Asics Gel Treadmill
Day 16 - "Asics" January 16, 2011 - "Asics" I'm a little bored... and completely exhausted - so it's a "quick shot" tonight... ... my new pair of Asics... which I bought just for gym use. These things are so light and comfortable... I'm in love with them! I've only had them for a few days, yet they already have at least a dozen treadmill miles on them. In fact, today we had quite a work out together: An hour and-a-half on the Tread... plus time on the strength machines... ... and it felt so good! * * * Asics Kinsei 2 Asics Kinsei 2 Related topics: proform spacesaver treadmill commercial exercise equipment for sale landis l7 treadmill maxpro treadmill health club design trotter treadmill service become a certified personal fitness trainer pacemaster pro plus 2 treadmill calories burnt on treadmill |
Factory Home Gym Equipment
Young Men's Institute Building The Bowery, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States This 1884-1885 building, the first branch erected by the New York City YMCA Board of Directors, is the sole survivor of New York's nineteenth-century YMCA branches and the major surviving New York City work of architect Bradford L. Gilbert. This building originally housed the Young Men's Institute, a membership organization intended to promote the physical, intellectual, and spiritual health of young working men in the densely crowded Bowery. The five-story Queen Anne style building has a largely intact facade, which is asymmetrically organized with a recessed entry at the south bay; a rusticated sandstone base with segmental arches; a mid-section featuring giant pilasters framing a double-story arcade with recessed metal-enframed windows; and a top section crowned by a slate-covered mansard roof pierced by two dormers. The larger dormer has a pediment with terra-cotta decoration surrounding the commencement date, 1884. In 1915 the firm of Parish & Schroeder renovated the three lower stories at the rear for an enlarged gymnasium, new shower and locker room, and a swimming pool. The YMCA left the building in 1932, and it has since become studio/residential space for artists, many of whom are world renowned, and it houses a teaching and meditation center for a community of Tibetan Buddists. DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS The Young Men's Institute Branch of the YMCA, 1884-1932' The wide avenue called the Bowery (Dutch for farm), an entry road into downtown New York, was lined with inns, taverns and shops along its route from Cooper Square to Chatham Square near City Hall. It was called "thieves' highway" by Jacob Riis, the nineteenth-century photographer/ journalist, who described "swarms" of young men "fresh from good homes," with hopes, but not much money, who gravitated to the Bowery with its twenty-five-cent lodging houses. Riis estimated that more than nine thousand homeless young men lodged nightly on or near the Bowery. YMCA records stated that to reach young men who "were not yet hardened," the organization established a Bowery Branch; the upper four floors of 243 Bowery (stili standing) were leased in 1882, and this space provided reading and meeting rooms and lodging accommodations for sixty.2 William E. Dodge, a director of the YMCA, had helped finance the Bowery Branch, and his son Cleveland, two years out of college, became its chairman in 1881, serving until 1884, when he became the first Chairman of the Young Men's Institute.3 In 1885 Cleveland H. Dodge described the establishment of the Young Men's Institute. The Bowery Branch has long done a noble work, in reaching and helping fallen and destitute men. Being distinctly a relief work, from the very nature of the case, it has not been able to reach the larger class of hard-working independent young men. There has therefore, long been a need in that part of the city for an attractive building, in which to help this latter class to a full and wholesome development. The Association bought the two lots, 222 and 224 Bowery, in June, 1882. Money was raised for a building in the winter of 1884, and on the 1st of July ground was broken. In about a year the building was ready for occupancy. The name Young Men's Institute was chosen to distinguish it effectively from the Bowery Branch ... On the 15th of October the building was opened.4 The concept of a building where inner-city men could fraternally enjoy athletic, social and intellectual rapport was innovative, and the Institute Branch, the first branch building erected by the Board of Directors, is the first manifestation in New York of what would be the modern YMCA.5 Architect Bradford L. Gilbert had been introduced to the Committee of Management of the Bowery Branch in February 1883, by Chairman Cleveland Dodge. Gilbert presented his design for the proposed new Bowery building to the YMCA Board of Directors meeting on April 21, 1884, on the recommendation of Vice-President Cornelius Vanderbilt II.6 Vanderbilt was an enthusiastic member of the Directors' committee that named the new building, and at their meeting on January 19, 1885 "after a lengthened consultation, on motion of Mr. Vanderbilt, the new Building was named The Young Men's Institute." In his first annual report to the YMCA Directors, Cleveland H. Dodge described the aim of the Institute ~ to provide for the physical, intellectual and spiritual health of its members. He reported that the gymnasium and its calisthenic classes were fully functioning; that the Institute held such weekly cultural events as lectures, concerts, and debates, as well as "entertainments" accompanied by the Institute's own orchestra and glee club. The circulating library had a thousand volumes, and six educational classes had beeen initiated — free-hand, mechanical and architectural drawing, bookkeeping, pensmanship and arithmetic. Staffan's Equipment Equipment To Travel Light as a wildlife-interested photographer is a joke. What you bring is what you´ve got. What can break, will. So I try to bring it all… My hazy eyes need autofocus. My hazy brain needs auto exposure and auto white balance. My motifs often need many frames per second. After having tried almost all possible camera systems I settled for the best equipment money can buy. The sharpest, brightest lenses, the fastest and most accuratly exposing cameras, the most modern flashes and the finest CF-cards. Autofocus, autoexposure, auto white balance and motor-powered everything. Have happily left film and have gone completely digital, since 2004. The Nikon D3 and D3X are real miracles. D3 can be exposed with very high ISOs without damaging the images at all. The D3X gives better tonal range files and fine detail than any other camera that I have ever seen. It gives incredibly detailed and sharp files. In both the AF is fast and exact and the controls are easy and intuitive. The days of film feel left very, very far behind. The D700 is like a light D3. Same quality of files, but smaller and not as heavy to carry. Still very stabile and sturdy. The D300 also creates great and very detailed files, better even than the D2Xs and with better ISO possibilities than the D200. Also the internal flash system in it is really good. The perfect backup camera, or when I need light-weight more than anything else. The D90 gives unbelievably fine video files, and the possiblity to use long lenses like the 600/4 creating a wonderfully beautiful blurred soft background. Yes, the latest Nano-coated Nikkor lenses are heavy to carry, but tack sharp, crystal clear and incredibly fast-focusing. The new 14-24 and 24-70 and the Micronikkor 105, the 200/2, the 300/2,8 VR and the 600/4 VR are the sharpest and most fine-rendering lenses I have ever tried or seen work from. No haze. And with the D3:s you can fine tune and calibrate each individual lense to each individual camera body. Giving a crispness in detail also with the longest lenses plus 1,7x converter better than anything else I have experienced. VR vibration reduction is often a blessing. I use a wide-angle zoom on one body, a short tele-zoom on the other. Long telephoto lens on the third, usually the 600 mm. Original Nikon stuff only. ISO mostly 200-1600 on D3. 100-640 on D3X Motor drive at as many frames per second as the technology allows. Then I feel prepared for most quick situations. I also bring backup of almost everything. Photography tool box: Cameras and such: 2 Nikon D3 1 Nikon D3X 2 Nikon D300 1 Nikon D90 Nikkor AFS 600/4 G ED VR Nikkor AFS 500/4 G ED VR Nikkor 400/2,8 G ED VR Nikkor AFS 300/2,8 G ED VR Nikkor 200-400/4 IF-ED VR AF-Nikkor 200/2 VR (the sharpest lens I´ve ever tried!!) AF-Nikkor 70-200/2,8 VR AF-Nikkor DX 12-24/4 (for the D300s) AF-Nikkor 14-24/2,8 AF-Nikkor 24-70/2,8 AF-VR Micro-Nikkor DX IF-ED 105/2,8 (the next sharpest lens I´ve ever tried!!) AF-Nikkor Fisheye 10,5 mm/4 (for the D300) AF-teleconverters Nikkor TC-14B II and TC 17 B II and TC-20 B II 2 Flashes Nikon SB-900 and a Project-A-Flash tele flash fresnel-lens kit. Field glasses Nikon 8x42 and Nikon 10x25 Tripods and such: Carbon fibre 6X tripods from Gitzo (GK 5541 for the heavy lenses and GK 3580 for hikes and lighter jobs), with leveling units and extra big feet for snow and sand) Ball heads and panning heads from Gitzo and Kirk. Arca Swiss style quick releases and swivel heads from Wimberley. Macaroni- and or rice or bean-bags. Organically grown of course J Apple Mac Book Pro 17” Laptop Epson 8000 external hard disk. San Disk Extreme IV CF-cards 8-16 Gb Rechargable Nikon Li-ion battery packs, kits of Lithium AA batteries for really cold weather. Camera bags and -backpacks from Tamrac. Waterproof bags and boxes from Pelican and Ortlieb. Other equipment: Tent Hilleberg "Staika". Stands anything, can be put up anywhere. Tent Hilleberg "Kieron" 4-man. Stands anything, but rooms more people. Sleeping bag North Face "Goose Down" for ordinary trips. Sleeping bag North Face "Deep Sleep" for the really cold ones. Thermarest sleeping mattresses. Backpack Norröna "Beito". Brings it all. Arcteryx jacket and pants. All round. All year. Heavy Duty down parka "SnowGoose Expedition" from Canada Goose. For minus 30 and below. All underware in Swedish "Wool power". Best I´ve tried. Doesnt even smell when used! "SOREL Extreme" - Canadian Army Arctic winter mukluk boots. For minus 20 and below. Hiking boots Le Chameau (long), Gore-Tex. Nokian felt lined rubber boots. For sleet, wet snow and slush. Rubber boots "Wildmark". Summer use. Lundhags felt-lined leather ski boots. Inuit-kamikks of seal skin and caribou fur, for minus 25 and under. Pocket flask, type "Jerry Can" with french Cognac, preferably Rémy Martin or Grönstedts Extra. Related topics: health club facilities indoor jungle gym equipment nordic track exp 1000 treadmill horizon fitness t84 treadmill ncsu pre health club home exercise no equipment athlon treadmill parts |
Back Pain Exercise Equipment
Fuzzy Zoeller & Thomas-Bonus Back on Course In 2008, nine-year-old Thomas Bonus was nearly paralyzed during a diving accident. Today, he’s a healthy, active 12-year-old who loves golf—and who recently caddied for golf legend Fuzzy Zoeller at The Principal Charity Classic. By Linda Pixley That day – July 1, 2008 – started out like any other summer day for the busy Bonus family of West Des Moines. As usual, Cyndi Bonus drove her kids, 13-year-old Robbie, nine-year-old Thomas and four-year-old Katie, to Des Moines Golf and Country Club for their daily swim team practice. At the pool, Thomas mounted the starting block to practice the relay. When his relay teammate touched the edge of the pool beneath him, Thomas, dove in—just as he’d done dozens of times before. But this time, something went wrong, and Thomas hit his head on the bottom of the pool. Cyndi looked over to see Thomas floating face down in the water. The sight was every parent’s nightmare. At that moment, Thomas says he was conscious but couldn’t move his limbs. “It felt like it was a dream,” he explains. The coaches acted quickly, bringing Thomas to the surface and stabilizing him with a backboard until an emergency medical services (EMS) team arrived. “Thomas was breathing fine, but he couldn’t move his limbs for several minutes,” said Cyndi. “It was very frightening.” Thomas was taken by ambulance to Blank Children’s Hospital, where physicians and nurses were ready and waiting for him to arrive. “Our team begins mobilizing immediately when we receive a call from EMS about a pediatric trauma patient,” said James Swegle, MD, trauma medical director for Iowa Methodist and Blank Children’s Hospital. Thomas was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Blank. He was put in a neck brace, and while he began to move his legs later that day, he had terrible pain—followed by numbness—in his arms. In fact, the pain was so severe that he laid in the hospital bed with his arms supported on pillows and “would get very mad if someone slightly jarred the bed,” said his dad, Ken Bonus. After several tests, including computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, physicians determined that Thomas had fractured the fifth and sixth vertebrae in his neck. At that point, doctors weren’t sure how much—if any—movement Thomas would regain in his arms. For that reason and many others, those first days were particularly tough for Thomas and his family. “Thomas couldn’t have any food, water, ice chips or anything else by mouth because of the risk of him choking or ingesting something into his lungs and complicating things,” said Ken. And Thomas continued to experience intense pain in his arms. Fortunately, the hospital’s Child Life staff, who help kids (and their families) deal with hospitalizations, were there to help the Bonuses during those rough days. For instance, when the cards and letters from friends and family started pouring in, Thomas couldn’t see them unless they were held right in front of his face (he couldn’t move his neck or his arms). So the Child Life team hung his cards from the ceiling over his bed so he could see them. After five days, Thomas was fitted with a halo vest—a piece of equipment that keeps the head and neck immobile. “We were all very scared and nervous when the halo was attached,” Cyndi says. The procedure to attach the halo vest went well, though, and Thomas’ intensive rehabilitation—which lasted for nearly two years—began. Specially trained pediatric physical and occupational therapists worked with Thomas to help him regain strength and balance, particularly since the halo vest added considerable weight to his upper body. “We learned that we use our heads for balance to walk upright,” says Ken. “Thomas was unable to move his head due to the halo, so he had to learn to adjust his upper body from the waist to balance.” Therapists continued to work with Thomas on relearning how to perform simple actions of daily life, such as eating or scratching his nose, until he was discharged on August 6, 2008. He was still wearing the halo when he returned to school at Jordan Creek Elementary in West Des Moines later that month. “I was excited, but I was also scared of what people would think,” Thomas says. The Child Life team stepped in again, sending a specialist to meet with teachers and students at his school. “They explained to the kids that Thomas would look different. They talked about the halo vest and even brought a weight filled with sand to show everyone how heavy the vest was,” says Cyndi. That helped the kids understand what Thomas was going through. As a result, his transition back to school went smoothly. Thomas wore his halo for nine weeks and a neck brace for an additional two months, and he continued to perform rehabilitation exercises at Blank and at home for nearly two years. And while contact sports—such as football—are off-limits to Thomas for now, he can play soccer, swim and golf. In fact, it was his lo EF-111's return from Gulf War I covered this unit during the Gulf War and was at MHAFB when they returned. As Paul Harvey often says...heres the rest of the story: Operation Desert Storm - First Wave to Iraq by Ike Sweesy, EF-111 Flight Lead, 390 Electronic Combat Squadron, USAF, Ta-if, Saudi Arabia The EF-111 is a Supersonic Radar Jammer plane modified by Grumman from the General Dynamics F-111 Fighter Bomber. It was designed to jam the enemy early warning and missile threat radars. EF's from both Mountain Home AFB, ID and Upper Heyford, UK flew in Desert Storm. The receivers are located on the tail of the aircraft in "the football", and the transmitters on the belly in "the canoe". The EF has since been retired from service. The following letter to family and friends was written a few days after the first mission to Baghdad. I had my first mission early, early 17 January morning and it was spectacular. I know everyone was watching things on the news. I was in the first wave leading three EF-111s for the strike against Baghdad and there were over 70 aircraft in the mission. Our package was striking airfields, missile sites and military targets in and around Baghdad itself. It was AWESOME!!! For the two days prior to the attack, we were working on the mission planning and getting our body clocks adjusted for the 1:30 AM launch. The night prior to the mission I stayed up until about 5 AM putting the final touches on my mission then went to bed. I could only sleep until 11 AM then I got up and puttered around at Intell and the Squadron. I cleaned my Chemical Warfare mask and put in new filters then went and found the security policeman that I had bartered with. I traded one of my flight suits for a bayonet and sheath. It is VERY sharp! I took off my rings and patches and set up my combat wallet (plastic ziplok) taking only my ID card, some money and my New Testament, no pictures allowed. I put together my web belt and canteen with my gun holster and hooked on the bayonet. The extra water and my survival equipment would be easier to carry if I got shot down. We normally have our .38 pistol on our survival vest but it is in a bad place right above the left kidney and it gets in the way. I have an extra helmet bag to hold my web belt, two flashlights, a set of desert fatigues and floppy sun hat (no desert flight suits yet), my Chem gear and mask, and my big ziplok bag with sunscreen, skin lotion, aspirin, gum, pepto bismal tablets, malaria tablets, go pills, blistex, ear plugs, eye drops, throat lozenges razor blade knife, camouflage paint, fire starter, matches, nylon cord (two thicknesses), and camouflage scarf. I also carry my little Swiss Army knife that Sandy gave me two Christmases ago plus my big Swiss Army knife that Bob gave me. All my knives I have sharpened to a razor edge. The bag fits below my legs and between the seat and joystick. My helmet bag with the Escape and Evasion maps and my flight jacket goes under the seat. What about ejection you ask me - in the F-111 the entire cockpit goes with you and you land on a balloon!! I'm not kidding! About 1930 our flight piled into the PimpMobile and went to the Mess Tent for dinner. It's called the PimpMobile because it has felt curtains with little danglies hanging down and felt covers on the dashboard and other plastic parts. Inside the Mess Tent door, there is a sign-in sheet and everyone always makes a joke of it. Sometimes we will all sign one person's name or else "Mickey Mouse" or even "Dan Quayle". We had a variety of "sign ins" tonight also but I was feeling particularly pugilistic so I just signed "Fighter Pilot". My good Christian friend "BRENT" behind me signed just his first name in a mock shaking script. We all laughed at each other but we all understood what danger we were flying into. After dinner we all went back to the MPC (Mission Planning Cell) for our final Intell update and got our Blood Chits issued. The Blood Chit is a paper with the US Flag on one side and a message in several languages that promises that the US government will pay a person several thousand dollars if they will aid a downed airman to escape back to Allied territory. I had not seen one since Southeast Asia and we all hoped that we would keep them in our pockets and turn then in the next morning after the mission. At 2115 we attended the mass briefing with the weather, Escape and Evasion briefing, taxi plan, and the enemy situation. This lasted about 45 minutes. At the end, the Wing Commander stood up and all he said was "Alright guys, let's go to war." There was no cheering, no bravado. There were probably some of us that would not come back. After this briefing I took my flight to the squadron and we briefed for the mission. I had heard some talk in the squadron about turning around if enemy Mig fighters were spotted so I spent some time talking about the difference between aggressiv Related topics: local personal trainer isometric exercise equipment beta porto hotel health club insurance for personal trainers keys 8800 treadmill proform spacesaver treadmill image treadmill manual personal trainer certificates |
Health Club In Nj
Lovely Cruise JEAN MARIE REILLY DELANEY -- A Celebration November 14, 1931 -- December 28, 2004 Jean Marie Reilly was born November 14, 1931 in Jersey City, NJ. She was the fifth of seven children born to John and Genevieve Reilly, and I am so happy that her two sisters, Peg and Rose, were able to make the trip down here. She is also survived by two brothers, Jim and Bill Reilly. After graduating from high school, mom moved to West Virginia to attend Fairmont State College. While putting herself through school, she met my dad, Donald Delaney, while she working at a local diner in Fairmont. After receiving her bachelor’s degree, mom accepted a teaching job in Canton, Ohio. In 1956, my parents were married, and they moved to St. Mary’s County in Southern Maryland, where they both taught. They rented a cottage on the water – what a beautiful and fitting start to their marriage! A few years later, mainly because mom missed the “culture” of the cities, they moved to Towson, Maryland, where she taught at Golden Ring Middle School. When she became pregnant with me in 1962, my parents purchased their home in Bel Air. It was important to mom to stay home with me until I was old enough to start school, at which time she began home teaching. Anxious to further her education in the late 1970’s, mom earned her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology at Loyola College in Baltimore. She worked briefly at a counseling center in Essex, Maryland, and then made the decision to return to teaching art, which undoubtedly was her passion. She worked many years at Cockeysville Middle School, and eventually became the department chair person. During this time, she received numerous awards, some of which include the Baltimore County Art Educator of the Year, Maryland Art Educator of the Year, and National Art Educator. I am most proud of my mom’s decision to return again to school. In 1990, she was accepted into the doctoral program at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and completed her PhD in Urban Education at the age of 60. Such an amazing woman! Many universities offered her teaching positions, and she finally selected Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri as her choice. She taught Art Education there for five years. When my father’s health started to decline, she retired and they returned to Bel Air. After my dad’s passing in March of 2000, the Lord almost immediately drew her to this church, where the parishioners were such a comfort to her. When the Alzheimer’s began to take its toll, she moved to Brightview Assisted Living. Although she could no longer do many of the things she loved, her joy and beautiful spirit still emanated. She was always the first to get up and dance at any given social event! Even in her final months at the nursing home, she maintained her gracefulness and loving ways. She passed away peacefully the afternoon of December 28, where I was by her side. While we were celebrating her life at the viewing yesterday, my dad and mom were celebrating their 48th wedding anniversary in Heaven. Mom loved to paint, bake, read, swim, boat – (and drink wine) – and at Bush River Yacht Club, she found kindred spirits who enjoyed the same. Those were the days of trips across the bay to Belly Button Beach, Stillpond and Fairlee. The days of “Under the Tree at BRYC”, where my mom and her friends (Peg, Trina, Judi, Carol, Molly, Ruthie, and Nancy) would drink Gallo Hearty Burgundy, (many times decanted into a much lovelier bottle), Blackberry Brandy, and grilled on hibatchi’s every day of the summer. I didn’t grow up with the “normal” meals – my mom would fix crudités and mini-dinny’s instead – of which I proudly carry on the tradition. She established friendships when they started boating there that last until this day. A ton of the old boat club crew were the first people to visit at the viewing yesterday, and the stories that everyone shared truly warmed my heart. What I have heard over and over from my mom’s family, friends and co-workers throughout the years is what an inspiration she was to them….and my dad and I are at the top of the list of her admirers. She was an exceptional wife, mother, artist, teacher, Girl Scout Troop Leader, counselor, and loved the Lord with all of her heart. That is why I know she is at peace now. We all will miss her beyond words, but I take comfort in knowing that she will live on through the hearts and stories of her friends and family. Thank you all for being here to celebrate the life of Jean Marie Reilly Delaney. Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe Located at the crossroads of I-95 and I-80, three miles from the George Washington Bridge, and a short 15 minutes from Manhattan, the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe is ideal for getaways, business meetings and lavish social events. The comfortable, newly renovated and oversized guest rooms and luxury suites are the perfect base camp for sporting events at nearby Giants Stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex, which is just 10 minutes away. The Teaneck Marriott also serves as an ideal New Jersey conference facility and wedding reception site with 18 meeting rooms and 26,500 square feet of event space. This Teaneck, NJ hotel features a soaring atrium lobby, concierge floors, great restaurant and lounge and an on-site event planner to assist in planning your next meeting or wedding in New Jersey. With its convenient location, lavish décor, luxurious accommodations and leading edge health club and spa, the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe is the only choice for northern New Jersey lodging. Related topics: tunturi treadmills nordic track treadmill zs treadmill service manual small treadmills light commercial treadmills personal trainer exercise treadmill incline stuck national personal trainer certifications treadmill part |
How To Make Dog Treadmill
A Taste of Pittsburgh... in Arizona Where can one find loaded Pittsburgh Style hot dogs, chili, pierogies, sandwiches, and more in Arizona? Why, at Pittsburgh Willy's of course! I have to admit, I'm a huge fan of hot dogs. I like them plump, greasy, and loaded with toppings. Pittsburgh Willy's has it covered. It just so happens that last week I was jonesing for some serious back east comfort food and I had recently met the owner/chef of Pittsburgh Willy's, Mr. Randy Walters in a local coffee shop near my house. He invited me to stop up to try one of his hot dogs, which he promised would be a "taste of Pittsburgh, only better." I took a trip up to the Merchant Square Antique Mall, where Pittsburgh Willy's is located to see what this was all about. Pittsburgh Willy'sIt's pretty cool little place; just a little nook inside the antique mall with Steelers and other Pittsburgh decor on the walls. When you walk into the Merchant Square antique shop, you will know where to find Pittsburgh Willy's by following the smell of onions being sauteed. When I stepped up to order, Randy recommended that I try the "Wild Willy" for my first time. It's a quarter pound all beef hot dog topped with chipped ham sauteed in butter and then smothered with cheddar cheese. It's a bad ass hot dog that's not for the faint of heart. Besides hot dogs, Pittsburgh Willy's has a lot more good stuff going on there as well - He serves some serious meatball sandwiches, homemade chili, and on Wednesdays and weekends he boasts some awesome made from scratch pierogies. It's pretty hard to find some good homemade pierogies in Arizona, so I The Wild Willyjumped all over my chance to grab a plate of those too. Randy cooks the pierogies with enough butter and sweet onions to put Paula Dean into orbit - they were truly sublime. Pittsburgh Willy's also has one more menu item that I would like to try. The "Blitzburgh." It's 6 luscious potato and cheese filled pierogies smothered in butter and onions, then topped with sauerkraut, homemade chili, cheddar cheese, and Kielbasa. I'm working my way up to trying this, but I know I'll have to get on the treadmill for 3 days after eating this meal. And how are the prices? Fantastic! The Wild Willy was $4.95 but the real deal is the Pierogi Dinner, just $5.95 for six pierogies and a drink. What? Did you say dessert? Oh yes, PierogiesPittsburgh Willy's has that covered too. He has an assortment of ice cream sundaes and some east coast candy. But honestly, the part I like best about Pittsburgh Willy's is the fun, easy going atmosphere that Randy provides. You might as well be in his house, while he's cooking in his own kitchen. He makes the whole thing a great experience by sitting down, talking, and getting to know his customers. Pittsburgh Willy's gets an A+ for good greasy food quality and spectacular service. Randy makes it obvious that he is passionate about the quality of the food he offers and his first rate service! Jasper Jasper is great little dog! He is a 2 year old 40 lb Doberman Pinscher mix who is available for adoption. He does really well with other dogs (you can see a demo of this in the attached video clip) and has been around cats and is fine with them. However, young children, with their unpredictable nature and quick movements, seem to make him uncomfortable. Jasper is an exuberant little guy with some basic training under his belt, and he knows how to exercise on a treadmill! He's totally amazing! Related topics: ex gym equipment f85 treadmill proform 400x treadmill personal trainer instructor roadmaster treadmill treadmill motors become a certified personal fitness trainer |
Leverage Gym Equipment
83 Bolts In total 609 part to assemble together. Scary Equipment Farm Equipment left in an open field Related topics: trainers personal proform treadmill lubricant hand exercise equipment treadmill interval workouts horizon treadmill troubleshooting health clubs gymnasiums health club treadmills arm exercises without equipment treadmill oil tony little exercise equipment |
Personal Trainer Course
76 | 365 Post-workout sweaty Toni is sweaty. So I learned some really valuable things from hiring a personal trainer for an evaluation and one session (that was all I could afford--but money WELL spent). First, my resting heart rate is higher than I'd like it to be. I'm not one of those people who has never worked out before in her lifetime, so of course I knew all about resting heart rates and working in your own target range in order to reap aerobic benefits. And while I know that determining those numbers can be subjective to each individual (example: when I was on strong asthma meds that boosted my resting heart rate, it always read higher), I think that knowing your optimal workout range and resting heart rate are useful. So my trainer gave me a range to work within, and ever since I've been shooting for it while riding the recumbent bike, I work SO much harder. So now I can work out super-hard for 40 minutes instead of moderately for 60. I'll take it. I also learned that while I'm not quite ready for regular push-ups, doing push-ups against a wall while standing on your toes makes them WAY more challenging. Great move for people with wrist/hand pain! Finally, I HAVE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. Who knew? They've been missing for the last decade, at least. I do "sit downs" on an exercise ball and I feel it afterward. It's a great feeling. I've never, ever gotten used to having a protruding belly; it just doesn't feel like ME since I always had a naturally flat stomach till having kids. Wider hips, muscular thighs? With me since puberty and I'm totally fine with them. But the big belly has its eviction papers and is on its way outta here. So I'm going to try the exercises the trainer wrote up for me and hopefully I can hire her again in a few weeks as I get stronger. Also working up to taking a class or two at a gym, ankle/knees permitting. Chiraz Hasnaoui of Gymbox styled by Sergio Giannasso for Ultra-FIT magazine The beautiful and talented personal trainer Chiraz Hasnaoui of Gymbox, featured on the cover of this month's Ultra-FIT magazine, styled (hair and make up) by me! I wanted her looking wild, like a lion, and glamorous, of course. Isn't she gorgeous, and a total inspiration? Related topics: pro exercise equipment hand held exercise equipment image space saver treadmill gym equipment ireland treadmills sale treadmill for sale by owner proform 350s cross trainer treadmill spindles health club reebok cross trainer folding treadmill |
Motors For Treadmills
MT61video Here you can see how awesome PF stuff is. In this video I am sitting behind the camera, which is on a tripod. I was suprised by how much torque those little motors throw out. You can also see why I moved the IR receiver forward as it nearly does a wheelie. Notice how I can take it a little ways around the door and bring it back. It's about a foot or so outside the door. Notice I also drive it behind the TV. Direct LOS is simply not an issue with this thing. As long as you don't bury the IR receiver under Lego, it can pretty much go anywhere on a tank chassis, and the unit will work. Speed at this gearing (direct connection to the large new technic cog) is slightly more than 1 mph. I put it on the treadmill, for those of you who were wondering. Good stuff. Treadmill -sold LT 1130 AIBI Motorised Treadmill SELLING AWAY TREADMILL. SELDOM USE. CONDITION 7/10. . Powerful DC motor to provide the most smooth and silent. ° Speed range : 1-10km/hour ° With 1.25 Hourse Power ° Adjustable inclination. ° Running surface: 34 x 100 cm (13” x 45”) ° Air step cushion deck to low the impact of running and jogging. ° 5 LCD windows reads speed, time, distance, calories and pulse. ° Foldable pin-lock system for space saving. Retail : $1,300 Asking : $560.Self-Collect at AMk Central sms 97933033 Related topics: treadmill workout plans proform interactive treadmill horizon t53 treadmill horizon fitness t84 treadmill professional liability insurance for personal trainers exercise equipment for cheap salary of personal trainers cost of a personal trainer health clubs and fitness centers |
Piccadilly Health Club
Frankie Vaughan & Marilyn Monroe Let's Make Love "GIVE ME the moonlight, give me the girl, and leave the rest to me" - the song that became Frankie Vaughan's signature tune and gave him the public nickname of "Mr Moonlight", would hardly have trademarked the young pop singer as perhaps variety's last great all- round entertainer without the devoted coaching in style and the technique of top-hat twirling and patent-leather high-kicking given him by an old lady, still top of the bill in Vaughan's early years, Miss Hetty King. Hetty, born in 1883, gracing the music halls since 1897, became a male impersonator in 1905. The switch made her a star, and, dressed as a merchant seaman for "All the Nice Girls Love a Sailor", during which she carefully ignited her pipe, or strutting the stage in top hat and tails singing the praises of Piccadilly, "the playground of the gay", she sang her immaculate act almost to her end, which came in 1972 at the age of 89. Frankie Vaughan met her during a run of New Stars and Old Favourites - he was new, Hetty was, frankly, old - and became utterly captivated by her performance. Certainly without her interest in him and constant coaching in her top- hat-and-tails technique, he would never have become that star so well remembered. Born Frank Abelson in Liverpool in 1928, the son of an upholsterer, he was clearly a smart lad. He won a scholarship to the Lancaster College of Art and a place at Leeds University. Called up towards the end of the Second World War, he joined the RAMC, where he spent some of his three- and-a-half-year enlistment taking his first steps into the world of entertainment, singing in a number of camp concerts backed by station dance bands. Demobbed in 1949, he enrolled at Leeds College of Art as a student teacher. Every year the students presented their own revue at the Empire Theatre, and Frankie, remembering how he had enjoyed his odd spot of singing whilst in the Army, volunteered to take part. The theatre manager was much impressed and advised him to seek out Billy Marsh, who handled such newcomers to show business as Norman Wisdom and Joan Regan. Vaughan said thanks but no thanks, preferring the somewhat safer world of commercial art. He left the art college and took a freelance job designing a stand for the Furniture Exhibition at Earls Court. He was paid 30 guineas, a more than fair fee for those days. Unfortunately, further well-paid commissions were not forthcoming. Remembering the enthusiasm of the Empire manager, Vaughan got him to write a letter of introduction to Billy Marsh. The reply was for him to come to London in one month when auditions would be held. Too impatient to wait, Vaughan took a train to town and marched into Marsh's office singing at the top of his voice. Marsh was less than amused: he was holding a business conference at the time. However, sensing something in the young man's voice, he advised him to hire a pianist and a rehearsal room and he would come and listen. One hour in a room containing nothing else than a piano and a stool cost Vaughan all of half-a-crown (121/2 pence), but it was well worth it. He sang the Donald Peers hit "Powder Your Face With Sunshine" and Marsh enjoyed it, promptly booking him into the Kingston Empire for a week. Top of the bill was the cockney comedian Jimmy Wheeler ("Aye-aye! That's yer lot!"). The day after his debut, the Tuesday, Vaughan was shifted from opening turn to closing the first half of the bill. Frankie Vaughan had arrived. By the end of his first year touring the variety halls, Vaughan was earning pounds 150 a week. He had also met Hetty King, whilst appearing as one of the new stars in New Stars and Old Favourites. The encounter would change Vaughan's style for the rest of his career, beginning with the single old-style top-hat-and-tails high- kicking number as a kind of encore and finally virtually taking over his entire act. It was while singing in Glasgow that he found an old sheet music of "Give Me the Moonlight", a Victorian song sung by the old-time comedian Fred Barnes, who had died in 1938. Vaughan made the song his own, eventually performing it around the world from the London Palladium to New York and Las Vegas. Vaughan entered the recording side of show business in 1950, singing "The Old Piano Roll Blues" for Decca, a cover version of the hit recording by Hoagy Carmichael, Al Jolson and the Andrews Sisters. Many other hits would follow once he had switched to HMV. First came "Look at That Girl" (1953) with Ken Mackintosh and his orchestra. This was a cover for Guy Mitchell, top man of his time. Later there were "The Cuff of My Shirt" (1954) with the Kordites, "Happy Days and Lonely Nights" (1955), the extraordinary "Green Door" (1956), "The Garden of Eden" (1957) and "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine" (1958) with which he was up against that folksy group, the Weavers. Vaughan's film career was Luke, the Golden Retriever-mix dog, and Ember, the fat tabby cat, together on the same piece of furniture. A very rare sight indeed. I don't remember the last time I saw Ember sitting up there. She usually snoozes on the Ottoman in front of the armchair. Sam, the half-Labrador dog, must have been snoozing in her usual spot or something. And, I really don't remember the last time at all that Ember and Luke were sleeping this close to each other, at least when they aren't both sleeping on the carpet. 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Proform 2500 Treadmill Review
2500 (on etsy) sales! 2500 sales on etsy! (500 in the past 6 months alone!) as much as i love having my own webshop for customers to buy from, it is kind of fun reaching these little milestones. 2500 Sport Talbot-LAgo 2500 Sport Related topics: winstons health club leeds fitness first health clubs treadmill dance video treadmill vs elliptical trainer how to get certified as a personal trainer the firm exercise equipment how to build gym equipment horizon treadmill troubleshooting treadmills exercise equipment treadmill belt oil |
Soccer Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer Vancouver Personal Trainer Vancouver Craig Boys doing sport conditioning drills for soccer 1 Bangkok Soccer Training Lateral Agility Lateral Agility Drill Related topics: fort collins health club free personal trainers life fitness health club gym quality home fitness equipment destin health and fitness club best treadmill for running at home treadmill deal 2 wind exercise equipment |
Proforma Treadmill
Proforma HUMMER: ready to roll Proforma's HUMMER outside the doors of Safety Vision's headquarters in Houston, TX festa proforma Merry crisimas - Evento natalizio di Proforma Related topics: f85 treadmill power incline treadmill exercise on a treadmill treadmill delhi bodyguard treadmill parts best shoes for running on a treadmill insurance for personal trainers used professional gym equipment life fitness 95ti treadmill review proform interactive treadmill |
Treadmill Price Comparison
MacBook Pro Pricing Infographic This infographic is a representation of the comparative price for the entry-level 13˝ MacBook Pro 2.26GHz notebook. I wish I could include information for all 31 countries that I researched. I believe that stripping down the data set to a handful of countries makes the information more digestible. [I don't think that I need to point it out but this isn't a strictly rational graph since it wasn't conceived to be mathematically correct] This was featured on a number of sites including TUAW, Gizmodo, Engadget and Feber. 160x600 GUZROcatshopping One Stop Price Comparison! It's Shopping Made Easy! Related topics: best price on treadmill treadmill walking for weight loss nordictrack elite 4200 treadmill horse powered treadmill personal trainer instructor trojan gym equipment nordic track treadmill c2300 nsca national strength and conditioning association certified personal trainer nordic track exp 1000s treadmill stair stepper treadmill |
True Treadmill Lubricant
Carbon4 CFQ Diamond Tooling Lubricant Intro Video Diamond Tool Diamond Tooling Diamond Cutting Diamond Core drilling Diamond Grinding & polishing Diamond Wall sawing Diamond Wire sawing Diamond Cutting beads Diamond drill bit Diamond wire Diamond saw blades Diamond Segment Diamond Lubricant Carbon 4 Industrial Diamond Lubricants CFQ Diamond Lubricant Morris Lubricants, Shrewsbury Long-established works, now producing high quality lubricants used by vintage vehicle owners. The section of building on the left is dated 1873, and that on the right 1876. Related topics: vital fitness exercise equipment treadmill belt adjustments cheap gym equipment treadmill exercise plans lubricant for treadmill fitness 19 health club nordic track c1800i treadmill new abdominal exercise equipment |
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