
07.09.2005., srijeda


Većina blogova vani ima ime autora. Kod nas su prava imena iznimke. Mislim da blog dobiva na kredibilitetu ako se potpiše. Onda stojiš iza njega. Bez toga cijena mu je manja. Osim toga citirati anonimusa nije neka fora. No, mnogi naši blogeri su izgradili virtualno ime, brend.

Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. The proponents of this thinking expect that ultimately Web 2.0 services will replace desktop computing applications for many purposes. Jedan dobar opis Web 2.0: DoubleClick was Web 1.0; Google AdSense is Web 2.0

Neopets - in Los Angeles has characters, avatars, and persistence -- and is very sticky for the 23 million kids using it.

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