12 prosinac 2011

Hotel a gent - Travel lodge hotel uk.

Hotel A Gent

hotel a gent

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

  • A men's public toilet

  • chap: a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at the door"; "he's a likable cuss"; "he's a good bloke"

  • informal abbreviation of `gentleman'

  • port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry

  • A gentleman

Gent, looking in the canal

Gent, looking in the canal

As early as the 11th century, Flemish cloth production had reached such a scale that the supply far exceeded the local demand. As a result, Ghent cloth became an important export article all over Europe. Originally, indigenous wool was used from the many flocks of sheep kept in Artois or on the salt lands and salt marshes of the newly enclosed Flemish polder land. Very soon, however, the raw material gained on the spot was no longer sufficient. From 1100, more and more wool merchants bought their supplies in England. In particular, Lincolnshire wool was of top quality and some of the abbeys had a significant source of revenue thanks to the large flocks of sheep with wool destined exclusively for Flanders. The wool was imported to Bruges and Ghent via the Zwin. The final product, fabricated in Ghent, was fine and durable, but also most valuable. It was sold on all the major West European markets, and even in Nowgorod (a Russian trade centre), in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, and further in the Near East via Islamic ports. Ghent became the most important textile centre of the known world and, with 65,000 inhabitants, the second city in North Western Europe after Paris.

Throughout its history, Ghent has always been a gateway to the world and has played an active part on the international scene. For example, the people of Ghent will gladly tell the English that King Edward III of England was also proclaimed King of France on the Vrijdagmarkt (Friday Market) during the Hundred Years War. His son, John of Gaunt, founding father of the Lancasters, was born in Ghent. They will tell the Dutch that no less than five Ghent nobles were the authoritative captains of the formidable Watergeuzen fleet during the second half of the 16th century; or that Willem de Key, architect of Leiden Town Hall and the 'Waag' and 'Vleeshalle' in Delft, was also of Ghent origin. They will proudly guide French visitors to the Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse in Veldstraat, where King Louis XVIII of France sought refuge for a hundred days after the return of Napoleon from Elba. The Americans and the British know that the hostilities between both nations were put to an end by the 'TREATY OF GHENT' which was signed on Christmas Eve in 1814. The World Exhibition of 1913 was intended to put Ghent amongst the modern cities of the 20th century, but the two World Wars dampened this fervour.

Citizens of Ghent have also played important parts outside Europe. Mexico still honours Pedro de Gante (Peter of Ghent) as one of the founding fathers of modern civilisation in Latin America. In about 1700, a large group of immigrants from Ghent contributed to the foundation of Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic. This was also the case for the city of Ghent in the State of Minnesota, USA. Moreover, would you believe it, one of the region's most famous specialities is Ghent Waterzooi !

Hotel van Eersel, Gent

Hotel van Eersel, Gent

In 1746 liet kanunnik Govard Van Eersel een herenhuis optrekken aan de Reep in Gent. In 1758 werd een bijgebouw aan de bestaande woning toegevoegd. De voorgevel van het eigenlijke herenhuis wortelt wat de opbouw betreft nog in de Vlaamse barokke traditie, terwijl de decoratieve elementen meer de rococovormen aannemen. Dit bepleisterde hotel vertoont een geaccentueerd hoger opgetrokken middenrisaliet met een bekronend doorbroken driehoekig fronton waarin een oeil-de-boeuf prijkt. Het rococokarakter komt vooral tot uiting in de decoratieve elementen: de omlijsting van de oeil-de-boeufs, sierlijke consoles, vensters in schouderboogvorm. Opvallende elementen zijn de arduinen deuromlijsting met bovenlicht en de smeedijzeren balkons. De voorgevel van het bijgebouw uit 1758 vertoont een gelijkaardige ritmering in de venstergeledingen, maar is minder evenwichtig opgebouwd. De decoratieve elementen werden hier beperkt tot enkele rocaille-motieven in de zwikken van de geprofileerde arduinen poortomlijsting. De bepleisterde en geschilderde achtergevel van het herenhuis is U-vormig opgevat. Deze gevel is rijkelijker uitgewerkt dan de voorgevel met o.a. verdiepte borstweringen met paneelwerkversiering. Binnen in het hoofdgebouw is vooral de traphal belangrijk. Zij wordt overkoepeld door een beschilderd plafond in trompe-l'oeil, afgelijnd door een fries met rocailles en putti in de hoeken. De prachtig gesculpteerde trap in rococostijl werd uitgevoerd naar een ontwerp van Laurent Delvaux, de maker van de beroemde preekstoel van de Sint-Baafskathedraal. Een cartouche van de trapleuning draagt het wapenschild en de kernspreuk "Ordinate et Provide" van Monseigneur van Eersel. Het gebouw is eigendom van de Zusters van Liefde en behoort tot het complex van de St.-Bavohumaniora. In 1990 werd het gebouw beschermd als monument.

Foto: Ignace Van der Kelen

hotel a gent

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