
03.11.2006., petak


21. 11. – 27. 11. 2006
Dvorana Sek, MM centar

dan 1 // 21.11.2006, Utorak, 19h, MM Centar

Predstavit ću projekte “Bookstr” i #Radiyo#, dva projekta o umjetničkoj produkciji, distribuciji i diseminaciji. Prvi dan s projekcijama, slajdovima i slušanjem audia. Upoznavanje.
2 godine projekata // Production, Commision, Diffusion, Dissemination, Pirate radio, Broadcasting strategies, Studio and transmitter set-up, Sauvage broadcasting, and more.
- Global heart My Radyo
- 101.7 EFEM

Nakon prezentacije Matthieu će ukratko predstaviti radionicu.

Srijeda 22.11. nema programa

Svi GoGo posjetitelji i polaznici radionica se savjetuju da prisustvuju predavanju neovisne radio-grupe
LIGNA, 19h, MAMA, Preradovićeva 15

dan 2 // 23. 11. 2006, Četvrtak, 14-18h, Dvorana SEK

Koncentracija na tehničkim aspektima emitiranja
Osnove, vještine i teorija: Antena, transmiter, lokalizacija, promatranje geografije, etc..
lagani tonski studio, mikrofoni, low-tech tonska produkcija

Kruno Jošt drži kratku prezentaciju o Internet radiju. Kruno surađuje s GoGo kao na kojoj će se streamati emisije i materijali realizirani tijekom GoGo radionica. Kruno ostaje s radionicom kao asistent i voditelj jedne grupe.

dan 3 // 24. 11. 2006, Petak, 14-18h, MM centar

Radimo s tehničkim postavom i istražujemo lokacije SCa.
Isprobavamo domet, tražimo FM frekvencije, nalazimo lokalizaciju, eksperimentiramo, etc…
Posvećujemo cijeli dan istraživanju mogućnosti i odlučivanju što želimo raditi.

Agata Juniku nam se pridružuje i govori o procesu osnivanja nove radio stanice, FM koncesiji, strukturiranju radio programa i vlastitim iskustvima s radiom.

dan 4 // 25. 11. 2006, Subota , 14-18h, MM centar

U ovoj fazi već smo izgradili radio odašiljače, postavili antene i radio prijemnike. Možemo emitirati. Sada se trebaju producirati sadržaji.
U interesu nam je da dođemo do produkcije sadržaja nakon što sam obavio tehničke instrukcije oko emitiranja.
U praksi, koristit ćemo low-tech produkciju audia i mogućnost emitiranja, s idejom da imamo specijalno emitiranje radijskog programa zadnjeg dana radionice.

Lana Gospodnetić, tonski inženjer nam se pridružuje, drži kratku prezentaciju o zvuku, povijesti snimanja zvuka, prve snimke, praktičnim procesima od produkcije do post-produkcije: koje su "situacije" tj. različite primjene zvuka i razlike u radu sa zvukom za određeni medij (film, radio, terensko, studijsko snimanje....). Lana ostaje s radionicom i asistira pri realizaciji pojedinih uradaka.

dan 5 // 26.11.2006, Nedjelja, 14-18h, MM centar

Po potrebi se radionica održava i u nedjelju.
Isto kao dan 4. Produkcija sadržaja

dan 6 // 27.11 2006, Ponedjeljak, 14-18h, MM centar

Spremni smo!!!
To će biti naša “ Hej draga, sjebao sam laptop” emisija. Polaznici radionice će voditi radio program.
Mislim da će to biti uzbudljivo, kao i zgodan mali događaj u MMu.
Za mene je dosta bitno da završimo s konkretnim rezultatom.

Zanima me progresivna praksa, od low-techa do diskusije o radio formatima.
Pokušat ćemo stvoriti pravu progresiju u znanju, da polaznici steknu razumijevanje i uvid u sve dijelove procesa radija, emitiranja kao i produkcije tonskih sadržaja.
Vidimo se na radionici!

Black Sheep Orchestra/ Worskhop outline/English version

Day 1 // 21.11.2006, 19h, MM Center

Introduction of Bookstr and #RADYO#.
Two projects about art production, diffusion and dissemination. First day with screenings, audio listenings and pictures watching. Presentation.
2 years of projects // Production, Commision, Diffusion, Dissemination, Pirate radio, Broadcasting strategies,
Studio and transmitter set-up, Sauvage broadcasting, and more.
- Global heart My Radyo
- 101.7 EFEM

Wednesday, 22.11.2006, no programme.
All workshop participants and GoGo visitors are advised to attend presentation of independent radio group:
LIGNA (DE), 19h, MAMA, Preradoviceva 15

Day 2 // 23.11.2006, Thursday 14-18h, Dvorana SEK

>>> HOW TO
Concentration on the presentation of a proper technic part of a broadcast.
Basics, know-how and theory.
Antenna, transmitter, localization, geographical observation, etc..
light sound studio, mics, low tech audio production.

Kruno Jošt joins and gives a short presentation about internet radio. He is collaborating with Applied GoGo as, an internet radio which will stream shows put together by the GoGo workshops. He will stay with the workshop and will assist a group of workshop participants.

Day 3 // 24.11.2006, Friday 14-18h, Dvorana SEK

Next day, we will begin to manipulate the set-up and put in practice by exploring the SC location.
Where, what we can reach, find the right localization, try things, try FM slots, etc.. In order to get a
right approach of the localization and set-up a specific broadcast to play with. All the day to find
what we want to do.

Agata Juniku joins and gives a short talk and prsentation about starting up a real radio station, obtaining a concession for an FM ferquency, structuring a radio programme and her own experiences in work with radio.

Day 4 // 25.11.2006, Saturday, 14-18h, MM Center
At the point we will set-up the broadcast and need to produce contents.
Our interest is to bring the production of audio contents after I had finished training guys about the technical part of a broadcast. All together will set-up the final broadcast and produce contents for it. Both a practice of low-tech audio production and broadcast set-up within the idea to perform a special broadcast event on the last workshop day.

Lana Gospodnetic, sound enginer will give a short presentation about sound, history of sound recording, the first recordings, hands on processes from production to post-production : which are the «situations» eg. different applications of sound and the differences in working with sound regarding the purpose (film, radio, field vs. studio recording). Lana will stay with the workshop and will assist participants with the finalisation of their work.

Day 5 // 26.11.2006, Sunday, 14-18h, MM Center
If needed the workshop continues on Sunday as well.
Same as day 4.

Day 6 // 27.11.2006, 14-18h, MM Center
We are ready !!!!!
It will be our "hey honey, i fucked up my laptop" broadcast event. Workshoppers will run it, etc..
It should be exciting cool small event for the venue.
For me it's really important to finish with a concrete practice.

Progressive practice is improtant for me, from low-tech to a discussion about radio formats. We will try to
create a real progression in the knowledge and give workshop participants an understanding of each part of the process in order to gain skills that can be used and upgraded in the future.

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