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sve o muzici i mom lajfu

Ime:Kristina,Tina,Ina kako god
Gothic ime:Deadly Whispers
Ne volim:klaunove(fljuj..brr),sve vrste gmazova i ptica

Sluša se:-Cradle of filth
-Children of bodom
-Sonata Arctica
-Within Temptation
-Iron Maiden

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Children of bodom- Bastards Of Bodom

The slaying at Bodom from so long ago
Still carry a secret, of which nobody knows
A seed that was planted as the night turned to dawn
Will now bring me to life as the reaper's spawn
I'm a bastards of Bodom and I walk alon
As I follow the reaper, to lead me back home
My victims shall perish on the shores of this lake
As they look upon me, to stare death in the face

I don't need a reason, and I won't tell you why
I'll just take you to hell by the edge of my scythe!
I was born to end life, I can take any form
A shapeshifting demon, killing for sport
Like father, like son, this is my fate
Taking your lives and breeding the hate!

I don't need a reason, and I won't tell you why
I'll just take you to hell by the edge of my scythe!

Children of bodom-Are You Dead Yet

Don't hear, don't deem. Drown in before you dive.
Don't care, commit to your self destruction drive
I kiss the ground with love beyond forever
Flip off the sky with bleeding fingers till I die

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be,
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself
Are You Dead Yet?

Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth,
The fiction you live in blindfold your eyes.
Disclosure, self loathing. This time you've gone too far.
Or could it be, my nemesis that you are me?

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself ARE YOU DEAD YET?

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NIGHTWISH-Sacrament Of Wilderness

Naked in midwinter magic
Lies an angel in the snow
- The frozen ficure crossed by tracks of wolves
An encounter, symbolic, yet truthfull
With a hungry choir of woods
An agreement immemorial to be born

Dulcet elvenharps from a dryad forest
Accompany all charming tunes
of a sacrament by a campfire
A promise between the tameless
and the one with a tool
Tonight the journey from cave begins

I want to hunt with the tameless
I want to learn the wisdom of mountains afar
we will honor the angel in the snow
We will make the streams for our children flow

Wrapped in furs beneath the nothern lights
From my cave I watch the land untamed
And wonder is some becoming season
will make the angel melt in shame

[Repeat chorus]

Nightwish-Slaying The Dreamer

I'm a priest for the poorest sacrifice
I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow and greed
You bathed in my wine
Drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
Your slit tongues licked my aching wounds

Put a stake through my heart!
And drag me into sunlight
So awake for your greed
As you're slaying the dreamer

Swansong for the Wish of Night
God it hurts, give a name to the pain
Our primrose path to hell is growing weed

Blame me, it's me
Coward, a good-for-nothing scapegoat
Dumb kid, living a dream
Romantic only on paper

Tell me why you took all that was mine!
Stay as you lay - don't lead me astray!

Wake up, mow the weed
You'd be nothing without me
Take my life if you have the heart to die

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

srijeda, 13.09.2006.

Depresija i sve stvari vezane za nju

Nešto me zadnjih dana hvata depresija.nemam blage.sama od sebe.ful me nerviraju neki ljudi u školi da bi ih mogla maznut...dosta mi je više...sotona, marš u kurac...kako netko nema osječaja za druge ljude...mislin več sam navikla svaki dan...ono.šta su metalci drugačiji od ostalih ljudi.osin što se oblače u crno i slušaju drugačiju ziku...fakat me to zna dovest do nadam se da se takve stvari vama ne dešavaju...kad me tako to iznervira samo upalim diskmen i sve je bolje,evo van jedne riječi koje me smiruju:


Before the Daylight falls to rest,
into shadows,
Soon I'll be on a black-night trip,
I'll fly across the sky.

It's not a lonely flight,
This one'll be black,
The death lies always in the sky,
It reflect hatred in my eyes.

[Keyboard stuff]

If the daylight dies, the Shadow's are falling on me.
Then I'll be at your side, -?? [Maybe "Then I'll becoming wild"]
Always in the moonlight shadow,
I can't get out,
lost in time for eternity.

[Lead part]

You're the guard of the dead ones,
In the night I'll find you to drink your blood,
You're the Dead night's fresh meat in my arms,
The dead by night's close by!

Don't wake it up, call my name, it's death!
Set them all on a trip of pain,
I can't wait!

[Kick ass solo!]

[After solo this part comes again]

It's such a lonely flight,
This one'll be black,
The death lies always in the sky,
It reflect hatred in my eyes.

It is such a pain to allow, -???
being hard to wound, -???
Always in the moonlight shadow [echo: shadow],
I can't get out!

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ponedjeljak, 11.09.2006.

Mala Nightwish biografija

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Priča o Nightwishu započinje 1996. kada Tuomas Holopainen (tada je bio u bendu Nattvindens Grat) pokušava sa akustičim projektom. To je bilo skroz drugačije nego ono što je do tada svirao, a prve tri pjesme bile su samo za klavijature, akustičnu gitaru i ženski vokal (snimljene u periodu listopad-studeni ’96). Akustičnu gitaru je svirao njegov prijatelj Emppu, a upravo njegova ideja je bila da im ženski vokal bude prijateljica Tarja Turunen, inače studentica na Sibelius akademiji. To se pokazalo kao odličan potez, Tarja je upravo savršeno odgovarala muzici koji su svirali, a njen školovani operni glas postao je zaštitni znak benda. Vjerojatno nisu imali pojma kako će relativno brzo postići svjetsku slavu dok su te srpanjske noci, oko logorske vatre, faktički započinjali s Nightwishom. Da bi upotpunili muziku ubacili su i bubnjeve za kojima je bio i još je uvijek Jukka. Takodjer su i akustičnu gitaru zamijenili električnom.
U studenom 1997. izlazi njihov prvi album “Angels Fall First”. Prije izaska albuma izdali su single “The Carpenter” koji se uspio popeti do 8 mjesta finske single top liste, dok je album završio na 31. Prvi koncert koji su održali bio je u Kitee 31.12.1997. Slijedeće godine, 1998, u mjesecu svibnju izdaju prvi video “The Carpenter”. U proljeću te godine pridruzuje im se i basist Sami?.
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U studenom opet sviraju u Kitee i tu su snimili “Sacrament Of Wilderness” kao predzalogaj za dolazeći album “Oceanborn” koji je izašao u prosincu 1998. Uspjeh koji je ovaj album postigao logički je slijed dogadjaja i rasta popularnosti ovog benda. 1999 izdaju drugi single s Oceanborna, “Sleeping Sun”, a spot za spomenuti single je sniman za vrijeme pomračenja Sunca i izuzetno je efektan. U Njemačkoj se prodao u 15 000 primjeraka u samo jednom mjesecu. Već u kolovozu Oceanborn i Sacrament Of Wilderness uspjeli su doći do golda. U 2000-oj su prisustovali u kvalifikacijama za finskog predstavnika za Pjesmu Eurovizije s pjesmom Sleepwalker. Bili su apsolutni pobjednici po glasovima publike (televoting), ali zbog glasova žirija zavrsili su na drugoj poziciji i time se oprostili od daljnjeg natjecanja.

Ali Nightwishu to nije teško palo, jer još iste godine izdaju treći album “Wishmaster”. Album je izašao u ožujku i odmah je uslijedila velika turneja koja je počela iz Kitee, gdje inače svi i žive. Tamo su nakon koncerta primili gold diskove za album “Oceanborn” i za singlove "Sacrament Of Wilderness”, “Walking In The Air” i “Sleeping Sun”. Njemački magazin Rock Hard proglasio je “Wishmaster” albumom mjeseca, a bio je ispred dugo očekivanih izdanja Iron Maidena i Bon Jovija.
Bend je za vrijeme Wishmaster World Toura sudjelovao u velikim festivalima u Finskoj, a zatim su turneju nastavili po Južnoj Americi. Koncerti u Brazilu, Chileu, Argentini, Panami i Meksiku bili su posebno iskustvo za čitav bend. Također su sudjelovali i u Wacken Open Air, Biepop Metal Festu, a imali su i zajedničku europsku turneju sa Sinergy i Eternal Tears Of Sorrow.

Koncert koji se dogodio za Novu 2001. godinu Tampereu (Finska) snimili su i taj materijal je prebacen na DVD i VHS. Samo za finske fanove u sklopu ovoga izasao je i live CD. Sve ovo je izaslo pod nazivom “From Wishes To Eternity – Live” i opet je Nightwish imao ogromnog uspjeha. Na kraju ovoga koncerta uručeni su im platinasti diskovi za “Wishmaster” i zlatni za single “Deep Silent Complete”. Nešto kasnije ove godine izdaju i mini-CD “Over The Hills And Far Away”.

Kao što i vidite nisam to sama pisala jer ja neam živaca za to...pomogao mi je moj net...wuahah...da...

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