Note: I usually honor HaShem (the Name) by putting a dash in G-d or L-rd. However, for the purpose of clarity, I am suspending the practice for this post. Youre visiting IHOP for the first time. You go to the prayer room for an intercessory prayer meeting. You listen to people pray on the microphone. And one after the other, no matter their origin or accent, each addresses the Lord in exactly the same way: Come, Gohd! they cry. Gohd, bring revival to Kansas City! You are the Gohd of all power and might! Gohd, send Your Spirit! We ask for Your presence, O Gohd!! And you think, I worship God. Who is this Gohd fella theyre praying to? Maybe they really are a cult. The third most obvious custom of IHOP is the use of Gohd. The pronunciation is hard to describe—kind of a cross between goad and gawd. Its all about the vowel. Im no linguist, but I shall attempt to describe how to ihop the effect for posterity. Now you, too, can speak like an IHOPer in four easy steps! This habit is infectious. ihop every IHOP staff member who has been here for more than a few months is guilty of pronouncing the Name like that. Im no good at math, but I have created a rudimentary (and rather facetious) equation for calculating how frequently you say Gohd in a week: (a * b* c2) * d = e where a = the number of prayer meetings you attended this week; b = the average number of times you prayed out loud (on the mic or in small groups) in each meeting; c2 = c is the number of times you estimate you ihop the name of God in each prayer, because your estimate of c is probably too low; d = the number of years you have been at IHOP; and e = the result. My score was pretty small due to low b and d variables. But if youve been at IHOP for more than a couple years, its hopeless. Now that we have established the linguistic and mathematical (heh) basis for this custom, we shall examine its origin. The blame falls squarely upon the shoulders of IHOPs senior leadership and others who have been here since early in IHOPs history. Serious offenders, all. I think the habit may have started with Mr. Bickle and possibly Dwayne Roberts (that Canadian accent is similar to a Minnesotan accent, doncha know), and then spread throughout IHOP in a viral fashion. And now perfectly healthy people who ihop to IHOP all end up addressing God that way, even if they dont mean to or even want to. I watch myself very carefully when it comes to this IHOP habit. Certainly a slip could be blamed on my Minnesotan origins, but I prefer not to allow myself the leeway. There is no excuse to pronounce the Name that way when youve said God all your life. I call upon new IHOPers everywhere to resist this trend. Resist! Go your own way before its too late! Unless youre already rocking and pacing like a pro & then youre pretty much a lost cause. |
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