Moje ime je B***...čudno ime, ali je zato posebno jer ga nema svatko, još ni jednu osobu nisam upoznala s mojim imenom...prije nisam voljela svoje ime, ali sada više nemam ništa protiv njega, osim kad se predstavljam jer ljudima uvijek trebam ponavljati svoje ime jer misle da su krivo čuli i uvijek me pitaju odakle mi, PA OD RODITELJA, KAO I TEBI, BUDALO JEDNA, već mi ta pitanja idu na živce, al jebiga šta ćeš kad imaš čudno ime, dobro dosta o mom imenu...imam 16 godina i idem u školu primijenjene umijetnosti i dizajna na metal, u tu sam školu htijela ići od kad znam za sebe...volim školu, neki ljudi to ne razumiju, al šta ću im ja, meni je u školi prejebeno, sama zajebancija,radimo ono što volimo pogotovo sad kad smo na odijelima, a i većinu vremena provedemo na dvorištu...trenutno se ne bavim ničim, ali htijela bih učit gitaru i ić na streljaštvo...slušam rock, a svoje slobodno vrijeme provodim u p*****...p***** je rock club tj.birc, imaju najfiniju kavu koja je do 11 sati 4 kune, jubox na kojem se pušta super muzika, ponedjeljkom rock karaoke, navečer puštaju spotove, a kadkad nastupaju i bendovi...u p***** se osijećam ko doma, to je moji mali raj...ali, u zadnje vrijeme me jako vesele i prosjedi protiv pokusa na životinjama (naravno bilo bi mi draže kad ne bismo uopće imali razloga protestirati protiv toga) koji se održavaju skoro svaki tjedan na drugom mjestu...

srijeda, 20.12.2006. u 22:05 ][ 1 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ][

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blog kao i svaki drugi...mjesto na kojem ću tratiti vrijeme pišući o sebi, o svom životu i svemu što se vrti po mojoj glavi...



od 7.siječnja.2007 u 23:23 sati

postani vampir...

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-666 fear portal
-shac - STOP testiranju na životinjama
-animal liberation-POTPIŠITE PETICIJU

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ukratko o meni:
moje ime trenutno nije bitno...imam 17 god...idem u 2.raz. primijenjene...živim u zagrebu...slušam rock, metal, gothik...

krakata ja...inače ne izgledam tako krakato...:)
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grozna fotka...iako se ništa ne vidi...nemam nimalo fotogeničnosti...jbg...

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In Flames
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Within Temptation
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The Clash
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Marilyn Manson
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Dimmu Borgir
Iced Earth

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besplatni predlošci!!!

by: gadura


-v4mp1r3s designs

-martina dizajn

-tri mudraca

-free designs

-designs by girl

-laura dizajn

-sir dizajn

blogovi koje volim pročitati:

simba-moja najdraža simba, koju jako, jako volim i koja moji život čini ljepšm

-marry-super blog i super cura



-ika133-UP THE IRONS


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Molim vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
(> < )
Ovo je Gothik - Sado Mazo - Zeko. Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu pomognite na njegovom putu do World Domination!!!



"Nema raja za vječni život i nema pakla gdje se griješnici peku,
Ovdje i sada je dan našeg trpljenja,
Ovdje i sada je dan naše zabave,
Ovdje i sada su naše prilike i mogućnosti
Izaberi ovaj dan, ovaj sat, jer drugog izbavitelja nemaš..."

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

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Back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes I'm, let loose
From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the herse 'cause I'll never die
I got nine lives
Cat's eyes
Usin' every one of them and running wild

'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
(Well) I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black

Back in the back
Of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack
Yes, I'm in a bang
With a gang
They've got to catch me if they want me to hang
Cause I'm back on the track
And I'm leadin' the pack
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap
So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way

Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well I'm back in black
Yes I'm back in black

hooo yeah
Ohh yeah
Yes I am
Oooh yeah, yeah Oh yeah
Back in now
Well I'm back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back in black
Yes I'm back in black

Outta sight

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by: Within temptation

Sparkling angel I believed
You were my saviour in my time of need.
Blinded by faith I couldn't hear
All the whispers, the warnings so clear.
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door.
There's no escape now,
No mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember

The smile when you tore me apart.
You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.

Sparkling angel, I couldn't see
Your dark intentions, your feelings for me.
Fallen angel, tell me why?
What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door
There's no escape now
No mercy no more
No remorse cause I still remember

The smile when you tore me apart
You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.
Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.

This world may have failed you,
It doesn't give you a reason why.
You could have chosen a different path in life.

The smile when you tore me apart.
You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.
Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.

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by:Nick Cave & Kilye Minogue

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
She stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
That grew down the river, all bloody and wild
When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped at the tears that ran down my face

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the second day I brought her a flower
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow
So sweet and scarlet and free?"
On the second day he came with a single red rose
Said: "Will you give me your loss and your sorrow"
I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed
He said, "If I show you the roses, will you follow?"

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the third day he took me to the river
He showed me the roses and we kissed
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
As he knelt (stood smiling) above me with a rock in his fist
On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
And I kissed her goodbye, said, "All beauty must die"
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

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back in black......