četvrtak, 01.09.2011.

Ruby Rings Canada

Ruby Rings Canada. Tacori Like Engagement Rings. Sterling Silver Men Ring

ruby rings canada

  • a nation in northern North America; the French were the first Europeans to settle in mainland Canada; "the border between the United States and Canada is the longest unguarded border in the world"

  • A country in northern North America, the second largest country in the world; pop. 32,507,900; capital, Ottawa; official languages, English and French

  • #"Canada" (Barb Jungr, Michael Parker) – 3:37 #"Nothing Through the Letterbox Today" (Jungr, Parker) – 2:43 #"One Step Away from My Heart" (Jungr, Parker) – 4:09 #"Nights in a Suitcase" (Jungr, Parker) – 4:04 #"21 Years" (Jungr, Parker) – 3:37 #"The Chosen One" (Jungr, Parker) – 3:48 #"Walking

  • The CANADA! Party was an official political party in the province of Quebec from 1994 to 1998. It was founded on Canada Day 1994 by federalist Tony Kondaks, former top-aide to Equality Party leader Robert Libman Its name was initially called the Canada Party of Quebec/Parti Canada du Québec but

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • A telephone call

  • A precious stone consisting of corundum in color varieties varying from deep crimson or purple to pale rose

  • An intense purplish-red color

  • a transparent deep red variety of corundum; used as a gemstone and in lasers

  • red: of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

  • An old type size equal to 51/2 points (smaller than nonpareil and larger than pearl)

  • a transparent piece of ruby that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem

ruby rings canada - Framing Identity:

Framing Identity: Social Practices of Photography in Canada (1880-1920)

Framing Identity: Social Practices of Photography in Canada (1880-1920)

Framing Identity examines how Canadian women used photography as a social practice to establish identity. Specifically, Close studies the photographic practice of four, turn-of-the-twentieth-century women photographers: Mattie Gunterman (1872-1945), Geraldine Moodie (1854-1945), Ruby Gordon Peterkin (1887-1961), and Etta Sparks (1879-1917). From a revisionist point of view, it argues that photography is a social practice used by women professionals and amateurs as a vehicle to explore and establish identity.

Framing Identity defines photography as social practice and examines how women moved beyond making pictorial images to using photography as a form of speech to represent social issues. Key concepts and practices drawn from cultural analysis and issues related to identity, gender, post-colonialism, tourism and travel are mapped out. Close considers Gunterman’s photographs as a form of visual narrative within the context of the family album and the practice of amateur, women photographers. Moodie’s portraits of the Inuit are examined in terms of professional photographic practice and discourse on the representation of the Other. The book also analyzes the photographic albums of two Canadian army nurses, Peterkin and Sparks, who were stationed overseas during World War I. Close concludes her study with an overview of the history of women in photography in Canada and investigates various aspects of womens’ interaction with the medium.

83% (7)

Delaware Big Day: 199!

Delaware Big Day:  199!

Forrest Rowland invited me to do a Big Day on Wednesday (5/7/08) in my
favorite birding destination: Delaware. I obviously could not refuse, so
I took off work and headed to DE at 12:30am to meet up with Forrest at
2am. We birded from 2am to 8pm and got 199 species - tying the Delaware
Big Day Record set in 1997. There were a few misses (ahem, Belted
Kingfisher!!), but we lucked out and had a really great day birding.

We started the day (night?) in Thousand Acre Marsh, where we quickly
realized the night was likely to be a good night. Winds were 3-4 mph out
of the southwest and listening conditions were good. We heard Canada
Goose, Great Blue Heron, Virginia Rail and American Coot (our only coot
of the day). At another location Sora and Common Moorhen sounded off
within minutes of our arrival. One could say that Grier’s Pond was
especially quiet. Actually it wasn’t quiet at all, as the Swamp Sparrows
and Marsh Wrens were singing up a storm and a Barred Owl called, but it
was Least Bittern quiet. We spent at least 15 minutes here, cocking our
ears in every conceivable angle in hopes of hearing the classic
“ku-ku-ku” of the Least Bittern. After giving each side of the pond
time, we were thinking about where else we could possibly get Least
Bittern and were about to leave. Then we both heard it! Success!

While driving south on Route 9, six inches of water on the road caused
some excitement, as we barreled directly through it. It was definitely
due to the tide, and we were in a low spot: why not try for King Rail?
While sitting in the middle of the road, we both jumped out of the car
and lo and behold, a King Rail sounded off. Serious luck.

To say that the Bullfrogs and Green Frogs at Finnis Pool are loud is
like saying that a diesel truck engine is loud: “Loud” may be an
inadequate word. Luckily we were able to pick out a calling Eastern
Screech-Owl, distant twittering of an American Woodcock, and flyover
American Redstart and Blackpoll Warblers. Birds were on the move.

Port Mahon was almost rail-less with the exception of Virginia. Clapper
Rails were quiet. Weird. Seaside and Swamp Sparrows, Marsh Wrens and a
distant Yellow-breasted Chat were singing. A flyby Black-crowned Night
Heron let out a single “kaw,” and a Wood Thrush, Black-throated Blue,
Blackburnian, and several Palm Warblers called while flying overhead.
The promise of neotropical migrants in the morning was exhilarating.

We were hoping for Black Rail at Pickering Beach, where Andy Ednie and I
had heard them on Saturday night, but they may have moved on. We did
pick up Tree Swallows flying around the town’s lights, a flyover
Swainson’s Thrush (our only of the day) and another Yellow-breasted Chat.

Milford Neck was our nightjar spot, and it did not disappoint.
Chuck-wills-widows and then Whip-poor-wills were calling from several
locations. American Woodcocks seemed to be everywhere - twittering away -
while a few were “peent”ing. The mosquitoes were voracious and kept us
dancing around. Dawn was approaching and we headed toward the marsh,
where even more mosquitoes greeted us. Boat-tailed Grackles were
immediately apparent, and then Northern Bobwhite and Wild Turkey called
from the wood’s edge. Yes! After a quick tally, I realized we had 62
species already by dawn. Not a bad night.

Milford Neck was really birdy, and I’m glad we picked this as our
dawn-chorus spot. Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet
and Sedge Wren called from the short marsh, all three being our only
birds of the day. The woods were alive with birdsong, and here we picked
up Kentucky, Nashville, Yellow-throated, Prairie, and Black-and-White
Warblers, plus Ovenbird and Northern Waterthrush. A certain vireo
sounded interesting and Forrest suspected Philadelphia. It sang; we
listened. It sang and we played the song for comparison: it was dead-on.

By 6:15 we had 94 species, and we moved on to Mispillion Lighthouse. The
idea was that we could get Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow while they
were still singing. The idea backfired. The marsh was filled with
sparrows . . . Seaside Sparrows. There were likely hundreds singing from
all areas around the marsh, which unfortunately muffled the sounds of
any potential Saltmarsh Sparrows. The Seaside Sparrow spectacle was
immediately overshadowed by the shorebird spectacle. Shorebirds moved in
waves across nearly every exposed mud surface: Greater Yellowlegs,
Willets, Semipalmated Plovers, Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers,
Short-billed Dowitchers, Dunlin and a few Black-necked Stilts. While
scoping from the DuPont nature center, we found Sanderling, Ruddy
Turnstone, Red Knots, American Oystercatchers, and a White-rumped
Sandpiper among the thousands of Dunlin. We couldn’t pick out any
Lesser-black Backed Gulls, and after spending too much time enjoying
this scene, we needed to move.

The grasslands in the vicinity of Hunting Quarter Road proved a wise

Ruby Red and Spring Green Heart Keychain

Ruby Red and Spring Green Heart Keychain

etsyBEAD Theme of the Week
Jan. 20-Feb. 2 inclusive
"Lady In Red"

20% off THIS WEEK ONLY! This beaded keychain is usually $10.00, and for this sale I have reduced it to $8.00...a savings of $2.00!!
This is a great looking way to be able to find your keys!!

The heart-shaped silver-toned key ring holds all your keys...even those you can't remember what they're for.

The beaded "tail" is made with a 28mm ruby red faceted heart pendant, 6mm Czech firepolished ruby round beads, 6mm red/green "crackle" rounds, and 8mm spring green flowercup beads.

The key ring and the beaded "tail" measures 4" in length. It's easy to see and large enough to feel for in the bottom of your purse.
The beaded "tail" is attached to the keyring by a sturdy split ring which allows it to be removed.

I am a self-representing jewelry artist (SRAJD # 0779) which means that my jewelry is made, by me, and not mass produced. I am also a member of the International Society of Glass Beadmakers.

Shipping is $3.00 to the U.S. and Canada via CanadaPost Small Package Mail in a secure bubble envelope.

I want you to be pleased with your purchase.

I will accept returns, less shipping and Paypal charges, within 14 days of receipt.

Thanks for looking!

ruby rings canada

ruby rings canada

3-9X40 Rubber Scope/Ruby Lens/Ring

Description The only thing entry-level about this Scope is the price! Whether you're new to sighting-assisted shooting, or just looking for another all-purpose workhorse for your optics arsenal, here's an amazing offer that's not to be missed. You'll get a well-rounded variable-magnification Scope packed with pro-grade features, but not saddled with sticker shock. With so much value built right in, you'll want one for every rifle in your collection! Don't miss out! Features: Rubber armor for durable weather resistance 1-Pc. 28 mm aluminum tube Multi-coated ruby lenses 40 mm objective diameter F.O.V. @ 100 yds. is 36 3/5' at 3X, 13 3/5' at 9X 2 1/2-3" eye relief P4 sniper reticle 1/4" M.O.A. 13.3-4.4 mm exit pupil Includes Weaver style ring mounts. 12 1/5" long, 19 1/2 oz

See also:

funky engagement ring designs

fred leighton engagement ring

rose gold solitaire engagement ring

white gold skull ring

claw set eternity ring

white gold wedding rings with diamonds

contemporary mens rings

engagement rings and price

vera wang engagement rings

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