petak, 27.01.2012.


Breakfast table and stool - Free wooden picnic table plans.

Breakfast Table And Stool

breakfast table and stool

    breakfast table
  • a table where breakfast is eaten

  • A support on which to stand in order to reach high objects

  • A seat without a back or arms, typically resting on three or four legs or on a single pedestal

  • A piece of feces

  • a simple seat without a back or arms

  • fecal matter: solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

  • lure with a stool, as of wild fowl

Dream Kitchen Layout

Dream Kitchen Layout

1 square = 1 square foot
According to Feng Shui, the stove "should be in the empowered position, where the cook can see the action. If they have their back to the door while cooking, put a mirror or a reflective metal piece behind the stove so they can see what is going on behind. The happiest place for the stove is on a cooking island where the important chef will always feel like a vital part of the family while preparing meals."
I debated over this & finally decided that I DON'T "prepare meals" at the stove! I spend MOST of my time preparing meals or baking at a counter (prepping: chopping, mixing, etc.) & NOT standing in front of the stove. So my empowered position IS the island counter, but w/o the stove. I really didn't like the idea of having anything 'dirty' or 'cluttery' on the island i.e. sink w/ dirty dishes or stove w/ greasy pans.



Leivatehas oli tol ajal üheks moodsamaks ettevõtteks. Veerand tunniga sõtkus elektrijõul töötav masin 460 kg tainast, kokku oli tehases kolm sellist masinat. Vormimismasin lõikas ja kujundas taignast sobivad tükid. Kahe väljatõmmatava põrandaga ahjus, kuhu mahtus 50 leivapätsi, kestis küpsetamine pea kaks tundi. Tehases valmistati rukki- ja peenleiba ning sepikut.

breakfast table and stool

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