Judge day...

Sutra 10:30h, sudnji dan za moje ljeto, joj ak ne prođem, ništa od mora, ništa od Daruvara, mogu se samo lagano pokopat... Al opet teško je vjerovat da ću proć, kuja me mrzi, a nemogu razmišljat optimistično, nikad to nisam bila, previše se teškog događalo u mom kratkom životu, uspjela sam sve, neznam ni sama kak...čudno je sve to... Noćima nisam sanjala ni spavala, sve je bilo ravno, a izlaza nigdje...Upropastio mi je sve što sam voljela i čemu sam se nadala, ubio je želju za životom u meni...sada samo gledam na to iz budućnosti... boli me i danas, rane su još uvijek tu, one na koži još nisu zacjeljele...Stalno se pitam čime sam to zaslužila i zašto sam morala proći kroz život s praznim osjećajem u duši i strahom od svega...Drago mi je jedino što sam naučila komu mogu vjerovati i na koga mogu računati, postala sam ono što sam oduvijek sanjala, htjela, nadala se...ljudi još na meni to ne vide, treba će vremena da se sve vrati na ono što je bilo, trudim se, ali teško je... Ipak, samo želim da sve ostane kak je sada, ništa mi ne fali i ljudi koje volim su uz mene...Njega ću zaboraviti teško, a bol koju mi je nanio i sudove koje sam posjetila još teže...
Aj sad malo veselije: Sutra ću dat sve od sebe, ak prođem slijedi fešta navećer, onda planovi za ljeto i daruvar...hehe...jedva čekam...
E da moram spomenut i ovu subotu, bilo je jebeno, nadmašila sam samu sebe, he, tak su bar moje koke rekle, a njima se mora vjerovat...upoznala sam super ljude i izazvala pomutnje zbog kojih ( bar ja mislim) nisam bila kriva...al jebi ga sve je završilo dobro...
Mislite sutra na mene...pozdravkiss

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04.07.2006. u 21:59 | K | 12 | P | # | ^

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To my love...

cerek If I Could pick any moment
And always keep it new
Out of all the moments I've lived
I'd pick every moment
I spent .....
with you!!

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Ime: Matea
God: 17
Kvart: Dubrava, Retkovec, Zgb
School: Gornjogradska Gimnazija, 3. razred
Love: In love...cerek
Frendovi: Nina, Stefi, Koka, Hlu, Andrea, Kate, Mia, Bobo, Eva i Nevena
Zika: Rock, punk, metal, demo bendovi...
Izlazim: San Antonio, Paradiso, kvart i centar
Smoke/ Drink: Yes/ Yes
MSN: darkfairy_212@hotmail.com


Anamarija- Bakar
Besplatni sms-ovi
Jegermeister party
Nina i Tamy
Max i Ivan

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Ekipa u Budimpešti***

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Mi na Balatonu***

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Pogled iz mog razreda***

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Dado, Tin i Gogo*** rofl

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Hot chicks...hehe...me & my bitches***

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Ljubavnici sa Strossa***cerek

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Nešto jako lijepo...

Simple Plan- Crazy
Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Young girls dying to be on TV
They won't stop 'til
They reach their dreams
Diet pills, surgery
Photoshoped pictures in magazines
Telling them how they should be
It doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
I guess things aren't how they used to be
There's no more normal families
Parents act like enemies
Making kids feel like it's World War III
No one cares, no one's there
I guess we're all just too damn busy
Money's our first priority
It doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy?
Is everybody going crazy?
Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUV's
While kids are starving in the streets
No one cares
No one likes to share
I guess life's unfair
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something
Something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy?
Can anybody tell me what's going on
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong

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*When you were born, you were cryin and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

*Everything is okay in the end. If its not okay, then its not the end.

*Somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely remember it is true: Somebody somewhere is thinking of you

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¸.·´ ¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ ¸.·´
.·´ ¸.·*`·
(¸.·´ *
I climbed up the door and opened the stairs,
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers,
Then I turned off the bed and crawled into the light,
All becuse you kissed me goodnight!
Next morning I woke up and scrambled my shoes,
Picked up my eggs and toasted the news,
I couldn't tell my left from right,
All becuse you kissed me goodnight!

That evening at last I felt normal again,
So I picked up my mother and called the phone,
I spoke to the puppy and threw Dad a bone,
Even at midnight the sun was still bright,
All becuse you kissed me goodnight!

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*I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do,
I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you.

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Naj mjesta u gradu:
Tolkien ( Fantasy club )
-birc prek puta škole, uređen kao neka bajka, svijet maše, mi ga zovemo špilja, idealan za ispunjavanje rupa između satova
-fancy birc na Tkalči, tamo možeš vidjet samo gradsku šminku, al meni je kava dobra i volim s curama sjest na terasu i tračat svakog ko prođe
Bacardi-jedino mjesto u kvartu gdje volim ić...puštaju sve i svašta al tam je uvijek standardna ekipa i volim tam ić, ko da sam doma...konobar je dobar... stef se slažeš?
Paradiso-novo otvoreni kub u Sesv. Kraljevcu, 2 kata, jebeno društvo, puno zgodnih dečki, a i kad mi bas pobjegne, imam i di za prespavat...
Zvuk-samo tam možeš nać dobru ziku, tog nema u gardu...rock i metal a prejebeni konobari s piercevima sam lete okolo...san snova...
San Antonio-...birc i noćni klub, najbolji na istoku grada...Ogroman prostor i prejebeni konobari... tamo sam proživjela sve i svašta i jedino tam volim izać subotom... neke uspomene bole al neke su ljepše od ičega... pusa mom soldieru s tigrom... T. Hvala ti na svemu ljepom kaj je bilo i pazi kak voziš....
That's all...I will add a new place if I visit something interesting***

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3 Doors Down- When I'm gone
There's another world inside of me that you may never see.
There's secrets in this life that I can't hide.
Somewhere in this darkness there's a life that I can't find.
Maybe it's too far away or maybe I'm just blind, maybe I'm just blind.
So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong.
Hold me when I'm scared and love me when I'm gone.
Everything I am and everything in me
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be.
I'll never let you down even if I could.
I'd give up everything if only for your good.
So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong.
You can hold me when I'm scared but you won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone, love me when I'm gone
When your education x-ray cannot see under my skin.
I won't tell you a damn thing that I could not tell my friends.
Now roaming through this darkness I'm alive but I'm alone.
Part of me is fighting this but part of me is gone.
So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong.
Hold me when I'm scared and love me when I'm gone.
Everything I am and everything in me.
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
Ill never let you down even if I could.
I'd give up everything if only for your good.
So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong
You can hold me when I'm scared, you won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone.
(Maybe I'm just blind)
So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong.
Hold me when I'm scared and love me when I'm gone.
Everything I am and everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be.
I'll never let you down even if I could.
I'd give up everything if only for your good.
So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong.
You can hold me when I'm scared, you won't always be there.
So love me when I'm gone, love me when I'm gone.

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System of a down- Chop suey
wake up
(wake up)
grab a brush and put on a little make up
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
here you go create another fable
you wanted to
grab a brush and put on a little makeup
you wanted to
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
you wanted to
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
you wanted to
why i dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die

wake up
(wake up)
grab a brush and put on a little make up
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
here you go create another fable
you wanted to
grab a brush and put on a little makeup
you wanted to
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
you wanted to
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
you wanted to
why i dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die
in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die

father father father father
father into your hands ,i commend my spirit
father into your hands ,why have you forsaken me
in your eyes forsaken me
in your thoughts forsaken me
in your heart forsaken me
trust in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die
in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die

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by Jesse McCartney

I like when you whisper softly
Things only I should hear
That lead me on

I like the way you smile at me
And make me feel like nothig'
Can go wrong (nothing can go wrong)

Tell me this will last forever,
Don't you ever leave...

I don't wanna be without u,
dream without u-
walk without u,
talk without u baby...

I'll never take a chance without u,
Dance without u,
Nothing is the same without U, baby...

I could never be without u,
Heal without u -
Begin without u,
End without u...

Baby I'm in need,
I can't breathe,
No I don't wanna be...
Without U

I love when your eyes wash over me
With a look only I can tell
What's on your mind...(no no no)

I love the way that you find me
Whenever I've lost my way,
Your just in time...(yeah)

Baby we've got something started
Say we'll never stop


I'll lock up my heart
and throw away the key
if that's what it takes
To keep you lovin' me...
You open the door,
To all that's good in me,
I cant deny the truth,
That I could never be without u...


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