A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment

četvrtak, 19.01.2006.

Kofi Annan je šupak

Nakon što je bezuba europska trojka konačno priznala da je s Iranom nemoguće pregovarati, Kofi Annan se iz petnih žila trudi sabotirati svaki pokušaj da Vijeće Sigurnosti preuzme slučaj i pokuša spriječiti Iran u namjeri da se dokopa nuklearnog oružja.

Backstabbing by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan reached another low-water mark late last week, as Annan worked furiously to undo European and American efforts to bring Iran before the Security Council. Reminiscent of his 1998 comment after visiting Saddam Hussein, "I think I can do business with him," Annan told reporters on Thursday: "I had a 40-minute conversation with Mr. [Ali] Larijani, the Iranian negotiator of the nuclear issue. ...He in turn affirmed to me that they are interested in serious and constructive negotiations..." He later explained, "the negotiations relate to the EU3," Britain, France, and Germany.

Trouble is, that a few hours earlier the EU3 had issued a statement saying "we have decided to inform the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] Board of Governors that our discussions with Iran have reached an impasse." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had also told reporters: "The United States fully supports the decision announced today by the [E3-EU]...the basis for negotiation is no longer there, because what the Iranians did was to unilaterally destroy the basis on which the negotiations were taking place..."

National Rewiev

Kofi je stari, pokvareni, ljigavi kriminalac, sa bogatim iskustvom poslovnih veza s najgorim svjetskim diktatorima.

Nije čudo da je upravo takav lik na čelu kriminalne organizacije kao što je UN.

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