A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment

subota, 21.01.2006.

U Egiptu napadnuti Kopti - zbog gradnje crkve

At least 14 people were wounded when Muslim youth attacked Copts in the village of Udaysaat near the southern town of Luxor, about 500 km (300 miles) south of Cairo.

Copts were turning a house into a church in the region, which "provoked the Muslim youth" according to local residents, the Muslim youth set fire to the building materials as well as surrounding buildings in an attempt to stop Copts from building the church.

Police forces rushed to the scene and arrested 10 youth in addition to the house owners.

The Egyptian government restricts the building of churches; sometimes it takes over 20 years to get a presidential permit to build a new church. A recent presidential decree delegated local authorities to issue permits of renovating churches yet the decree failed to address the issue of building new churches in many locations throughout the country where Christians are deprived from their right of worship in a church.

According to the statistics published by the Egyptian Census Department in the "Al Osboa newspaper", there are 1950 churches in Egypt (for an estimated 10-12 million Coptic Christians of different denominations , i.e. a church for every 6153 Christians) and 920611 mosques, i.e. a mosque for every 67 Muslims.


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