A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment

ponedjeljak, 16.01.2006.

Afganistanci znaju bolje...

Velika većina Afganistanaca podržava prisutnost američkih snaga u Aganistanu, i imaju negativno ili vrlo negativno mišljenje o Osami i Talibanima.
To, zapravo, i nije čudno, ako pratite bilo koji iole nesubjektivan, i prvenstveno ne-europski medij javnog informiranja.

Ali, to već znate i sami.

A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of the Afghan public finds an overwhelming majority opposes al-Qaeda and the Taliban, endorses the overthrow of the Taliban and approves of the US military presence in Afghanistan.

Eighty-one percent of Afghans said they think that al-Qaeda is having a negative influence in the world with just 6% saying that it is having a positive influence. An even higher percentage—90%—said they have an unfavorable view of Osama bin Laden, with 75% saying they have a very unfavorable view. Just 5% said they have a favorable view (2% very favorable). These levels were slightly lower in the country’s war zone, the eastern and south-central part of the country: three in five (60%) in those areas had a very unfavorable view of bin Laden.

The Program on International Policy Attitudes @ University of Maryland

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