† I'd crawl through broken glass to you... †

srijeda, 23.11.2005.


Što da kažem.U školi mi je a ok.Sljedeći tjedan mi je rođendan u četvrtak.Naravno 16. rođendan.Osjećam se staro.Dobila sam pozitivno iz kemije.Sad moram negdje 3 predmeta
ispravljat.Jedna je kulja al sam iz fizike-teorija.Sutra pišem sastavak iz njemačkog.Eh da bila sam u subotu u Čvari nisu puštali baš ono kaj ja slušam već heavy/power(moja sestra je bila presretna) al svirali su SHIVA i Forest Of Vanity.Dobri su bendovi a tek basist od SHIVE.heh.Dobila sam laktom u glavu i uho pa u leđa pa u vrat.....Bolno.Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Nekak u zadnje vrijeme čeato mislim na jednu osobu.Jednostavno ga nemrem izbit iz glave.Uvukao mi se je u krv.Pokušala sam zaboraviti al ne mogu jednostavno.Pokušala sam to i prije još dok je bilo svježe.Užas.Najgore je što ga više nikad u životu neću vidjeti...............
Zadnja par dana su mi ove dvije pjesme u glavi.

Mother North

Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning ?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Memories...The invisible wounds
pictures that enshrine your throne (gone?)

A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat...ourselves and our nature
And that is why
they all enrage me

Sometimes in the dead of the night i mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
they all come in one

Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I'll be there when you hunt them down

Everytime I Die

The faint blaze of the candle of my life,
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
On broken wings, no flying hight...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful Every Time I Die.

Out of strenght to fight.
I cannot take another night.
I cannot take it no more.
Lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood drips off my arms.
Black candle wax has buried me...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful every time i die.