nedjelja, 27.11.2011.



Gothic Make Up Ideas

gothic make up ideas

    make up
  • The combination of qualities that form a person's temperament

  • The composition or constitution of something

  • constitution: the way in which someone or something is composed

  • Cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance

  • constitute: form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"

  • makeup: an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event; "he missed the test and had to take a makeup"; "the two teams played a makeup one week later"

  • Belonging to or redolent of the Dark Ages; portentously gloomy or horrifying

  • of or relating to the language of the ancient Goths; "the Gothic Bible translation"

  • extinct East Germanic language of the ancient Goths; the only surviving record being fragments of a 4th-century translation of the Bible by Bishop Ulfilas

  • Of or relating to the Goths or their extinct East Germanic language, which provides the earliest manuscript evidence of any Germanic language (4th–6th centuries ad)

  • Of or in the style of architecture prevalent in western Europe in the 12th–16th centuries, characterized by pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, together with large windows and elaborate tracery

  • characteristic of the style of type commonly used for printing German

  • (idea) mind: your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"

  • A concept or mental impression

  • (idea) a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"

  • A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action

  • An opinion or belief

  • (idea) the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"

Gothic (Ken Rusell, 1986)

Gothic (Ken Rusell, 1986)

Ever had one of those weekends when leeches sucked your face, a friend went into convulsions and the guy next door kept impaling his hand on a nail?

Ken Russell's "Gothic," which contains all of these elements and more, is for those of you who just have to have a blood-soaked sardonic yuk now and then. Russell, the man who gave the phrase "too much" new meaning, outdoes himself.

"Gothic" ostensibly is about the famous weekend at the Villa Diodati when Lord Byron, Percy and Mary Shelley, Dr. Polidori and Claire Compton went into a literary huddle and came up with "Frankenstein" and "The Vampyre." True to demented form, Russell takes that idea to the limits: In his vision, Byron and friends were a sort of 19th-century Def Leppard

-- famous young brats with nothing but devilish free time on their hands.

In "Gothic," the Shelleys and Compton visit Byron and Polidori to indulge in the ultimate sex-and-spookout slumber party. Byron (Gabriel Byrne), a dandyish, jaded rake, asks his guests to play in a kind of extended Ouija-board mind game, wherein everyone must dredge up their deepest, darkest fears (to provide mulch for the forthcoming horrors).

Things get out of hand. Four-posters squeak with sexcapades. There's perpetual thunder and lightning. Bugs scramble out of people's mouths. Women stroke snakes. And there are enough rats in the basement to send the Pied Piper back to music school. It's a Hell of a weekend.

Russell's poets romp through mud, slime and nightmare fantasies whilst dressed in the height of Romantic fashion. By movie's end, they will have purged their fears and accrued a staggering dry-cleaning bill.

Byrne plays a grim-faced, perverse Byron with great presence. Julian ("Room With a View") Sands once again bares his boyish good looks, not to mention buttocks. As a sleazy, sexually repressed Polidori, Timothy Spall seems so revoltingly convincing it makes you concerned for his family.

Beyond the carnalia (and if you're still with us), "Gothic" happens to be strikingly shot, the special effects inspired, albeit gruesome. Although he slops his signature blood 'n' cleavage across the screen, Russell makes it slick, with dynamic cutting, vivid lighting and framing. Who knows, you might spot a little humor in this hyperbolic lunacy. On the other hand, after a cinematic orgy like this, you might long for 15 minutes with an evangelist.

Desson Howe Washington Post 1 May 1987

Vintage Gothic 1

Vintage Gothic 1

Not long after the new year rolled in, Tallee contacted me and asked if I wanted to do a session. We discussed ideas, clothes, props and then she found out I had a cool, black cat, and well, he just had to be part of the session.

He is definitely a ladies' man, loves all models and MUAs, whose eyeliner pens and mascara are the perfect toys. And if you happen to have long nails, like Tallee, well, then you have a friend for life!

Lighting: One Vivitar 285HV on ? shot thru 60" umbrella camera left, one on 1/4 thru 45" umbrella camera right, one behind model to right on 1/16 flagged as hair/rim light and one more on 1/8 gridded and aimed at background.

gothic make up ideas

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