-to-hour ratio, hooping in your life. You may or may not have been practicing tricks. Any time you spend interacting with your hoop counts, even if the hoop is not spinning.

  • Herbert "Flight Time" Lang (born 1977) is a basketball player for the Harlem Globetrotters.

  • Associate (a group of elements or qualities) with an equivalent group, according to a particular formula or model

  • function: (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)

  • a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)

  • Represent (an area) on a map; make a map of

  • Record in detail the spatial distribution of (something)

  • make a map of; show or establish the features of details of; "map the surface of Venus"

The dreaded map

The dreaded map

The worst part of flying over the ocean: staring at the map wishing the little plane icon was a hell of a lot closer to home than it is. At least this time we did the flight in 2 legs, so it wasn't the 13 hour hell over Alaska and nowheresville Canada that we have been treated to before.

in the flight

in the flight

in the flight on the way to hong kong. we were still looking at map thinking where can we go around at free time.

flight time map

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- 01:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Best Flight Schools In America

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    flight schools
  • (Flight School (GLC song)) Leonard D. Harris is an American rapper from Chicago.

    in america
  • "In America", is a song written and performed by the Charlie Daniels Band and released on their 1980 album Full Moon. A live music video was released in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks.

  • In America is a 2002 drama film directed by Jim Sheridan. The semi-autobiographical screenplay by Sheridan and his daughters Naomi and Kirsten focuses on an immigrant Irish family's efforts to survive in New York City, as seen through the eyes of the elder daughter.

  • In America is the third compilation album by saxophonist Kenny G. It was released by Jazz Door in 2001.



Suddenly, this old and familiar eagle has changed its identity and has become the winged nightmare of the middle class, seeking whom he might devour next. If you are rich, don't worry, no need to run and hide, you will survive. If you are poor, no need to run and hide, the federal budget will pay your bills, but if you are working middle class mainstream, move to another nation or be ready to pay out the nose. It is your turn, now, middle america. You will suffer, it is your turn. That is the thought that is running through the mind of millions of american at this time in history. Be thinking if this is the way you want to spend your life in the next two decades. If not, be thinking about some major reform in an opposition party. Remember, we will have two elections to vote the bums out of office.

XXXI OAS Policy Roundtable, In preparation for the VI Summit of the Americas: “Connecting the Americas: Partners for Prosperity”

XXXI OAS Policy Roundtable, In preparation for the VI Summit of the Americas: “Connecting the Americas: Partners for Prosperity”

From left to right:
John F. Maisto, Former U.S. Ambassador to the OAS, and Former National Summit Coordinator
Jaime Giron, Ambassador, Colombia’s National Coordinator for the VI Summit of the Americas and SIRG Chair
Carlos Portales, Director of the International Organizations Law and Diplomacy Program of American University

Date: September 14, 2011
Place: Washington, DC
Credit: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS

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- 01:26 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Cheap flights to bwi airport : Airline ticket price history.

Cheap Flights To Bwi Airport

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    cheap flights
  • A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

    bwi airport
  • Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport is an international commercial airport serving the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area in the United States.

Sunset relection BWI airport

Sunset relection BWI airport

Taken waiting on a flight at BWI airport

BWI Airport

BWI Airport

The new A concourse at BWI.

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- 01:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Cheap Flight To Kuwait - Air Race Tickets.

Cheap Flight To Kuwait

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    cheap flight
  • (Cheap flights) A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

  • (kuwaiti) of or relating to the kingdom of Kuwait or its people; "Kuwaiti ports"

  • a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait

  • an Arab kingdom in Asia on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf; a major source of petroleum

  • A country on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf; pop. 2,257,000; capital, Kuwait City; official language, Arabic

Drugs in Kuwait!!???

Drugs in Kuwait!!???

I don’t know what it is about Kuwait and needles but, in five months in-country I have found five needles just like this simply lying in the sand or on a sidewalk. I find this strange given my “experience” with the drug culture in America. Never once have I ever, by accident, just come upon a needle like this on any street, back alley or countryside. Now I know some may say otherwise so all I can do is say I’m only speaking from my experience. And my experience in the American drug culture, I believe, is a bit substantial.

I’ll start off with the following story:

While working as a deputy for a large, inner-city Sheriff’s department in South Texas, I used to volunteer at the city’s Emergency Children’s Shelter as well as the Downtown Youth Center. The shelter was a place where boys and girls ages 5 to 12 were taken by police officers in the event they suddenly found themselves the “instant” caretakers of these kids after what ever it was that called them to a certain scene/disturbance. I have literally seen kids drunk, high on drugs and all beat up brought into this shelter. The kids were only kept at this establishment for up to 30 days at a time until a court made the ruling to either place the kid back with his/her family or state custody at which time the child would be transferred to a foster parent or a “long-term” facility. It was while volunteering here I became acquainted with a few CPS (Child Protective Services) employees.

The Youth Center was a program publicly and privately funded as a place where inner city youth up to age of 18 could come to escape the streets after school. Free meals were provided as well as a number of educational programs. It was at this youth center that I “accidentally” discovered a boy of 13 with needle marks on his arm. I thought something was wrong because this kid always played basketball in the heat of the South Texas sun with long sleeves. One day he made a mistake and pulled these sleeves up and I saw his “marks”. The young man instantly realized his mistake and quickly pulled down his sleeves but, it was too late! I already knew and now I had the proof! But what to do! What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? I was a cop at the time and every kid there knew it. I played it cool! I looked the kid in the eyes and gave him the, “yea, I know what’s up!” look. It took a few days but through patience and a bit of understanding and empathy I got this kid to confess to me that he was a drug runner for his 26 year old mother - remember now, he was only 13.

This young kid told me how he was told by his mother to go and pick up certain packages from certain people at certain times. One day he saw his mother shooting up so he tried it and liked it. Though I highly suspect he had “adult” supervision his first few tries. How he never overdosed I’ll never know. This kid was so frail looking he appeared to be always sickly. It really broke my heart to hear him tell me what he was confiding in me.

Well, a part of the “conditions” (an agreement of sorts between him and I) for being told the truth, I promised the kid I would make it look like CPS found out about all this “accidentally”. The boy was so scared of his family finding out he told the truth to a cop of all people! I didn’t even involve the center’s director or employees on this matter as I was too afraid something would leak. So what I did was call a CPS worker I knew and met while volunteering at the Emergency Children’s Shelter. I told her of my situation. She took the boy’s name, birth date and social security number. An hour later I get a phone call from her telling me that something wasn’t right. She told me that this boy already had a caseworker who was making weekly visits to the families home checking up on him and that there was nothing out of the ordinary reported. I told this CPS worker that I had personally seen the marks on the kid’s arm and that something was wrong. It turned out that the CPS caseworker assigned to this boy’s case never made his/her checks on this family’s home. The boy was in the system from birth because of the fact that his mother gave birth to him at 13 and was under the legal car of his grandmother.

The last I saw of the boy was the day he was taken! He was taken by CPS and place somewhere without me being told. One of the things he told me that makes me upset from time to time, even today was this - he told me that he was scared to tell anyone what was going on because he was worried no one would be there to take care of him if anyone found out the truth. I thought about this statement quite a bit actually. I found it rather interesting and sad that a child knew he had to have someone take care of him. His whole life he never had anyone ever really take care of him. He didn’t know any better. I often think of him and wonder how he is as a man today. Just like that he was there and then he was not! I feel sad at ti

Kuwait should have never been liberated from Iraq!

Kuwait should have never been liberated from Iraq!

I know I will make some new enemies because of the words I have carefully chosen to express here. But, this being said, those who matter most - the common world citizen living life as best as he or she can in support of their respective families, well, LOL!, will have no qualms of what I am about to speak!

The country of Kuwait is a horrid place! A country filled with government officials who basically are labeled as "tier three" conspirators in the global human trafficking market. Now before you decide to attack me claiming I have no idea what I’m talking about first I urge you to go live out in the Kuwait economy as I did for a year. If you are Kuwaiti and find yourself offended by this I say…GOOD! Fuck you Kuwait citizens! Anyone who has anything to do with human rights, justice and equal opportunity knows full well how 99.9 percent of the Kuwaiti population deals with other races other than your own. Kuwait is a true state sponsor of human trafficking!

I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, for I do consider myself an open minded person who speaks three languages and who has immersed himself into three different cultures other than my own but, I truly find myself pissed, angry and wanting vengeance as it relates to the Kuwait citizens and how they treat others who are not Kuwaiti. America should have NEVER liberated Kuwait from Iraq! I say this with the most sincere heart I can conjure. Take my word for it; the Kuwaiti people are the rudest, most stuck-up, conceded, and irresponsible people on the face of this globe. I am ashamed to be an American who claims responsibility for the liberation of Kuwait. It is blatantly apparent the only reason America decided to step in and free Kuwait from Iraq is for the future prospect of certain oil rights.

I truly encourage any out there who may claim I am wrong to a debate right here on flickr for all to see and read! I can go into factual detail very easily defending my point of view but, I am very curious to see who will actually step up and defend the Kuwaiti citizen! Come on! I dare you to come here and debate with me how the country of Kuwait is not a state sponsor of human trafficking! Let free world citizens free from the oppressive rule of corrupt religious leaders debate this issue. LOL! I laugh because anyone who is not Kuwaiti who has spent any amount of time in Kuwait knows EXACTLY what I am speaking about! And I truly mean EVERYONE!

For the record I am not attacking Islam or any Muslim! I despise Christianity just as much as I do any Islamic religion who abuses their people based on an interpretation of a few words written on paper in the name of Allah or Jesus Christ!

I sincerely encourage any Kuwaiti citizen out there to a debate – or anyone out there who is not Kuwaiti who supports the Kuwait citizens!

Allah Akbar!

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- 01:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Flight pattern map : Domestic flight deals in india

Flight Pattern Map

flight pattern map

  • A repeated decorative design

  • An arrangement or sequence regularly found in comparable objects or events

  • model: plan or create according to a model or models

  • form: a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"

  • A regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in certain actions or situations

  • form a pattern; "These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Associate (a group of elements or qualities) with an equivalent group, according to a particular formula or model

  • Represent (an area) on a map; make a map of

  • a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)

  • Record in detail the spatial distribution of (something)

  • function: (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)

  • make a map of; show or establish the features of details of; "map the surface of Venus"

Atlas Moth (Attacus atlas)

Atlas Moth (Attacus atlas)

The Atlas moth (Attacus atlas) is a large saturniid moth found in the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia, southern China, common across the Malay archipelago, Thailand to Indonesia.

In India, Atlas moths are cultivated for their silk in a non-commercial capacity; unlike that produced by the related Silkworm moth (Bombyx mori), Atlas moth silk is secreted as broken strands. This brown, wool-like silk is thought to have greater durability and is known as fagara. Atlas moth cocoons have been employed as purses in Taiwan.

Atlas moths are considered to be the largest moths in the world in terms of total wing surface area (upwards of c. 400 square cm or 65 square inches). Their wingspans are also amongst the largest, from 25-30 cm (10-12 inches). Females are appreciably larger and heavier.

Atlas moths are said to be named after either the Titan of Greek mythology, or their map-like wing patterns. In Hong Kong the Cantonese name translates as "snake's head moth", referring to apical extension of the forewing, which bears a passing resemblance to a snake's head.

World Airways McDonnell Douglas MD-11 (N272WA) **Cockpit**

World Airways McDonnell Douglas MD-11 (N272WA) **Cockpit**

I know, the background (outside) is blown out, but I am dumping as many of my pics on here as I can. I really wanted to highlight the flight panels anyway. But in any regard, this is the classic McDonnell Douglas MD11 cockpit with a cool little gadgit on the right side. That little gadgit is a "navAero t-pad 1000". The "navAero t-pad 1000" is a digital set of maps and diagrams. The maps and diagrams include all airport layouts and approach patterns. They also include all departure patterns and other important information about all airports in the world.

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- 01:24 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Flight from new york to dublin : Domestic flight check : Europe travel flights.

Flight From New York To Dublin

flight from new york to dublin

    new york
  • A state in the northeastern US, on the Canadian border and Lake Ontario in the northwest, as well as on the Atlantic coast in the southeast; pop. 18,976,457; capital, Albany; statehood, July 26, 1788 (11). Originally settled by the Dutch, it was surrendered to the British in 1664. New York was one of the original thirteen states

  • one of the British colonies that formed the United States

  • A major city and port in southeastern New York, situated on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Hudson River; pop. 7,322,564. It is situated mainly on islands, linked by bridges, and consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. Manhattan is the economic and cultural heart of the city, containing the stock exchange on Wall Street and the headquarters of the United Nations

  • the largest city in New York State and in the United States; located in southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson river; a major financial and cultural center

  • a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • A county in the Republic of Ireland, in the province of Leinster; county town, Dublin

  • Dublin (formerly, Amador and Dougherty's Station) is a suburban city of the East (San Francisco) Bay region of Alameda County, California, United States.

  • The capital city of the Republic of Ireland, on the Irish Sea at the mouth of the Liffey River; pop. 477,700

  • Dublin (; locally or ) is the primate and capital city of Ireland. It is officially known in Irish as Baile Atha Cliath or Ath Cliath . The English name comes from the Irish Dubh Linn meaning "black pool".

  • capital and largest city and major port of the Irish Republic

Ireland, from the air

Ireland, from the air

Taken on the flight from London to Dublin. It was nice to finally take this flight, which should have happened earlier that morning. Our plane was delayed leaving Little Rock due to mechanical problems. That delay caused us to miss our connecting flight, so we ended up flying to Dallas, then to New York LaGuardia, then we took a bus to JFK airport (where we had an 8 hour layover). Then we flew to London, where we had another 8 hour layover, and then finally flew into Dublin. The delay in LR caused us to make it to Dublin at night, instead of in the morning. We missed an entire day of the trip sitting in airports.

N29124 B757-224 Continental Airlines

N29124 B757-224 Continental Airlines

diverted in to Dublin while operating flight COA71 from Amsterdam to Newark - 15/03/10

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Flights From Pittsburgh To Tampa

flights from pittsburgh to tampa

  • Pittsburgh is a 1942 feature film directed by Lewis Seiler and starring Marlene Dietrich, Randolph Scott, and John Wayne. Shemp Howard of Three Stooges fame co-stars in a rare dramatic role. Dietrich, Scott, and Wayne also made The Spoilers together that same year.

  • Pittsburgh is the second-largest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Allegheny County. Regionally, it anchors the largest urban area of Appalachia and the Ohio River Valley, and nationally, it anchors the 22nd largest urban area in the United States.

  • An industrial city in southwestern Pennsylvania, where the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers join to form the Ohio River; pop. 334,563

  • a city in southwestern Pennsylvania where the confluence of the Allegheny River and Monongahela River forms the Ohio River; long an important urban industrial area; site of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh

  • (flight) shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • (flight) an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • (flight) fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • Tampa is a Gulf Coast Bay city in the U.S. state of Florida. It serves as the county seat for Hillsborough County. Tampa is located on the west coast of Florida. The population of Tampa in 2000 was 303,447.

  • Tampa may refer to several villages in Romania: * Tampa, a village in Bacia Commune, Hunedoara County * Tampa, a village in Miercurea Nirajului, Mures County * Tampa, a mountain in Brasov city.

  • a resort city in western Florida; located on Tampa Bay on the Gulf of Mexico

  • A port and resort on the western coast of Florida; pop. 303,447

Mission #3 (KTPF-KVDI)

Mission #3 (KTPF-KVDI)

Sunday, March 22, 2009: wake-up call at 6:00 a.m. Today’s mission took me, initially, from my home base, Deland, FL (KDED), to Tampa Peter O’Knight, FL (KTPF). There, I met my 2-year-old patient, Morgan, and her mother, Brittany. Morgan is a 2-year-old child who received a triple transplant in 2007. She was traveling to Children’s Hospital-Pittsburgh for a check-up. The flight to Pittsburgh was divided into 3 legs: 1. Tampa, FL (KTPF) to Vidalia, GA (KVDI); 2. Vidalia, GA to North Wilkesboro, NC (KUKF); 3. North Wilkesboro, NC to Pittsburgh, PA (KAGC). I was responsible for the first leg of this very long trip.

During the flight, we talked about Morgan for a brief moment. Although Morgan is doing well, Brittany told me that she is still listed as “terminal.” In fact, Morgan is one of just a few children that have survived such an invasive medical procedure (triple transplant).

Originally a 1.5 hr flight, due to the strong headwinds at altitude, our flight lasted about 2 hrs. Luckily, the conditions were perfect, with clear skies and very smooth, stable, air. Morgan and Brittany slept most of the way. Shortly after our arrival at Vidalia, GA, Mr. Vader Shelton was maneuvering his Mooney into the parking ramp. It was not long before Morgan and Brittany were on their way to North Carolina . . .

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- 01:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Flight time to st lucia : Ati international flights : Flight charter companies

Flight Time To St Lucia

flight time to st lucia

    flight time
  • Herbert "Flight Time" Lang (born 1977) is a basketball player for the Harlem Globetrotters.

  • The time you have spent, in an hour-to-hour ratio, hooping in your life. You may or may not have been practicing tricks. Any time you spend interacting with your hoop counts, even if the hoop is not spinning.

  • That portion of the trip actually spent in the air. For billing purposes this definition is generally strict and only applies from moment of lift-off to moment of touch-down.

    st lucia
  • Saint Lucia (; Sainte-Lucie) is an island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. Part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located north/northeast of the islands of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique.

  • A country in the Caribbean Sea, one of the Windward Islands; pop. 164,200; capital, Castries; languages, English (official) and French Creole

Room With A View (Night)

Room With A View (Night)

The Metadata for this shot is still set at GMT - here in Trinidad the time is only 10pm so I'm still on track for my 365 pfoject.

This is our first of 14 nights at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port Of spain, Trinidad and I'm sure there will be plenty of shots taken in and around the hotel.

It was a longer flight to Trinidad than we were expecting, 9 hours from Gatwick to St Lucia, an hour on the tarmac there and then 45 monutes to Port of Spain.

The big bonus was finding out at bagdrop this morning that we weren't in economy which gave us use of the executive lounge as well as getting premium seats on board - it certainly made the journey smoother.

Superman's Flight

Superman's Flight

Next stop for snorkeling was Superman's Flight, a coral wall that starts at the base of Petit Piton and drops to 1600' in depth. The water was brilliant blue and visibility was great (>75'). Each time we snorkeled, we'd be in the water for 45-60 minutes -- I could barely get the family out of the water, they liked it so much! But free-diving frequently to depths of 20-40' I got tired a bit faster than they did. Jenny and Hannah didn't dive down. Hunter got to where he could dive down 15' though, and snorkeled almost as much as I did.

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- 01:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


How To Find Last Minute Flights. Cheap Ticket To Fly. Cheapest Flights To Honduras.

How To Find Last Minute Flights

how to find last minute flights

    last minute
  • Marcin Rozynek (born May 16, 1971 in Zywiec) – Polish rock vocalist, songs' author, music producer. He released six albums, two of them were recorded with friend band Atmosphere. He cooperated with Grzegorz Ciechowski.

  • The latest possible time before an event

  • eleventh hour: the latest possible moment; "money became available at the eleventh hour"; "at the last minute the government changed the rules"

  • just before a deadline; at the last minute; "last-minute arrangements"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (flight) shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • (flight) an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • (flight) fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"

    how to
  • Providing detailed and practical advice

  • A how-to or a how to is an informal, often short, description of how to accomplish some specific task. A how-to is usually meant to help non-experts, may leave out details that are only important to experts, and may also be greatly simplified from an overall discussion of the topic.

  • Practical advice on a particular subject; that gives advice or instruction on a particular topic

  • (How To’s) Multi-Speed Animations

  • come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"

  • Discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly

  • Discover oneself to be in a surprising or unexpected situation

  • discovery: the act of discovering something

  • discovery: a productive insight

  • Discover (someone or something) after a deliberate search



(Christmas Day 2008) Arrived home in San Diego yesterday morning around 11am.

How it all started: woke up 2am; got showered, dressed and did some last minute packing; left 3am to make it to BWI by 4am to check-in; my plane left on time at 5:35am!! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ANTHONY for taking me to the airport when he had to be at work at 9am (they have to work half-day on X-Mas eve). Mwaaah...big kiss, sweetie.

I was nervous about the flight because of all the airport horror stories that I have been hearing on the news. I couldn't believe how smooth everything went for me. As I was flying, I thought, uh oh......where's the balance? Something will probably go wrong at my connecting flight. Well, I found the balance. When I got off the plane, I felt absolutely fine until I became a victim of a sudden-out-of-no-where vertigo attack!! I struggled to get myself near a wall where I could steady myself because I almost fainted from the severely spinning room!! Ever had that? Very scary...especially when you are by yourself in an airport trying to make a connecting flight that was leaving in less than an hour!! I'm sure many chose to ignore me because I appeared to be extremely inebriated. I can't blame them. To those passengers who stopped to offer their assistance, I am extremely greatful. Believe it or not, it left as suddenly as it came. I was just left with a residual headache that was very mild compared to that vertigo attack. Needless to say, I still made it to my connection, which was delayed 30 minutes due to rain. Once we took off, the situation was all well again. When I landed, it didn't take long to get my luggages from the carousel then I called my parents to pick me up. When I got home, I ate lunch, my sister and her husband came by to visit with their two dogs, then I climbed into bed and SLEEEEPT!!!


Aberdeen Arrival

Aberdeen Arrival

So after a few last-minute hiccups/delays with my work visa and a set of long flights from Houston to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Aberdeen, I finally arrived in my new home at 11am on Monday, October 3rd. I am staying at a nice complex very close to work until I can find a place to call my own. The place is nice, the furnishings are modern, and it is much more like an apartment than a hotel. I've got plans to go house-hunting on Friday, so we'll have to see how that turns out! This place that I'm currently staying in is only a five minute walk to work, which has been fantastic.

Aberdeen itself is very, very grey. The houses are grey, the streets are grey, and even the sky is grey... We got a "wee bit" of sun (my new favorite phrase that I heard probably 10 times at work today), but it is mostly dreary and overcast.

I haven't had a chance to do much exploring. All of my walking has been between here and work, and the furthest that I've been in a car was when Alicia took me to the Aberdeen equivalent of Walmart to pick up a few things for around the apartment. We drove past the beach, which was completely empty given the 50F weather right now... And the beach may have been empty, but the horizon was filled with large ships, which Alicia told me were all carrying oil field equipment out to the many oil and gas rigs in the North Sea.

I'm excited and terrified about all of this at the same time, but the further I get along this journey, the more I realize that I'm mostly excited. I'm extremely fortunate to have had this opportunity, and as cliche as it might sound, I feel that this will be one of the defining experiences of my life...

Welcome to Aberdeen.

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- 01:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



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  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music"

  • Excellently; very well

  • relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay"

  • of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey"

  • Distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round

  • (deal) a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"

  • (deal) cover: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"

  • Include a new player in a card game by giving them cards

  • Distribute or mete out (something) to a person or group

  • (deal) bargain: an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"

D-558-2 launch from B-29 mothership

D-558-2 launch from B-29 mothership

Collection: NASA Image eXchange Collection
Title: D-558-2 launch from B-29 mothership

Description: The D-558-2 is launched from the Navy P2B-1S in this 1950s photograph. The early Douglas and NACA flights of the D-558-2s used only the airplane's jet engine and took off from the runway. This limited the aircraft's altitude and speed. The solution was to convert the D-558-2 to rocket or combined jet-and-rocket propulsion and to airdrop it from a B-29 converted to the Navy's P2B-1S configuration. The drop plane was P2B-1S serial number 84029. It had been built as a B-29A (Army Air Forces 45-21787) before being modified as a drop plane for the Navy. Dubbed "Fertile Myrtle," the mothership used the call sign "NACA 137." The Douglas D-558-2 "Skyrockets" were among the early transonic research airplanes like the X-1, X-4, X-5, and X-92A. Three of the single-seat, swept-wing aircraft flew from 1948 to 1956 in a joint program involving the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), with its flight research done at the NACA's Muroc Flight Test Unit in Calif., redesignated in 1949 the High-Speed Flight Research Station (HSFRS); the Navy-Marine Corps; and the Douglas Aircraft Co. The HSFRS became the High-Speed Flight Station in 1954 and is now known as the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. The Skyrocket made aviation history when it became the first airplane to fly twice the speed of sound. The 2 in the aircraft's designation referred to the fact that the Skyrocket was the phase-two version of what had originally been conceived as a three-phase program, with the phase-one aircraft having straight wings. The third phase, which never came to fruition, would have involved constructing a mock-up of a combat-type aircraft embodying the results from the testing of the phase one and two aircraft. Douglas pilot John F. Martin made the first flight at Muroc Army Airfield (later renamed Edwards Air Force Base) in Calif. on February 4, 1948. The goals of the program were to investigate the characteristics of swept-wing aircraft at transonic and supersonic speeds with particular attention to pitch-up (uncommanded rotation of the nose of the airplane upwards)--a problem prevalent in high-speed service aircraft of that era, particularly at low speeds during take-off and landing and in tight turns. The three aircraft gathered a great deal of data about pitch-up and the coupling of lateral (yaw) and longitudinal (pitch) motions; wing and tail loads, lift, drag, and buffeting characteristics of swept-wing aircraft at transonic and supersonic speeds; and the effects of the rocket exhaust plume on lateral dynamic stability throughout the speed range. (Plume effects were a new experience for aircraft.) The number three aircraft also gathered information about the effects of external stores (bomb shapes, drop tanks) upon the aircraft's behavior in the transonic region (roughly 0.7 to 1.3 times the speed of sound). In correlation with data from other early transonic research aircraft such as the XF-92A, this information contributed to solutions to the pitch-up problem in swept-wing aircraft. The three airplanes flew a total of 313 times--123 by the number one aircraft (Bureau No. 37973--NACA 143), 103 by the second Skyrocket (Bureau No. 37974--NACA 144), and 87 by airplane number three (Bureau No. 37975--NACA 145). Skyrocket 143 flew all but one of its missions as part of the Douglas contractor program to test the airplane's performance. NACA aircraft 143 was initially powered by a Westinghouse J-34-40 turbojet engine configured only for ground take-offs, but in 1954-55 the contractor modified it to an all-rocket air-launch capability featuring an LR8-RM-6, 4-chamber Reaction Motors engine rated at 6,000 pounds of thrust at sea level (the Navy designation for the Air Force's LR-11 used in the X-1). In this configuration, NACA research pilot John McKay flew the airplane only once for familiarization on September 17, 1956. The 123 flights of NACA 143 served to validate wind-tunnel predictions of the airplane's performance, except for the fact that the airplane experienced less drag above Mach 0.85 than the wind tunnels had indicated. NACA 144 also began its flight program with a turbojet powerplant. NACA pilots Robert A. Champine and John H. Griffith flew 21 times in this configuration to test airspeed calibrations and to research longitudinal and lateral stability and control. In the process, during August of 1949 they encountered pitch-up problems, which NACA engineers recognized as serious because they could produce a limiting and dangerous restriction on flight performance. Hence, they determined to make a complete investigation of the problem. In 1950, Douglas replaced the turbojet with an LR-8 rocket engine, and its pilot, William B. Bridgeman, flew the aircraft seven times up to a speed of Mach 1.88 (1.88 times the speed of sound) and an altitude of 79,494 feet (the latter

View from my deck...

View from my deck...

This is the view from my place whenever there is a fireworks display. Can't get much better than that. Well, the pictures not that great. But you get the idea.

One year I went outside and there were people on my deck... I thought, what the fuck. I made a minor sarcastic remark... I didn't mind them on there. But they should have asked first. Mind you, my deck is up a flight of 21 steps. Pretty ballsy... I believe they were visiting the neighbors down stairs.

The 4th of July fireworks this year were on Saturday the 5th... there were quite a few food vendors set up downtown. As well as live music. I just walked down to eat and came back home for the actual display. It's more relaxing here and you don't have to deal with the crowds.

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- 01:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Flights Miles : Airline Tickets To La : Who Has Cheapest Airline Tickets.

Flights Miles

flights miles

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • (flight) an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • (flight) shoot a bird in flight

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (flight) fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"

  • A unit of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards (approximately 1.609 kilometers)

  • A Roman measure of 1,000 paces (approximately 1,620 yards)

  • (mile) a unit of length equal to 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet; exactly 1609.344 meters

  • (mile) a large distance; "he missed by a mile"

  • A very long way or a very great amount

  • nautical mile: a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude

The Miles

The Miles

I still believe my feelings, but sometimes I feel too much...
I make believe you're close to me, but it ain't close enough...
not nearly close enough...
I'd brave fire and I'd brave rain, to be by your side, I'd do anything.
I will go the distance, I will go the miles, that's how much you mean to me.
I can't take the distance, I can't take the miles, can't take the time to the next time I'll see you smile...

Sad Miles en route to Indianapolis

Sad Miles en route to Indianapolis

We had a generally good baby on our Northwest flight out to Indianapolis on Friday...80% of the trip, Miles spent napping in Kat's lap...bookended by some fussiness...a meltdown...and some playing and flirting with a flight attendant.

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- 01:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


International flight luggage weight limit. Flights plus hotels

International Flight Luggage Weight Limit

international flight luggage weight limit

    international flight
  • A flight between two or more countries.

  • a flight that takes off in one country and lands in another

  • Flying abroad is not difficult as one just need to select the destination and search the flight with the help of internet. There are various travel portals which offer very good services on web.

    weight limit
  • The maximum gross weight per four-axle rail car, including the equipment and goods that can be handled over rail lines.

  • (weight limits) Once a container loaded with cargo has been put on a chassis and this unit has been attached to a tractor, there is another consideration: the limitations of the weight-bearing capacity of the road system between the beginning and end of the over-the-road segment. In the U.S.

  • (Weight Limits) There are various weight categories that wrestler wrestle under. The categories range the way from 105 pounds to 286 pounds.

  • Luggage is any number of bags, cases and containers which hold a traveller's articles during transit. The modern traveller can be expected to have packages containing clothing, toiletries, small possessions, trip necessities, and on the return-trip, souvenirs.

  • baggage: cases used to carry belongings when traveling

  • Rincewind the Wizzard (Lithuanian Traukvejis) is a fictional character appearing in the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett, several of which feature him as the central character.

  • Suitcases or other bags in which to pack personal belongings for traveling

Carriage Weight Limit

Carriage Weight Limit

Weight limit of the Carriage

The Isle of Wight Steam Railway is a heritage railway on the Isle of Wight. The railway passes through 5? miles of unspoiled countryside from Smallbrook Junction to Wootton station, passing through the small village of Havenstreet, where the line has a station, headquarters and a depot. At Smallbrook Junction, the steam railway connects with the Island Line.

W24 Calbourne) the locomotive pulling our four carriage train all night was built with the remaining 59 engines in
the class at Nine Elms Locomotive Works,

First working at Fratton and Exeter before falling into the hands of the Southern Railway, who moved her to the Island in 1925, along with 22 other 02s in order to replace the older locomotives employed by the railways on the Isle of Wight.

When electrification of the railways came in 1967, she was retained for preservation with the IOWSR, the first of the current fleet to do so. After 25 years her restoration finally ended in 1992 and following an expired boiler ticket in 2002, has been undergoing an overhaul which will include a refitted coal bunker, new water tanks and a repaint into BR Lined Black. Calbourne returned to service in July 2010

Weight Limit

Weight Limit

The white sign in the upper right of this photo says "Weight Limit: 15 tons." That's because this is normally a road: NS 356 (old highway 99). And the weight limit refers to the bridge, more than a quarter of a mile in the distance, that would normally carry cars safely over this, the Little River.

(On June 27, 2007, I used my lunch break to explore a little along the old highway 99 south of Seminole. What I found was completely flooded areas and impassable roads.)

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- 01:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Korean Air Cargo Flight 6316 - Eva Air Flight - Flight To Trinidad.

Korean Air Cargo Flight 6316

korean air cargo flight 6316

    korean air
  • Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. , operating as Korean Air, is the flag carrier and largest airline of South Korea whose global headquarters are located in Seoul.

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Cargo (or freight) is goods or produce transported, generally for commercial gain, by ship, aircraft, train, van or truck. In modern times, containers are used in most intermodal long-haul cargo transport.

  • Goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle

  • goods carried by a large vehicle

  • Cargo is a 2006 thriller film. It was directed by Clive Gordon, produced by Andrea Calderwood and Juan Gordon, and written by Paul Laverty. The film features the actors Peter Mullan, Daniel Bruhl, Luis Tosar, Samuli Edelmann and Gary Lewis.

Korean Air

Korean Air

Korean Air 747 starting its takeoff roll

© 2011 Steven M Wagner

Korean Air

Korean Air

Korean Air 747 prepares for takeoff

© 2011 Steven M Wagner

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- 01:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


James the flight white : Flights to rome from chicago

James The Flight White

james the flight white

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • the last Stuart to be king of England and Ireland and Scotland; overthrown in 1688 (1633-1701)

  • a Stuart king of Scotland who married a daughter of Henry VII; when England and France went to war in 1513 he invaded England and died in defeat at Flodden (1473-1513)

  • James I (1566–1625), king of England and Ireland 1603–25; as James VI king of Scotland (1567–1625). He was the son of Mary Stuart and the father of Charles I. A major accomplishment during his reign was the translation of the King James Bible (1611)

  • The name of two kings of England

  • James II (1633–1701), king of England, Ireland, and Scotland (1685–88). The son of Charles I, he escaped to the Continent in 1648 and returned to England at the Restoration in 1660. He became king on the death of his brother Charles II in 1685, but his conversion to Catholicism made him extremely unpopular. William of Orange and his wife, Mary, James's daughter, were invited to England by Whig and Tory leaders in 1688, and James was allowed to escape to France

  • United States outlaw who fought as a Confederate soldier and later led a band of outlaws that robbed trains and banks in the West until he was murdered by a member of his own gang (1847-1882)

  • Paint or turn (something) white

  • a member of the Caucasoid race

  • being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress"

  • whiten: turn white; "This detergent will whiten your laundry"

NYC - James Farley Post Office

NYC - James Farley Post Office

The James A. Farley Building, New York City's General Post Office (Zip Code 10001), located at 421 Eighth Avenue and occupying eight acres across two full city blocks, consists of the old general post office building and its western annex. The Farley Post Office holds the distinction of being the only Post Office in New York City that is open to the public 24 hours/7 days a week.

The James A. Farley Building was constructed in two stages. The original monumental front half, boasting the longest giantr order Corinthian colonnade in the world, was built by William M. Kendall of McKim, Mead & White from 1908-1913 and opened for postal business as the Pennsylvania Terminal in 1914. The imposing design was meant to match in strength the colonnade of Pennsylvania Station that originally faced it across the avenue. An unbroken flight of steps the full length of the colonnade provides access, for the main floor devoted to customer services is above a functional basement level that rises out of a dry moat giving light and air to workspaces below. Each of the square end pavilions is capped with a low saucer dome, expressed on the exterior as a low stepped pyramid.

In July 1918, the building was renamed the General Post Office Building and was doubled in space in 1934 by James Farley, replacing the 1878 Post Office at Park Row and Broadway. In 1982, the building was renamed once more as the James A. Farley Building. Farley was the nation's 53rd Postmaster General and served from 1933 to 1940. As a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 1940, he was only the second Roman Catholic to receive delegates towards such a nomination after Alfred E. Smith. Farley also served as a campain manager to both Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and is considered the finest Athletic Commissioner/Boxing Commissioner in New York State history.

The building prominently bears the inscription: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Commonly mistaken as an official motto of the United States Postal Service, it is actually taken from Herodotus' Histories (Book 8, Ch. 98) and describes the faithful service of the Persian system of mounted postal messengers under Xerxes I of Persia.

Moynihan Station, a planned train terminal, would expand Penn Station into the Farley Post Office Building. Plans for the expansion of the the busiest train station in the country, serving more than 550,000 daily passengers, the busiest train station in the country with more than 550,000 daily passengers. It has since gone through a portracted series of delays and redesigns over the years. Phase I of the current plan, "Moynihan Moving Forward", broke ground in 2010 and, with work occuring only on nights and weekends, is expected to be complete by 2016. The phase consists of mostly below-grade, transportation infrastructure improvements including the expansion of the Long Island Rail Road West End Concourse under the Farley building steps to serve Amtrak and New Jersey Transit platforms, new entrances through the Farley Building, and improved ventilation. The second phase includes a sky-lit grand hall with 1 million square feet of retail space. The Farley Building's facade will remain untouched, and it will retain retail postal lobby services . However, all mail processing operations will be relocated one block away to the Morgan Processing and Distribution Center.

The United States General Post Office was designated a landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1966.

National Register #73002257 (1973)

Forster's Tern in flight, James Farm

Forster's Tern in flight, James Farm

Lots of noise on this one, but it was a foggy early morning at James Farm and (besides the ubiquitous Laughing Gulls) a pair of Forster's Terns were the only action on the shoreline.

So I took this shot despite the gloomy conditions. At the very least, I'll be able to use it to demonstrate to my students that it is possible to get decent flight shots on overcast days.

Tech stuff: 1/1600 sec., f/6.3, ISO 1600, 100-400mm zoom at about 320mm. I used all the AF sensors: the contrast was so low that the central sensor alone wouldn't pick up the white bird on white sky.

james the flight white

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- 01:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Low Cost Flights To Cairo. Low Price Ticket Airline. Cheaper Airline Ticket

Low Cost Flights To Cairo

low cost flights to cairo

    low cost
  • No-frills or no frills is a term used to describe any service or product for which the non-essential features have been removed to keep the price low. The use of the term "frills" refers to a style of fabric decoration.

  • that you have the financial means for; "low-cost housing"

  • The cost of computing a hash function must be small enough to make a hashing-based solution more efficient than alternative approaches. For instance, a self-balancing binary tree can locate an item in a sorted table of n items with O(log n) key comparisons.

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (flight) shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • (flight) an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • (flight) fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"

  • a town at the southern tip of Illinois at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers

  • Cairo is a progressive rock band from San Francisco. They draw inspiration from classical progressive bands like ELP and Yes.

  • The capital of Egypt, a port on the Nile River near the head of its delta; pop. 13,300,000

  • the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a major port just to the south of the Nile delta; formerly the home of the Pharaohs



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- 01:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Watch Flight Of The Conchords Season 2

watch flight of the conchords season 2

  • Flight of the Conchords is a Grammy award winning New Zealand-based comedy duo composed of Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement.

    season 2
  • The American situation comedy television series Friends was broadcast in 236 episodes over 10 seasons from 1994 to 2004. The series was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, developed by Crane, Kauffman and Kevin S.

  • "A Good Opportunity" · "The New Cup" · "The Tough Brets" · "Murray Takes It to the Next Level" · "Unnatural Love" · "Love Is a Weapon of Choice" · "Prime Minister" · "New Zealand Town" · "Wingmen" · "Evicted"

  • British Airways 5390 · Atlantic Southeast Airlines 529 · Air France 8969 · Bashkirian Airlines 2937 and DHL 611 · American Airlines 965 · Avianca 52

    of the
  • biggest consumers of energy in homes and buildings, which are heating

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • a small portable timepiece

  • look attentively; "watch a basketball game"

  • a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ship's crew are on duty

  • Look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time

  • Secretly follow or spy on

  • Keep under careful or protective observation

Pirates of the Caribbean - Disneyland

Pirates of the Caribbean - Disneyland

Through these doors wafts a smell reminiscent of recycled water, chlorine, mustiness and dark damp corners that instantly lets me know I am in one of my favorite places...
When I was a kid, Pirates of the Caribbean was the biggest thrill for me, and represented Disneyland in my mind more than anything else. My favorite Uncle, now past,once showed me a cigar box full of miscellaneous golden chains and tidbits he claimed to have plundered from the treasure room on the ride. My Uncle was a bit of a scoundrel and I believed every word of the story...Still a favorite, I usually find time to go inside, grab a whiff of Pirate air and think of my Uncle again...

At the risk of starting another chain of Security discussions, I want to briefly tell of a experience that represents the "normal" routine we have become accustomed to when photographing Disneyland after closing. Starting in New Orleans Square near Court of Angels, our small photo group was gathered to take pictures just after Midnight. As usual, there was a Security CM standing near us observing our behavior and slowly drifting our way to let us know it is time to move along towards the Hub. So we pick up our gear and move along to the next photo opportunity on our way to the Hub with the Security CM keeping a respectful but watchful distance. Occasionally the Security CM may ask questions about our craft or even be interested in seeing the images on our LCDs, usually with a friendly demeanor.

This particular scene here was photographed on one of these typical occasions from the bridge above the queue. The friendly Security CM suddenly rushes towards us and in a hurried voice tells us we have to break down our tripods as a large group of Guests were exiting a private party at Club 33 and heading our way. No problem, we understand that urgency and happily break down our setups and move out of the way of the thundering herd. After they pass, we asked our protector if it was OK to setup and finish the shots we had started. "Sure" he said and we continued our shots, afterward heading to the Hub and eventually out the gate...We are comfortable with this routine, understand it, and are happy to go along with it. I have found it enjoyable to discuss photography with some of the Security CMs and as far as I can tell, most everyone who sees what we are doing on our LCDs enjoys seeing the results of our long exposures and getting a glimpse of our method.




It's still snowing. It's almost up to the top of my snow boots. Crazy.
Today I slept forever and ever and then took headshots for Liz and then we went to Blockbuster to raid the clearance since the store is closing. I got Dirty Deeds, Pathology, RocknRolla, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Blind Dating, The Assassination of Jesse James, and Flight of the Conchords season 2, all for a really amazing price.
Then I frolicked in the snow for these pictures while some creepy guy sat on the stairs and watched me, and now I'm going to do some homework, maybe catch some tv later.
Good times.

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- 00:59 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Seat Sale Flights. Where To Book A Flight. Discount Flight To London

Seat Sale Flights

seat sale flights

  • (flight) shoot a bird in flight

  • (flight) fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (flight) an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • be able to seat; "The theater seats 2,000"

  • a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane); "he booked their seats in advance"; "he sat in someone else's place"

  • A thing made or used for sitting on, such as a chair or stool

  • The roughly horizontal part of a chair, on which one's weight rests directly

  • A sitting place for a passenger in a vehicle or for a member of an audience

  • show to a seat; assign a seat for; "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"

  • an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices; "they held a sale to reduce their inventory"; "I got some great bargains at their annual sale"

  • The activity or business of selling products

  • a particular instance of selling; "he has just made his first sale"; "they had to complete the sale before the banks closed"

  • the general activity of selling; "they tried to boost sales"; "laws limit the sale of handguns"

  • The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something

  • A quantity or amount sold

Play Station

Play Station

The seat map for Air France designates this as galley space, but it seems to have use here mainly as a place to ahng out. That stairway to the left goes down to the lower deck.

The Airbus 380 is the largest commercial passenger jet in the world. We took our first AB380 flight on Air France from Washington Dulles to Paris CDG. We'd gotten Business Class seats through a big sale that Air France ran last spring. Even though the AB380 has two passenger decks, the jetways at Dulles (unlike those at CDG) permit the decks to board through separate gates, so that you don't feel as if you're in a huge airplane. Service aboard is excellent, at least if you've paid the big premium to fly in Business or First Class.

Salon Air France, Dulles (647)

Salon Air France, Dulles (647)

Believe it or not, Air France's small lounge at Dulles is better than their flagship Business Class lounge at CDG.

The Airbus 380 is the largest commercial passenger jet in the world. We took our first AB380 flight on Air France from Washington Dulles to Paris CDG. We'd gotten Business Class seats through a big sale that Air France ran last spring. Even though the AB380 has two passenger decks, the jetways at Dulles (unlike those at CDG) permit the decks to board through separate gates, so that you don't feel as if you're in a huge airplane. Service aboard is excellent, at least if you've paid the big premium to fly in Business or First Class.

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