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ponedjeljak, 05.12.2011.



Laying Carpet Over Concrete

laying carpet over concrete

  • Fix in position with concrete

  • Form (something) into a mass; solidify

  • a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water

  • cover with cement; "concrete the walls"

  • capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary; "concrete objects such as trees"

  • Cover (an area) with concrete

  • Put down and set in position for use

  • (laid) set down according to a plan:"a carefully laid table with places set for four people"; "stones laid in a pattern"

  • (lay) ballad: a narrative song with a recurrent refrain

  • Prevent (something) from rising off the ground

  • Put down, esp. gently or carefully

  • the production of eggs (especially in birds)

  • A large rug, typically an oriental one

  • form a carpet-like cover (over)

  • cover completely, as if with a carpet; "flowers carpeted the meadows"

  • A floor or stair covering made from thick woven fabric, typically shaped to fit a particular room

  • A thick or soft expanse or layer of something

  • rug: floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile)



(...........) was a gangster of the moorlands. With his steel chrome fowling piece he roamed his land with double barrelled reign. These bracken carpets were his country and he was their personified ruthless beauty.

(...........) was neither cruel, compassionate nor forgiving. Within his proximately there was not a single soul who did not don an attentive air.

His life was monotonous and any other character would have felt a painful cavern burrowed in themselves living such an existence.

(...........) was not aware of any absence in his reality. The rustic barren lands complimented his coarse touch. As the heather scratched and curled around his legs they whispered to him an endless empathy.

That was until the day of the orchid. It at first only a purple flicker amongst the encompassing subdued greens and browns but it rose an unrelenting fire throughout (...........). How dare this intruder flare its mane as arrogant as a wild horse in his land? His fingers greedily gripped the cool chrome as he stormed across the acidic earth.

As he neared the magenta interloper his pace slackened. Something alien alit (...........)’s senses. Roots of apprehension dug into the concrete of this confidence and teased it apart. He was no longer marching towards the orchid but being drawn in a stumbling stupor by its magnificent allure. He dropped to his knees in front of the petit flower and the surrounding bracken cowered. Before (...........) had a moment to bathe in its beauty a wisp of wind lifted the floret and carried it away from (...........)’s longing and following stare.

At that instant (...........) lay down his chrome companion and left it along with the moors. He was driven to find a beauty that rivalled the sweet blossom.

For days (...........) roamed worlds unknown. He never once thought of his bracken infused hills but only of the purple orchid. He stood on bevelled beaches and watched the sea playfully ripple with the wind. He slid through frosted forests as creeping creatures cracked the covering undergrowth. He lay in soft fields whose perfumed air embraced his lungs.

Over these days away from the moors (...........) did not find a contained source of beauty such as the orchid. However, throughout his travels sparks of new feeling shook alive his deadened nerves and new sensations flooded his perception. The wind was no longer only responsible for agitating the leaves of foliage but now quietly quivered his gentling skin. He could dismantle a single breath into an accumulation of a thousand unique thoughts. Incandescent pigments filtered through his eyes to expose objects as formless radiations of colour.

When (...........) finally returned to his origin his eyes shimmered a revealed understanding and his movements smiled an appreciation of love as wild as the moors.

Reclaimed space

Reclaimed space

It doesn't look like much, but it took me two full work days to get it this far. I'm going to investigate what the right thing to do with the concrete walls is; also lay down a new carpet (lighter color) over the indoor/outdoor stained carpet. I'm even considering sheetrocking the ceiling, though that seems like it might be a big project. :-)

laying carpet over concrete

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