subota, 28.01.2012.



So What Ringtone Download

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40/365 - so what

40/365 - so what

yeah. pink! and my background is pink. lol. wati(my best friend) came over today to my house. so we were like crapping and watching movies and all. hah! it was really fun. i missed her alot. we are in different schools so its hard to meet alot. so yeah.

this is my best friend, since secondary school. our birthdays are near to each other. hers is 13 june and mine is 15 june. we always have a 3 days celebration to celebrate our birthdays. cool right? hah. we both were prefects in school and its funny because i dont look like a prefect. we were in the same class only when we were in secondary 2. we both struggled in that class and well we dropped to our respective classes. me taking pure literature and she principles of account. hah. from pure literature to aerospace. i know that is kinda far,but well i love planes and i took physics so its ok for me:D

we were watching another cinderella story( think i watched it almost 10 times already) i think drew seeley is like supper hot ok. and selena gomez in the movie is kinda cute too:D i think this is the chick flick that i like this year.( i dont watch much chick flick. im more of an action or comedy type of person. girl dramas etc i kinda dont fancy watching them. )i fell asleep halfway because i was too tireed. its been 2 weeks since i worked. so yeah. my feet hurts alot. but on the brightside i ate alot today. the chefs kept feeding me. lol. i got to eat alot of things today at work! hah. thanks to those chef. but i think i am going to be fat soon. lol.

so after that i met wati and then we went to my house. so she brought some dresses. i told her i want her in the 365 today. so yeah. we took lots of photos and changed dresses. but so far this is the best shot of all:) of us in action. the dress wati is using is mine. and im wearing her dress(thats what we do mostly change clothes alot) hah!so we posed and laughed and jumped to songs. it was really fun today. taking photos with someone else and not alone. hah!

i love my best friend alot and eventhough we are not in the same school we still are close. we dont meet much too but we still are close. this is what you call BFF:D

oh yeah. you cant see but she is waaay more taller than me. im about 170cm. she is 175cm.ha!

so i wear dresses at home to take pictures but you will rarely see me wear them out. im not a very feminine person if you would realise by now. im more of a t-shirt and jeans person. at times shorts but well i still love jeans the most. heheh. so today i wore a dress. my mum was like. its nicee. hah!

wati is beside me and we are listening to so what over and over again we are singing along! gah:D

my camera always lets me have alot of noise. i think i will go on and try to edit it a little. i should get a new camera soon i think. hah. but i have to save up on it:D

ps: we are eating lots of junk food. lots of them. and chocolate. we are trying this cadbury creme brulee chocolate and its aweesome. and potato chips and halloweeen chocolates. shall show you some other day:D heheh.and watching the vmas and head banging to paramore! woots

part of the lyrics:D
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rockstar
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight


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28.01.2012. u 22:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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