

četvrtak, 01.01.2009.

Tom i Bill - Ibiza i još nekaj...


wuuu... i kaj kažete??
Ovak... ovi Billovi dreadlovi...khmm....
A nezz... trebala bi vidjeti više slika da bi mogla nekaj komentirati...
Oke su... ali ...jojjj... fakat ne znam kaj da mislim... xD
hmmm... ne znam kak bude to izgledalo ak će si tapirat kosu... Bože sačuvaj...
A ak će imat ovak onda će valjda biti oke... ma naviknut ćemo se mi na to...
Und Tom....hehe.... trebam li komentirati to savršenstvo?!?!?!?!

I još nešto...
Ovo mi se stvarno neda prevađati... a htijela bi da to znate...xD
Tak da se nadam da svi znate engleski....xD

Does the boys from tokio hotel have something they might want to share with us?

In a brand new interview that has been leaked on the internet, the boys from tokio hotel were going to tell us fans about their Christmas Holidays.
But the boys revealed perhaps a bit more than they should.
Right before Christmas, Bill Kaulitz revealed that he was looking forward to the long christmas holidays:
- Every year, we have two weeks off and then we tend to go to, well, I don’t know, Tom, and I tend to go to small islands and stuff like that… On New Year’s Eve we tend not to be home, we are always somewhere else, just relaxing on the beach and stuff like that, “says Bill in a video that has leaked on the Internet.
- On Christmas Eve, we are all together with our family and friends, “says Bill, and then Georg suddenly shoots in:
- And with our girlfriends …
- Yes, our girlfriend!! confirms Tom Kaulitz and jump fast forward:
- But the plan is, I think, that we will fly back to Germany and jump in the studio and write more creative songs. is more interrested in finding out if some of the guys has got a girlfriend - or two, instead of their new album.

A ni o ovome na znam kaj bi mislila...LoL
Fakat sam glupa...xD
A i sumnjam da je to istina...
Za Toma I billa ne vjerujem da imaju cure...
Sigurno bi s njima bili na Ibizi...ak uopće jesu tam...xD
A za Gustava i Georga ne znam...
Zakaj nitko njih ne slika di su za Novu???
Oni bi mogli imati...
Tiha voda brege dere...xD
Kak je i Tom rekao...=))
Tak da ćemo, nadam se, ak je od ovoga nekaj točno, ubrzo saznati...yes

To bi bilo sweee....
mwa mwaa

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