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Glasaj za moj blog na

Moje gothic ime: LUCIFER

Moje fairy ime:

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Pošto je ovo MOJ blog...bilo bi već i vrijeme da nekad nešto i napišem o sebi...kaj ne?

Pa eto:
Neke moje pikčrs...

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Ja sam jedna morbida muchacha...
Pod imenom Nella...Pohađam
jezičnu gimnaziju u Koprivnici...
rođena sam 19.8.1692(tog datuma
su spaljene vještice
u Salemu)....
težim što većem savršenstvu...
to znači da kod mene većina
stvari mora bit savršena...velika sam
kaj još reć...slušam pretežno
gothic metal,doom,nekaj black i death-a.
Proučavam magiju,nekad ju i prakticiram...
Volim PRIRODU,glazbu,životinje,magiju...
violine,klavir...ljude koji me poštuju...
...that's it...!!!

Sluša se (najviše) :

† My dying bride †
† Moonspell †
† Tristania †
† Arcturus †
† Theatres des vampires†
† Nightwish †
† Crematory †
† Mayhem †
† L'ame immortelle †
† Lullacry †
† Dark Tranquillity †
† Amon Amarth †

I ostalo...

After forever
Ashes you leave
For my pain
Lacuna coil
Mandragora scream
Mortal love
Paradise lost
The 69 eyes
The gathering
Theatre of tragedy
To die for
Within temptation
Lake of tears
Arch Enemy

i još puno toga...

Top 10 mojih najdražih pjesma koje stalno slušam:

1. Theatres Des Vampires - Forever in death
2. Dark Tranquillity - Lethe
3. Satyricon - Fuel for hatred
4. Lullacry - Unchain
5. Dimmu Borgir - Burn in hell
6. Poisonblack - Love infernal
7. Amorphis - Moon and Sun
8. L'ame immortelle - Fallen Angel
9. Empyrium - Many moons ago
10. Tristania - O fortuna

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...And if you go...i wonna go with you...
...And if you die...i wonna die with you...!!!

ili moj ICQ: 320-683-896
ili moj mail:

Ako hoćete čut pjesme koje volim,jednostavno kliknite na njih...

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Templates by Morgana 13 Luas

Ovo sam inače nedam cijelu sliku ;)
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Templates by Morgana 13 Luas
Templates by Morgana 13 Luas

Vonchika-mala brinetica
Sven-super blog...NAJBOLJI frend iz Siska
Majena moja Paujica :D ...supej cuja
†Dark Botica†headbang
MOJA ŠKOLA!!! darling...
Eršaaaa....koleginjica iz razreda
Kvartyloop...kvartovski dečki...hehe...veco and

Emy-pakleni bubnjar...zakon lik
Moja najdraža gimnazijalka...i moja imenjakinja...Nela
Goth Vampire
Nikol-inzistira da ju stavim pod linkiche pa evo...super cura....malo super ;)
Tip koji me redovito prati...super blog
Gothic Angel
Princess of the dark

Moonspell-uz Tristaniu i Sireniu,najbolji bend ikad

Visions of atlantis-Chasing The Light

Freedom for all was the vision he had,
since the day he became the ruler there
And dark times did pass in this moment of light
for his reign brought the end of all the wrath

And he does not want anyone to be alone,
or feel like a lesser creature there
But a witches of the waves did take someone away
who was far too beloved to get lost…

“Find him, save him, tell him, show him,
make him feel that he is not alone…
for my daughter want to love him,
and to give his heart a home!”

“Through the sea he will hunt,
through the ocean ride,
for it’s him she will blame,
if he can’t save his life…
He can’t stop till he wins,
for the oath of the king,
is the heart of the sea,
hunting hard, hunting free”

Sleeping by day, finding no rest by night,
for a bright fire burning in his heart
Wishing for home as the first dusk sets in,
far away from his daughter’s gentle hand

Witnessing the face of unfulfilled desire,
and leaving himself in loneliness
The fight will go on, till he gets what he wants,
nothing there will ever make him stop…

For both men have learnt the cold truth of this fight,
their friendship will last for their lives


Vampiria, you are my destiny
My only Love and true destiny

You're a beast, evil one
Above your head lays a Star
In your heart is buried the jewel
of a Serpent who wished to die
your red long tongue has her poison
And you will spread it as you breed
Conceiving the creed of all creeds

Vampiria, fly Vampiria

In your eye burn, defying
All those who in silence sleep
In a city once named Desire
Dreaming with the entombed dear

The lady has fallen in a blossom
Spread far away by undesirable winds
To females conspiring in gloom
Hiding your pearls from the pigs

So open your arms!
They were shaped as wings
A serenade of revenge draw on your lips

The sombre hill you're staying in
Is now defined
And your Star had start to shine

Depart now on your bright wings
The world envy
The skies have always seduced you
Precious Queen
and you know your time has come
To fly away with Me, so far...

Lake of tears-Pagan wish

Wish I could split the night in two
I wish I could what I would do to you

Wish I could hold the nights apart
Oh, to you I'd give the sun, my heart

I'll be the cyclone how it strays
I'll be the moon escaping there

Wish I could be the waking sun
Just for once I'd be the brightest one

Wish I could find you where you hide
Like the sun I'd the tide that swallows tide

I'll be the cyclone how it strays
I'll be the moon escaping there
I'll be your cancer now, the sun that eats away

We used to climb the highest peaks
Used to lay there in the breeze
Then you turned around to run
So now I'm gone

I'll be the cyclone how it strays
I'll be the moon escaping there
I'll be your cancer now the sun that eats away

Within temptation-Gothic Christmas

We're gonna have a gothic christmas
That is what we'll do
We're gonna have a gothic christmas
Hope you'll have one too

Santa's going to wear a black dress
Just for me and you
Santa's going to grunt in Latin
And slay a dragon or two

Rudolph, he will change his name
Cuz Rudolph just sounds really lame
Now we'll call him Ragnagord
The evil reindeer overlord

His nose it shall be red no more
It will be blackened to the core
His eyes will glow an evil glow
To guide the chariot through the snow

We want to wish you a gothic christmas
We want to wish you a gothic christmas
We want to wish you a gothic christmas
We want to wish you a gothic christmas

We're gonna have a gothic christmas
That is what we'll do
We're gonna have a gothic christmas
Hope you'll have one too

We want to wish you a gothic christmas
We want to wish you a gothic christmas
We want to wish you a gothic christmas
Hope you'll have a gothic christmas too

The Gathering-Eleanor

Underneath the mask you've buried yourself into
It's coal-black
I am tired of the gulping that you do
Every day a new face
What if I unscrew
Your own identity
Wouldn's you guess there's nothing left of you?

The quicksand of life drags us
Down into the circle
One day we might not catch you

I feel sorry, for what you try to do
Breaking others down, to try and to pursue
Your own selfish interests
I am starting to get sick of you

Whatever happened ever since you left
You make yourself and me look like fools

utorak, 30.01.2007.

Sve što sam voljela,a tebe sam voljela,sve što sam sanjala,a tebe sam sanjala,ma zar sam pogriješila,što sam se smijala kad su mi govorili da svi su muški svinje... :D

Evo i mene nakon veri long tajm...javljam vam se da znate da blog nije fmrl...nisam mogla na net mjesec od 3.1. kad je i zadnji post napisan...Evo,počela je škola...a ja sam sama sebi čudna...neda mi se izlaziti(subotom),stalno visim kod moje Very best frend Vonchice ili jednostavno se skuplja društvo iz moje ulice pa raspravljamo(čitaj: tračamo ko babe) ljubavnim problemima drugih šećemo,rolamo...itd...nikad mi takav život nije bil zanimljiv,al sad mi je baš super tak...niti ne pijem previše,ne zamaram se više glupostima i drugim ljudima koji ne znaju cijeniti ono kaj imaju...baš sam si ok sad...i dok me netko popljuje,samo mu vratim onak pošteno...nebu mene niko jebal! -kak bi ivona iam kompetišn iz bajolođi(natjecanje iz biologije) i niš neznam i zadnja bum...AL GLAVNO DA NEJDEM U ŠKOLU!!! I to mi je baš kul...Čak sam i dobro krenula s prvim polugodištem s tim da još vlečem matku za sebom iz prošlog polugodišta....o da imala sam šuber na kraju...nadam se samo da budem to više ispravila...stvarno mi matka nije bolja strana...da...mislim,još uvijek mi nije baš sve tak bajno i krasno...ima još nekih problemčića,al to se da vrlo lako riješiti...iskreno...kak je počela ova nju jir...mislila sam da bude sve gadno i jadno...ono...bum se ubila,neda mi se viš žileta ovo...da...ugl...više nije tak...fakat znam biti ...mutava? Al do nedavno nisam ni ja znala cijeniti ljude i mada sam prezirala ljude koji to neznaju...i ja sam bila među nedavno...kad sam skužila da iam Ivonu...i da jednostavno...imam ju već 3 godine,i da ona prava osoba od povjerenja mi je cijelo vrijeme pred nosom i želi mi biti super i pomoći mi...ali ja ko da sam tražila uvijek nekaj više,nekog boljeg i uvijek kad je sve završilo bolno i kad nisam nikog imala...uvijek je ona bila tu za mene,uvijek je i ona lijala suze za mene jer jedino ona zna kak se ja uistinu osjećam...takvu osobu je jako teško naći...koja suosjeća...i zato znaj Ivona...da te više nikad nebudem zanemarila...ako to slučajno napravim,pljusni me! Fakat znaš oraspoložit čovjeka...mada mi nekad tvoje spike o...gromobranu :) idu na žifce...ali te svejedno slušam...

Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes, I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
'Cause I've had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you...
I've been waiting for so long.
Now I've finally found someone
To stand by me

Joj,da i e...sad sam se setila...Daj više,...znaš,3 lete mi pričaš o Duxy-u a ni sliku njegvu vidla ni niš...mislim d...ugl...Vonchek je jedna cura koju možete samo sanjati...a ja sam srećkovićka kaj sam si ju našla i sad ju više nikom nedam...mrš...I ko god da ju ikad bu povredil,ja ga bum strefila...grrr...joooj...da,inače...ja i ivona smo napravile jedan foto sešn s menom...i slikice su u biti u boxu ove črno bum ih maknula...moram pozadinu samo popraviti pa bum mooožda dela sve...ali mooožda...i evo još nešto za ivonu s njenog bloga smijeh

volim te kad hodaš i kad se smiješ,
volim taj ponos i suze koje kriješ,
volim te kad šutiš i kad se ljutiš,
volim te više nego što slutiš

Naravno na to mislim na prijateljski način...mada smo mi imale i više od,no...ajd mislim da bi bilo dosta za sad...uglavnom...uživajte mi ljudi...volite se,ljubite...grlite...itd,itd...

Evo ovo sam vam ja u črno belom izdanju...

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Al ovo je oriđiđi...

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Slikano by: Ivona...

Evo vam naših bum dela samo par...jer se bu funjila...navodno na ni jednon ne zgleda dobro...c-c-c

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Ja i Vonai...

Cradle of filth - Temptation

I've never been closer
I've tried to understand
That certain feeling
Carved by another's hand
But it's too late to hesitate
We can't keep on living like this
Leave no track
Don't look back

All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
Adorable creatures
With unacceptable features
Trouble is coming
It's just the high cost of loving
You can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

You've got to make me an offer
That cannot be ignored
So let's head for home now
Everything I have is yours
Step by step and day by day
Every second counts I can't break away
Leave no trace
Hide your face

All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
You can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

Step by step
Day by day
Every second counts
I can't break away

Keep us from temptation [x3]
Lead us not in temptation

All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
And you can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

Step by step and day by day
Every second counts I can't break away

Keep us from Temptation [x3]
Lead us not in Temptation

Trying to find it
You've got to get up behind it
Put your dime in the hot slot
But it's a million to one shot
You think that you're right
Your gonna face it tonight now
Give me a breakdown
Because it's time for a shakedown
Temptation [x16]

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Ovo je bilo na ročkasu od jednog frendova(best fešta ikad)...Inače ja i Vonai smo na slici...(jaj kak ši me štišnula Ivona...c-c-c,kaj da ti bum pobegla...)

TRUE FRIENDSHIP NEVER DIES!!! (pogotovo dok je blacky u rukama smijeh)

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srijeda, 03.01.2007.

The smile when you tore me appart,You took my heart,deceived me right from the start.You showed me dreams,I wished they'd turn into real.You broke a promise and made me realize,It was all just a lie...

Evo...prošla Nova Godina...sva slavlja...svee...bilo je super...nisam bila ni preveć pijana,a ni trezna...onak...taman...baš mi je bilo sve haj...i super...društvo je bilo zakonsko...jaaaj...genijalno...drugo podne...spavala sam do,al to tak većina i spi,poslije dobre novogodišnje feš Da,da...ovoga...evo vam par slikica od 1.1. al navečer...Jedna priča o Ivoni i Neli(ja sam Nela)

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Ivona voli papat kokice...

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I Nela...(ja)

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Nela voli jako jako papat kokice...

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Kak se količina kokica smanjivala...tak su se Ivona i Nela sve više i više tukle i prežderavale...

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Kokice su tu...

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Pa ih nema...

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Ivona počela šiziti i tuči za kokice...!!!eek

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Ivona upotrebljava desnicu šakić...Nela usporeno pada na krevet...

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Sad si Ivona misli da je faca...c-c-c...

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Nela se napalila na Ivona na Nelu???!?!?

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Ajde...odlučile su se pomiriti...baka bu spekla još kokica...smijeh je priča o kokicama...naravno...nisu sve slike za javnost...ostale bolje da ne vidite...
I..da...nosim vam još jednu priču...

Foto sešn on d igralište of Štaglinec

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Sve je počelo laganim povjetarcom...Naravno Nela šizi jer joj se kosa ljepi za čobe...

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Nela promijenila mjesto stanovanja...kontenjer...

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I Ivona skup s njom...nemru jedna bez

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Ali neeee...Neko đubre je u kontenjeru i Nela ga počinje panično ubijati!!! headbang

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Evo...naša hižica vam je tu...desno skretanje za Pripizdinu...još malo pa bute došli do zablatja...i evo vam Štaglinec...

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No comment...

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Ivona i Nela su strašno odlučile malo prokopat po smeću...

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Pošto Nela ima...3 godine(ak i tolko)...odlučila se malo spuštat na toboganu...ouiiiii

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Mislim stvarno...KO BU VIŠEJŠEŠE NOGU DIGEL!!!! lol...

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Opaaaa...ouiiiii...nisam to,ne...

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Vidi Isuseke raspete na križ na mreži???

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Uuu...(izdržala sam na tom drvu ni 2 sek)...

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Djeca kukuruza...samo motorke fale...više zgleda kaj da se borimo protiv vjetra jebote...(inače...stojimo na kuruzi)

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Nela sva malo tetura...

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Već se zrušila...i to na šodranu cestu...ajaj...

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Ivona ju je odvlekla na klupu spat...

Evo...i to bi bil kraj ove priče...naravno...opet...nisu sve slike za javnost pa...hehe

Još tu hitim par slikica iz moje sobe i Ivoninog rođendana(koji je btw bil 14.7. ove nema veze...)

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Retardinjo sam ja inače...da...da...

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Moje naj jedne od...njih...

To bi bilo to od posta za danas...možda i ovaj tjedan...neznam...Uglavnom...idem...vozdra...e da i klikčite obavezno na ovaj link...nije virus ni niš...KLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK...fala...pozz....joj e da...moram obavezno pozdraviti IVONU,a onda i Elenu i Tomija i moju polusestričnu Mihaelu...i Nesretnu Nirvanu(Mateja) i Radišičku i Lukač neda mi se viš ajde i Malcu Crnu i K!ku...bla...aj bok...

Within Temptation - Mother Earth

Birds and butterflies
Rivers and mountains she creates
But you'll never know
The next move she'll make
You can try
But it is useless to ask why
Cannot control her
She goes her own way

She rules until the end of time
She gives and she takes
She rules until the end of time
She goes her own way

With every breath
And all the choices that we make
We are only passing through on her way
I find my strength
Believing that your soul lives on
Until the end of time
I'll carry it with me

Once you will know my dear
You don't have to fear
A new beginning always starts at the end
Until the end of time
She goes her own way


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