27.10.2011., četvrtak



Filter Design Example

filter design example

    filter design
  • Filter design is the process of designing a filter (in the sense in which the term is used in signal processing, statistics, and applied mathematics), often a linear shift-invariant filter, which satisfies a set of requirements, some of which are contradictory.

filter design example - Design and

Design and Analysis of Analog Filters - A Signal Processing Perspective (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Volume ... Series in Engineering and Computer Science)

Design and Analysis of Analog Filters - A Signal Processing Perspective (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Volume ... Series in Engineering and Computer Science)

Design and Analysis of Analog Filters: A Signal Processing Perspective includes signal processing/systems concepts as well as implementation. While most books on analog filter design briefly present the signal processing/systems concepts, and then concentrate on a variety of filter implementation methods, the present book reverses the emphasis, stressing signal processing concepts. Filter implementation topics are presented in Part II: passive filters, and operational amplifier active filters. However, greater emphasis on signal processing/systems concepts is included in Part I of the book than is typical. This emphasis makes the book very appropriate as part of a signal processing curriculum.
Useful Aspects of Design and Analysis of Analog Filters: A Signal Processing Perspective extensive use of MATLAB® throughout, with many homework problems involving the use of MATLAB.
over 200 figures;
over 100 examples;
a total of 345 homework problems, appearing at the ends of the chapters;
complete and thorough presentation of design characteristics;
complete catalog of design approaches.
Audience: Design and Analysis of Analog Filters: A Signal Processing Perspective will interest anyone with a standard electrical engineering background, with a B.S. degree or beyond, or at the senior level. While designed as a textbook, its numerous practical examples make it useful as a reference for practicing engineers and scientists, particularly those working in systems design or communications.
MATLAB® Examples: A valuable relationship between analog filter theory and analysis and modern digital signal processing is made by the application of MATLAB to both the design and analysis of analog filters. Throughout the book, computer-oriented problems are assigned. The disk that accompanies this book contains MATLAB functions and m-files written specifically for this book. The MATLAB functions on the disk extend basic MATLAB capabilities in terms of the design and analysis of analog filters. The m-files are used in a number of examples in the book. They are included on the disk as an instructional aid.

79% (9)

Shock and Awe

Shock and Awe

I created “Shock and Awe” for my Media Graphics and Design class at Eastside Prep in East Palo Alto, California. The piece is meant to illustrate both pop art as well as Warhol techniques. In addition, I wanted to illustrate a multi step tutorial to my aspiring design students.

I choose a close up candid shot of myself making a funny face. I took the photograph over the summer after having my hair dyed red and black. In addition, I was still learning the functions of the digital camera. I started with a color photograph and loaded the shot into Photoshop CS. I turned the photo into a black and white and then applied an artist cutout filter. I prefer this to the threshold technique because it breaks the photo into 3 colors-grey, black and white. I think applied the paint bucket to the photo and increased the canvas size. I then adjusted the hue and saturation to make each pattern look different.

As I mentioned before, the style of this design was influenced by the Pop Art movement. I borrowed the style of Andy Warhol's famous screenprints. I was also inspired by the upcoming Halloween season. I choose dark colors to give the image a dark ominous vibe. I wanted the viewer to wonder what the woman saw in the room to make her open her eyes and gape open her mouth.

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward

Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 18-55mm with Marumi macro filter

Sharing is the joint use of a resource or space. In its narrow sense, it refers to joint or alternating use of an inherently finite good, such as a common pasture or a shared residence. It is also the process of dividing and distributing. Apart from obvious instances, which we can observe in human activity, we can also find many examples of this happening naturally in nature. When an organism takes in nutrition or oxygen for instance, its internal organs are designed to divide and distribute the energy taken in, to supply parts of its body that need it. Flowers divide and distribute their seeds. In a broader sense, it can also include the free granting of use rights to a good that is capable of being treated as a nonrival good, such as information. Still more loosely, “sharing” can actually mean giving something as an outright gift: for example, to “share” one's food really means to give some of it as a gift.

filter design example

filter design example

Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities

Completely up-to-date
coverage of water treatment
facility design and operation

This Second Edition of Susumu Kawamura's landmark volume offers comprehensive coverage of water treatment facility design, from the basic principles to the latest innovations. It covers a broad spectrum of water treatment process designs in detail and offers clear guidelines on how to choose the unit, process, and equipment that will maximize overall efficiency and minimize maintenance costs. This book also explores many important operational issues that affect today's plant operators and facility designers.

This new edition introduces several new subjects, including value engineering, watershed management, dissolved air flotation process, filtered reservoir (clearwell) design, and electrical system design. It provides expanded and updated coverage of objectives for finished water quality, instrumentation and control, disinfection process, ozonation, disinfection by-product control, the GAC process, and the membrane filtration process. Other important features of this Second Edition include:
* Practical guidance on the design of every water treatment plant component
* New information on plant layout, cost estimation, sedimentation issues, and more
* English and SI units throughout
* Help in designing for compliance with water treatment-related government regulations

Supplemented with hundreds of illustrations, charts, and tables, Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, Second Edition is an indispensable, hands-on resource for civil engineers and managers, whether working on new facilities or redesigning and rebuilding existing facilities.

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