petak, 15.09.2006.

Dakle, evo me napokon! Znam, nisam stvarno odavno pisala, nemam neki poseban razlog osim sto mi se nije dalo. Bilo je ljeto pa sma bila na posebnom rezimu: budjenje, izlezavanje, plaza, vanka. I tako svaki dan. Necu se zaliti, bilo je odlicno tako nista ne raditi, lijepo vrijeme, prijateljice (posebno jedna koju nisam vidjela godinu dana. Zapravo i nisam znala da ce doci tako da je bilo jako lijepo iznenadjenje! :)). Nije se nista posebno dogadjalo, ali opet je bilo prekrasno. Ali, ono najvaznije: upisala sam godinu!!!!! :D Osjecaj koji se ne moze opisati, osjecam se kao da sma na vrhu svijeta! Idem na nova predavanja, nove profesore imam, novo gradivo. I kao da je nestalo ono neraspolozenje i briga od prethodne godine. Ah! Posebno mi je drago sto smo onom peticijom nesto uspjeli napraviti, tj. sto tu oderedjenu osobu vise nikada necu morati gledati i nece mi vise zagorcavati zivot! To mi je bio i posljednji ispit, osluka hocu li upisati godinu ili ne, a dan koji sam provela cekajuci rezultate najduzi dan mog zivota. Cak sma i povracala-nesto sto mi se apsolutno nikada nije dogodilo u cijeloj mojoj povijesti skolovanja. Ali, to je iza mene! :D
I sutra idem doma, bezbrizna, napokon na pravi odmor. I, sretna sam, right? Da. Ali, uhvatilo me neko neraspolozenje. Ne znam koji mi je vrag, imam svake osnove za biti sretna, zar ne? Da. Ali, opet sam usamljena. I ta me samoca ubija. Dakle, opet stanujem sama i nema izgleda da se to uskoro promijeni. Nemam romantican pogled na zivot u dvoje, troje. Ali, kada stanujes s nekim znas da je uvijek tu netko s kime mozes popricati, nasmijati se, podijeliti brige. Nema veze sto je ta osoba u drugoj sobi i, recimo, neraspolozena je i zeli biti sama, to ce je proci. Netko je tu kada dodjes doma. Ok, ovo je pateticno pomalo. Mozda imam previse vremena jer zadnjih dana nemam ispita tako da se zatvorim u kucu u 2 popodne i to je to. Bit ce bolje kada pocnu predavanja pa cu biti doma tek navecer. Ali, na pomisao da ce ovako mozda biti cijelu godinu, a dani su sve kraci...Da nesto razjasnimo, imam prijatelje, zovem ih vanka, pokusavam da sto vise izlazimo, ali to rijetko kada cinimo. Zasto ne znam. Htjela bih stanovati s nekim, ali nemam s kime, a necu s nekim nepoznatim jer to ce bit grozno-ne znas kakve su navike te druge osobe, ne znas kakva je karakterno, hoce li ti smetati. Ne, previse rizika. Dakle, nista od toga.
Treca tema-mailovi i upoznavanje. Imala sam iskustva da kada upoznam nove ljude preko maila i pocenmo se dopisivati, sve je odlicno. I ti mailovi prvih mjeseci, godinu dana stizu redovito i stvarno se otvorimo jedni drugima, sve izgleda odlicno. Ali, onda se upoznamo. I...tu nastane prekid. Tu nastane prekid, nakon toga se rijekto javljaju, ili ako ih ja pitam hoce li se javiti onda tu ucine. Ali, definitivno se osjeca neki raskid veza. Sto je najgore, i da to upoznavanje odlicno prodje, stovise super, opet je raskid nakon toga. Uvijek se nadam sada ce mail, provjeravam postu, ali nista. Trazim razloge zasto osobe ne pisu i nalazim objektivne razloge i sebi sve predocujem, ali...cinjenica ostaje: ljudi kada me upoznajurazocaraju se jer ocito nisam osoba koja se predstavlja u mailu-iako mi nije jasno kako to jer sma uvijek ista. I zato mislim da je najbolje da se ubuduce klonim upoznavanja ljudi s Interneta.
Current mood: Falling away from me, Part of me

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Opis bloga
Misli i zamisli frikuse

Blogovi koji se obvezno moraju procitati (i to pazljivo!)
Đavolje Čedo
Mouse girl

Najradije slusam:LP, Nightwish i jos neke novootkrivene
Rodjendan: 23. 12.
Rodni grad: Dubrovnik,
Kucni ljubimac: Zec koji bolje da ne znate kako se zove
Najdrazi filmovi: 13, LOTR
Knjige: Harry Potter, 1984,


Neke od mojih najdrazih pjesama koje nisam ja napisala nego jedna cura koja se nadam da se nece ljutiti sto su ovdje:

I felt that hit
Beat by some shit
By association

Beats of my heart
I stopped hear
Only my tear
I'm gonna disappear

Cut vein
Blooded brain
Shocked eyes

Fall and lost soul
Forced to crawl.
Tear by fear
I don't hear.
Blind mind
Just me and my dear
Where no one can't find
We're in my dream.
Reality found
Our shelter to hide
My secret side.

Tears in my eyes
Friends around me are having fun
I'm trapped in their lies
I wanna run
Cause they made me cry
To hate my life
Made my wish to die
Telling me to take a knife
Now it's too late to save my soul
Now i hate
I'm their doll

My heart will be always here
Waiting for you
I won't slip a tear
And i don't know what to do
I'll just wait
Cause you're the one
I won't hate
You should find your sun
A person you love
Like I love you
And every beep of my heart
Is telling the truth
It will be years of suffer
But it's worth
My life is becoming darker
I know I'll be hurt
Things can be to perfect to be real
I need you to wake me up
I can't let my wounds heal
Show me the map
Obsession to quit
Is too hard
I don't need that shit
I'll runaway from guard
This place is torture
My blooded brain
I need a cure
I can't stand this pain
Give me my wings back
My numb soul
That self-confident what is fake
I won't crawl
I feel my blood
Every drop of it what is coming out
Is there God?!
Do I have to shout?

She wanna disappear
And that final tear
What is slipping at her tortured face
Her dead pace
And all fears inside
Cause there's no where to hide
Only in her mind
And of people who are blind
She's tired of living her life
She'll take the knife
And over it forever
Cause all her prayer
To fall asleep and never wake up again

She's hurt so much, she's covered by pain
Keep pain inside
And all times you cried
Try to disregard
Their mean side

Your wish to disappear
Just pretend you don't hear
Ignore fear
And go to your dear

I just lied
I told i'm alright
But i wasn't
I was sitting in the bathroom
And cut
She assumed
I'm alright
Coz i didn't scream
I never did
I hide my scars
Far away form your sight
And i looked at mirror
I broke down
I lied on the flor
And asked why
Why always i?
Why it's always my fault?
Why i'm always wrong?
So i asked the God
Can he do me a favour,
Take a knife
Knock on my door
And with gentle move
Punish me for all

During a day
She always has happy face
But when sun betrays
And light leaves the place
She can be herself again
Again girl terrored by fears
Again girl who tries to cut her vein
The one who stands pain
In the dark corner of her room
Where blades are hidden
Where where she assumes
Nothing is forbidden

He knew she cuts
But ain't understand why
Coz he thought she's perfect
Until he looked behind the lie
And it was so hard to understand
Why does she hate herself
So hard to just watch
Her hiding the pain
Weaping every drop of blood that came out of her eye
Just standing there
And seeing her her cutting her vein
Falling deeper and deeper in her blame…
Ahe didn't see
What he wants her to be
She was so sick
And she didn't want to live
But sometimes whe he gave her a kiss
She forgot all her sorrows and hid in her dream
It was perfect there
Everyone cares
Even he
The problem was she didn't see
How much he realy doesn't care
He just stares
Coz he doesn't understand ahy
He even doesn't want to try
Try to understand
The thoughts in her head
And love she hides
And shininess what dies
Jusz coz he doesn't love her
He loves that other girl
She had do that
She had cut
Why stop
She he doesn't love me anyway
I hate every next day
Alone in my head
With blooded hand
Wishing this is the end
Take a blade again
And cause myself pain
Screaming till blood
Takes me to the God
Once forever
And see him never!

I haven't done this for a long time
I mean write
I guess i was out of my mind
And now i'm back
Things were too perfect to be real
I was too happy
It didn't work out
So i had to cut
And i just cut
I'm watching at my wound
It's bleeding
And i'm crying
I just hate all this
But i can't stop
It's too hard
And i'm alreaday nuts
I dug too deep
Oh, shit!
Fucking scars
All over my body
Where to run
When he hates me
Yeah, he does
And it's my fault
Like always
I was wrong
I'm too hard
Too complicated
He tried to disregard
But it was too late
I was already pretending
Acting like i was happy
But inside i wasn't
I have never been
And i'll never bee
Remember; this crap is me!