------Dead Eyes See No Future------

petak, 30.06.2006.

zona sumraka u bermudskom trokutu

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Zona sumraka u Bermudskom trokutu
Rub izgubljenog svijeta, Trokut smrti, Groblje Atlantika, Zona sumraka, Vražji trokut, Bermudski trokut - sve su to nazivi za imaginarno područje na Atlantiku uz koje se vezuju misteriozne priče o nerazjašnjenim nestancima brodova, ljudi i zrakoplova, neobičnim svjetlima, vodenim vrtlozima i sličnim pojavama.

Riječ je o području Atlantika kojemu San Juan u Portoriku na Karibima, Fort Lauderdale na Miamiju, te Bermudsko otočje čine vrhove "vražjeg trokuta".

Ovisno o izvorima, u Bermudskom trokutu se od vremena Kristofora Kolumba do danas dogodilo od 200 do 1000 nesreća. Howard Rosenberg, pisac zaintrigiran tajnama Trokuta, u svojim je istraživanjima prikupio podatke o 8000 poziva u pomoć američkoj Obalnoj straži samo tijekom 1973. godine, te podatak da je u ovome stoljeću "vražji trokut" bez traga odnio više od 50 brodova i aviona.
Bizarni događaji zabilježeni na ovom području datiraju još od vremena kad je Kolumbo doplovio nadomak obalama srednje Amerike. I sam Kolumbo bio je svjedokom neobičnih događanja u Trokutu: pri plovidbi njegovih brodova Nina, Pinta i Santa Maria 1492. godine kompas je poludio, a Kolumbo i posada vidjeli su čudna svjetla na nebu, o čemu postoje zapisi u brodskom dnevniku.
Tajanstvenim tragedijama u Bermudskom trokutu naknadno je pripisano i otkriće broda Mary Celeste: brod je 1872. godine nestao, te nađen napušten na pučini, oko 400 milja izvan kursa New York-Genova kojim je plovio prije nestanka. Nije bilo traga života desetero članova posade.

Let 19

Najpoznatiji, pak, događaj vezan uz Bermudski trokut - od kojeg, zapravo, i započinje moderna legenda - jest nestanak "leta 19". Zbilo se to 5. prosinca 1945. godine kad je pet mornaričkih bombardera misteriozno nestalo na rutinskom zadatku, a nestao je i avion upućen u potragu. Ukupno, bez traga je nestalo 27 ljudi.
Kao Bermudski trokut, ovo je područje "krstio" Vincent Gaddis u članku "Smrtonosni Bermudski trokut" što ga je 1964. godine objavio u listu Argosi. Zanimanje za fenomen područja s kojeg se bestragom nestaje u pravu je euforiju, međutim, preraslo kad je Charles Berlitz 1974. godine objavio bestseller Bermudski trokut. Podgrijavanju euforije puno su pridonijeli i mas-mediji.
I danas Bermudski trokut intrigira svojim tajnama, no skeptici su sve glasniji: njihova je teorija da je prava misterija kako je Bermudski trokut uopće postao misterija. Tajanstveno i neobjašnjivo ljudima je oduvijek bilo privlačno i zanimljivo, a uz tajanstvenost, čudo i misteriju nikako ne idu racionalna objašnjenja. No, upravo su takva objašnjenja ona koja za slučajeve iz Bermudskog trokuta daju skeptici. Što se Kolumba tiče - prema podacima iz njegova brodskog dnevnika - on je poludjeli kompas objasnio odstupanjem između geografskog i magnetskog sjevernog pola. Svjetla koja je opisao kao "velike vatrene buktinje" vjerojatno su bili meteori.

Svesvjetsko prokletstvo?

Pronalazak broda Mary Celeste bez posade također je objašnjiv: na brodu nije pronađen ni jedan pojas za spašavanje, što navodi na pomisao da su pomorci napustili brod za vrijeme oluje misleći da je Mary Celeste neće izdržati. No, ono što najviše udaljuje od misterija jest činjenica da je ovaj brod pronađen daleko od Bermudskog trokuta - čak u blizini obale Portugala. Različiti izvori, naime, različito određuju veličinu Bermudskog trokuta: ona varira od 500.000 kvadratnih milja do tri puta većeg područja. Imaginacija nekih autora u Trokut uključuje Azore i Meksički zaljev. Pripisivane su mu i nesreće koje su se zbivale uz obale Irske, na Pacifiku i Indijskom oceanu. Po tome bi se Trokut mogao nazvati ne bermudskim, nego "svesvjetskim morskim prokletstvom", upozoravaju "trezvenjaci".

Oni koji tvrde da činjenice ne podupiru legendu, dali su objašnjenje i za zbivanja vezana uz "let 19": posadu svih pet zrakoplova činili su neiskusni pripravnici, s iznimkom vođe patrole poručnika Charlesa Taylora koji tog dana nije imao volje letjeti, pa je misiju čak htio prepustiti drugome. Iako je vrlo brzo utvrdio da mu kompas ne funkcionira, let je nastavio naslijepo, oslanjajući se na navigaciju prema zemaljskim orijentirima. No, nadošla je oluja, ali je Taylor, dezorijentiran, usprkos upozorenjima pripravnika da je "zapad na drugoj strani", te ne prebacujući vezu na čistiju radijsku frekvenciju, posadu odveo u pogrešnom pravcu, daleko na Atlantik. Pritom im je i goriva nestalo. Zbog toga su protivnici teorija o čudima u Trokutu govorili da je "jedina misteriozna sila ovdje bila sila gravitacije koja je djelovala na avione bez goriva". Istina je da se nije našao ni najmanji trag ni jednog aviona, no ako ih je poručnik zbilja odveo daleko na Atlantik, vjerojatno su pali na području gdje ocean naglo ponire: unutar Bermudskog trokuta leži, naime, gotovo devet tisuća metara duboki Portorikanski rov, najdublja točka Atlantika, a avioni i brodovi koji tamo potonu rijetko se ponovno viđaju.

Zaustavljeni satovi

Što se tiče "martin marinera", aviona upućenog u potragu, za koji mnogi misle da je nestao u Bermudskom trokutu, istina je da se nije vratio: eksplodirao je ubrzo nakon polijetanja, što nije bilo neobično jer su "marineri" bili poznati po neispravnim tankovima za gorivo.
S druge strane, opet, puno je događaja koji su se zbili u Bermudskom trokutu za koje je doista teško naći ikakvo razumno objašnjenje. U to spada, među ostalima, slučaj putničkog leta National Airlinesa 727 koji je na 10 minuta nestao s radarskih ekrana na mijamijskom međunarodnom aerodromu. Po dolasku, posada je zanijekala da se bilo što čudno događalo, osim što su "deset minuta letjeli kroz laganu maglu". Svi satovi u avionu, međutim, kasnili su deset minuta, iako su ih provjerili s aerodromom neposredno prije neobjašnjivih deset minuta "prolaska kroz maglu".

Još je nekoliko pilota imalo sličnih iskustava s promjenama vremena nakon prolaska kroz iznenadne "maglice", što, naravno, diže cijenu objašnjenjima koja nisu racionalna, ali možda bolje objašnjavaju misterij Bermudskog trokuta čak i ako su suprotna prirodnim zakonima fizike. Takvo je objašnjenje na primjer ono o aberantnim energetskim poljima koja kreiraju vremenske rupe. Još jedan slučaj koji potkrepljuje ovu teoriju je onaj manje sretnog pilota po imenu Carolyn Casico i njezina putnika. Carolyn, pilot s licencijom, poletjela je na charter let do otoka Turka u Bermudskom trokutu. Kad se približila otoku, osoblje na zemlji vidjelo je njezin avion kako besciljno kruži. Radiooperater na aerodromu nije dobivao odgovore na pokušaj radiokontakta, ali je čuo riječi koje je ona izmijenila s putnikom: Ne razumijem! Ovo bi trebao biti Grand Turk, ali dolje ničeg nema. Pravo je mjesto na mapi, oblik je pravi, ali ovaj otok izgleda nenaseljen: nema zgrada, nema putova, ničega! Nakon nekoliko krugova, okrenula se i odletjela. Carolyn i njezin putnik nisu više nikad viđeni. Loše vrijeme? Vremenske rupe? Otmice izvanzemaljaca? Mnoge teorije pokušavaju objasniti događaje iz Bermudskog trokuta.

Što je istina?

Izvanzemaljci, djelovanje kristala s Atlantide, zli ljudi s antigravitacijskim uređajima i drugim čudnim tehnologijama, te vrtlozi iz četvrte dimenzije - teorije su omiljene među piscima fantastike.
Među tehnološki orijentiranima, pak, omiljene su teorije o magnetskim poljima i oceanskim flatulencijama, odnosno metanskom plinu s dna oceana. Među skepticima igraju teorije o vremenu (oluje s grmljavinom, uragani, tsunamiji, zemljotresi), loša sreća, gusari, eksplozije tereta, nesposobnost navigatora, te ostali prirodni i ljudski uzroci.
Broj brodoloma, kažu oni skloniji realističnim objašnjenima, na ovom području nije neuobičajen kad se usporedi s veličinom područja, smještajem i gustoćom prometa. Mnogi brodovi i avioni, osim toga, koji se vode kao misteriozno nestali u Bermudskom trokutu - uopće nisu bili u ovom području.

Najpoznatije nesreće u Bermudskom trokutu

Bermudski trokut je od 1945. godine "progutao" nekoliko stotina zrakoplova i brodova, te više od 1000 ljudi. Uz najčuveniji nestanak, onaj "leta 19" 1945.godine, nesreće koje su izazvale najviše zanimanja javnosti su:

1918.: brod USS Cyclops nestao je zajedno s 300 ljudi na putu iz Barbadosa u Baltimore
1941.: brodovi Proteus i Nereus nestali na odvojenim putovanjima s Djevičanskih otoka u SAD
1947.: vojni C-45, supertvrđava, nestao je 100 milja od Bermuda
1948.: četveromotorni Tudor IV. izgubljen s 31 žrtvom
1948.: DC-3 izgubljen s 32 putnika i posadom
1949.: nestaje drugi Tudor IV.
1950.: golemi globemaster američkih zračnih snaga - izgubljen
1950.: američki teretni brod SS Sandra, 350 stopa dugačak, potonuo bez traga
1952.: britanski transportni avion york izgubljen s 33 čovjeka
1954.: Lockheed constellation američke mornarice nestao s 42 osobe
1956.: hidroavion Martin P5M američke mornarice nestao s 10 članova posade
1962.: KB-50, tanker-avion američkih zračnih snaga - izgubljen
1963.: Marine Sulphur Queen, 425 stopa dugački američki teretni brod, nestao s kompletnom posadom. Nikad nisu poslali SOS niti je ikad nađen ikakav ostatak broda
1963.: dva golema stratotankera američkih zračnih snaga nestaju na jednostavnoj vježbi
1963.: nestaje cargo master C-132
1967.: vojni YC-122 pretvoren u teretni avion - izgubljen
1970.: francuski teretnjak Milton Iatrides nestao
1972.: njemački teretnjak Anita, 20.000 tona, nestao s 32 člana posade

Posljednji nestanak

U srpnju 1997. godine na području Bermudskog trokuta britanska je fregata našla napuštenu jahtu. Jahta je, kako se pokazalo, pripadala Ralfu Shillingu i njegovoj supruzi, njemačkom paru čiji je nestanak prijavljen deset mjeseci prije. Časnici s britanske fregate zamijetili su čudan izgled jahte: bila je bez jedara, konopci su visjeli, a unutra je pronađena odjeća, pune pepeljare i otvorena knjiga koja je izgledala kao da ju je netko ostavio samo na trenutak

Teslina tehnologija?

Naravno da ima mnogo mjesta na svijetu s opasnim strujama i problemima s određivanjem smjera, ali zašto je baš Bermudski trokut mjesto gdje se događalo toliko mnogo nesretnih slučajeva? Racionalna objašnjenja koja daju skeptici nisu svima dovoljna. Maštovitije eksplikacije puno bolje prolaze. Evo nekih. Izvanzemaljci su jedan od mogućih razloga tako čestim nestancima u Bermudskom trokutu. Antigravitacijska tehnologija ili druge energije s drugih svjetova mogle su biti odaslane ili s NLO-a, u što vjeruju mnogi od prijašnjih izvjestitelja o zbivanjima u trokutu. Također, Trokut možda krije podmorsku zemaljsku bazu za izvanzemaljce koji žele zadržati svoju privatnost i odašilju energiju koja ometa previše približena prometala. Drugi vjeruju da je fenomen Bermudskog trokuta prouzročen izgubljenim gradom Atlantidom koji je potonuo tisuće stopa ispod vodene površine. Naprednost Atlantide u doba kad je potonula počivala je na moći energetskih kristala. Moguće je da ovi kristali još uvijek počivaju na dnu oceana u nekom promijenjenom stanju odašiljući zrake energije koje ili zbunjuju instrumente vozila, ili ih sve zajedno dezintegriraju. Napokon, mnogi vjeruju da je Bermudski trokut energetsko polje koje je proizveo čovjek na osnovi tehnologije Nikole Tesle. VLF rezonantni odašiljači (tehnologija za koju mnogi vjeruju da je koristi sjevernoamerička komanda zračne obrane NORAD) imali bi antipod direktno u sredini Bermudskog trokuta. Ovaj hipotetički sustav bio bi sposoban ponovno napuniti tajne klase podmornica na električni pogon o čijem se postojanju spekulira i definitivno bi omogućili dovoljno interferencije (preklapanja valova) da izobliče signale koje avioni i brodovi stvarno šalju.

I Japan ima "vražji trokut"

Američki odbor za zemljopisno nazivlje ne prepoznaje Bermudski trokut kao službeni naziv niti vodi službeni dosje o tom području. Što o čudima Bermudskog trokuta kažu Stožer Američke obalne straže i Povijesni mornarički centar SAD-a? Bermudski ili "vražji" trokut zamišljeno je područje locirano uz jugoistočnu atlantsku obalu SAD-a, uz koje se vezuje visoka učestalost neobjašnjenih nestanaka brodova, malih plovila i zrakoplova. Bezbrojne teorije nuđene su u povijesti ovoga područja u pokušaju da se objasne brojni nestanci. Najpraktičnije su one koje se odnose na vremenske prilike i ljudske pogreške. Većina nestanaka može se pripisati jedinstvenosti prirodnog okružja na ovom području: prvo, "vražji trokut" je jedno od dva mjesta na Zemlji gdje magnetski kompas pokazuje pravi sjever. Normalno, on pokazuje prema magnetskom sjeveru. Ova razlika je poznata kao varijacija kompasa. Razmjeri ove varijacije mijenjaju se sve do 20 stupnjeva. Ako se to ne uzme u obzir, navigator se može naći vrlo daleko izvan kursa i u velikoj nevolji. Područje koje japanski i filipinski pomorci zovu "vražje more", smješteno uz istočne obale Japana, pokazuje iste magnetske karakteristike. Ono je također poznato po misterioznim nestancima. Još jedan faktor okoline je krajnje promjenjiva i turbulentna Golfska struja koja može brzo ukloniti svaki trag nesreće. Nepredvidivi karipsko-atlantski meteorološki obrazac također ima svoju ulogu: iznenadne lokalne oluje s grmljavinom i prolomima oblaka često zazivaju nesreće za pilote i pomorce. Napokon, topografija oceanskog dna varira od širokih plićina do nekih od najdubljih morskih brazda na svijetu. S međudjelovanjem snažnih struja nad mnogim grebenima topografija je u stanju neprestane promjene, stalno se pojavljuju novi navigacijski rizici. Ono što se ne može predvidjeti jest ljudski faktor. Golemi broj jahti i turističkih brodica putuje vodama između Floride i Bahama. Prečesto se ovo područje prelazi u premalim brodovima s premalim poznavanjem rizika podneblja i bez dobrih pomoraca. Obalna straža nije impresionirana natprirodnim objašnjenjima nesreća na moru. Njihova iskustva govore da snage prirode i nepredvidivost ljudske vrste udružene svake godine izrode najfantastičnije situacije i događaje.

30.06.2006. u 13:06 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

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Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Evo ovo je moj blog....O metalu.. Najbolji bendovi su mi : children of bodom,dimmu borgir,behemoth,arch enemy,trivium,therion,meshuggah,cradle of filth.....ima jos ali ne da mi se pisat...

DarkGrave.com - Site for Goths


black heart_666
metal militia
black revanger

Children of Bodom-silent night bodom night & Children of Bodom-next in line


On the eve of their doom
they are baptized
in the unholy waters of Bodom
With no hint of the torture awaiting
to greet them at the break of dawn

For the Reaper wants more...

When the calm is setting in
we'll watch it swiftly disappear
Too many years of silence
soon he's bound to reappear

The Reaper
is calling for you to come home
With the thrust of a switchblade
on the grip of a madman
And the waters of Bodom
turn a blood shade of red
As the Children Of Bodom
take their last breath.

And now decades later
on this haunted shore
we all better take caution...
for the reaper wants more...


Let me tell you to try
What did you tell you
Another day goes by
Tell me why does
So this is why
We're falling down


I am the chosen next in line
Sent to slaughter your mankind
Rip the souls, born to die
No reason for you to fight

What is this for?
I to say
And we leave

I am the chosen next in line
Send to slaughter your mankind
Rip the souls, born to die
No reason for you to try


I am the chosen next in line
Send to slaughter your mankind
Rip the souls, born to die
No reason for you to try

hammerfall-crimson thunder

Crimson Thunder

We are the voices in the dark
Inside the fire we are the
Eternal Spark that will guide the way

We are the stars up in sky
We gather winds so you can fly
We are the light when you're sleeping

All your dreams can come true
"Where do we go?"
We're just a heartbeat away

Follow the signs of the Crimson Thunder
We will stay by your side
Let our voices be there to guide you

We are forces in the rain
Inside your heart we are the
unending answer to all your fears

So take a step towards the light
The crimson sky fullfills the night
The revelation is near

All your dreams can come true
"Where do we go?"
We're just a heartbeat away

Follow the signs of the Crimson Thunder...
We will stay by your side
Let our voices be there to guide you

[Solo: Stefan]

All your dreams can come true...

Follow the signs of the Crimson Thunder...

CRADLE OF FILTH-nyphetamine

Evanescent like the scent of decay
I was fading from the race
When in despair, my darkest days
Ran amok and forged her face
From the fairest of handmaidens to
A slick perverted wraith


Heaving midst narcissus
On a maledict blanket of stars
She was all three wishes
Sex, sex, sex

A lover hung on her death row
I was hooked on her disease
Highly strung like Cupid's bow
Whose arrows hungered meat
And the blinding flare of passion
In the shade of narrow streets
Where their poison never rationed
All the tips they left in me

Two tracks
Something passed between us
Like a bad crack
I'd met another kind

Of rat
In fact
With every rome inside me
Licked and ransacked
She haunted at the corners of my mind

In black
Wouldn't whitewash away
Her filthy smoke stack
She burnt me like a furnace
For my future suicide

Lead to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A 'V'' of black swans
On with hope to the grave
All through Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

Wracked with your charm
I am circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt

Fold to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
And dance her to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your holiness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine (Nymphetamine)
None better

Two tracks
Something passed between us
Like a bad crack
I'd met another kind

Of rat
In fact
With every rome inside me
Licked and ransacked
She haunted at the corners of my mind

In black
Wouldn't whitewash away
Her filthy smoke stack
She burnt me like a furnace
For my future suicide

BEHEMOTH-slaves shall serve

Father ov Terror!
Abu ol-Hol
enter the pylon
thru' the galleys ov past
catacombs ov night
into the starry womb

slay, slay!
Asar un-Nefer
we have no fear
our time had come
our will is done

dance, dance!
O Mighty One
in the fields ov Aqert
and spit
upon slaves ov death
War God!
trample all weakness
this is your day ov pride
draw Thy flaming sword
cut the umbilical cord
to set me free from eternal sleep...

lead: Seth

...step by step
Khem: evolution: spiral vibration
can you hear?
can you touch?
can you see?
can you really see?

we charm all jins -
automata, inprinted realities
they creep like snakes
and all we feel
is painful bliss
as we burn forth
like winged globe
like solar disk...
...and penetrate eternity

lead: Nergal

Slaves shall serve

DIMMU BORGIR-mourning palace

Daylight has finally reached it's end
As evenfall strikes into the sky
Far away in the dark glimpsing moonlight
Sickening souls cry out in pain

Whispering voices summoning screams
Waiting for Satan to bless their sins
Blackhearted angels fallen from grace
Possessed by the search for utter darkness
Hear the cries from the Mourning Palace
Feel the gloom of restless spirits
Hear the screams from the Mouring Palace
Feel the doom of haunting chants

Eternal is their lives in misery
Eternal is their lives in grief
Abandoned in a void of nothingness
A chain of anger, a fetter of despair

In this garden of depraved beings
This unsacred place of helpless ones
Satan blessed the creatures
Inswathed them in endless night

Whispering voices, summoning screams
Waiting for Satan to bless their sins
Blackhearted angels fallen from grace
Possessed by the search for utter darkness

kalmah-cloned insanity

You take a frog's eye and give it to a man
Pleased with your cyborg proudly you stand
This glorious madness that is not in gods hands
Makes you believe you're all powerful
This inhumane robot
Becomes a heathen god
Will be idolized and takes all control
Spreads over the planet and infects us all
With this evil act the main race will be
And too late resisted by you or by me
Cloned by you or by me
Cloned Insanity
Cloned by you or by me
Cloned Insanity
Cloned Insanity
Cloned by you and by me
Cloned Insanity
Cloned by you and by me
Cloned by you or by me
Cloned Insanity
Cloned by you or by me
Cloned Insanity
Cloned Insanity
Cloned by you and by me
Cloned Insanity
Cloned by you and by me
This inhumane robot
Becomes a heathen god

sonata arctica-the power of one

“My father’s land, my mother’s tongue
Misleaded me so shamelessly
For many years I misbelieved
The hatred is the path for me..”

Father I have killed many angels,
I think.
I will now walk to the sea.
I hope I will someday forgive me
Please moor
my empty boat on a pier

I can blame for the blue blood that runs in my veins.
But I seem to forget that we are all the same.

In your own blaze of hate you've spawn the fear in many lifes
You've taken action thinking it was all said on the signs.
You cannot heal the feeling burning deep inside your spine
You now collapse, cave in revealing scabby marks of life

Mother I've seen too much, I hate to live my life.
Forgot every word you told me, stubborn little child, (angel of your life)
I have to find my Eden now, the gates I left behind.
But the pain will remain.
No power to gain.

Now I have time to dwell on, self awareness, dreadful crime.
I saw the colors too bright, not knowing that I was blind.
I slayed a man who took a chance and drank the forbidden wine.
The map I draw reveals that I have been complete, machine, in team.

Father I've seen too much, I hate to live my life.
Forgot every word you told me, stubborn little child, (angel of your life)
I have to find my Eden now, the gates I left behind.
The pain will remain.
No power to gain.

Mother where's your son.
When has this begun?
Who has been the fool?

No one was born to be a servant or a slave.
Who can tell me the color of the rain?
In the world that we live in, the things said and done
They can well overrun
The power of one.

No one was born to be a servant or a slave.
Can you tell me the color of the rain?
In the world that we live in, the things said and done
They can well overrun
The power of one.

To live and let die
To give hope and take life
Is that what you're here for?

To think that you are right
To make sure it won't fly
Is the making of a hate crime

In the lands of the brave,
In the homes of the land slaves,
We are all the same

I need to believe.
There's more than the eye can see
All colors of rainbow.

No one was born to be a slave
Seek the past and place the blame
Tell me the color of the rain
No one was born to be a master

In the land we live, we die
praise the oneness, praise the lie
To bind a web around the faker
We will need a true

No one was born to be a slave
Seek the past and place the blame
Tell me the color of the rain
No one was born to be a master

"Children of Abel, Children of Cain
Can live in harmony, without shame
The keys that I grant thee, The Sacred Land
Are dry desert sand on the palm of your hand
Without the water, the wisdom of past
Will run through your fingers, forgotten so fast
Thus now when I leave you, I'm truly blind
This blindness, this blessing, the hope of mankind..."

dimmu borgir-progenies of the gret apocalypse

The battle raged on and on
Fuelled by the venom of hatred for man
Consistently, without the eyes to see
For those who revel in sewer equally

We, the prosperity of the future seal
Cloaked by the thunders of the north wind
Born to capture the essence of
The traits of our kind

Zero tolerance must be issued forth
Behind the enemy's line
So it shall be written
And so it shall be done

Zero tolerance must be issued forth
Behind the enemy's line
So it shall be written
And so it shall be done...

The battle raged on and on
Fuelled by the venom of hatred for man
Consistently, without the eyes to see
For those who revel in sewer equally

We, the prosperity of the future seal
Cloaked by the thunders of the north wind
Born to capture the essence of
The traits of our kind

Discover and conceive the secret wealth
And pass it unto your breed
Becoming your own congregation
Measure the sovereignty of it's invigoration

We, who not deny the animal of our nature
We, who yearn to preserve our liberation
We, who face darkness in our hearts with a solemn fire
We, who aspire the truth and pursue it's strength...

Are we not the undisputed PROGENY of warfare
Fearing all the mediocrity that they possess
Should we not hunt the bastards down with our might
Reinforce and claim the throne that is rightfully ours

Consider the god we could be without the grace
Once and for all
Diminish the sub principle and leave it's toxic trace
Once and for all...

morbid angel-angel od disease

Your plastic souls melt within cauldron's burning black
Chanting to the Ancient Ones, chants of broken lines
Kneel before the alter, sacrifice is made
It is pleasing to the ones most ancient of the days
They call the prince of disease, messenger of the Absu
Carry through the icy winds our curse upon their church
Hanging helpless above the pentagram
Sacrifice swings within leather noose
Sing the ancient hymn that makes the Abso roll
Raise the rusty knife, let loose the blood of Kingu
Sudden death throws off the balance that's within the sky
Priest calls forth infernal names to the ones beyond the gate
Angel of disease one who shuns the light
Shub Niggurath goat with one thousand young
Praise the beast, the chanting grew
Praise the beast with virgin blood
Praise the beast with soul and mind
Praise the beast and show the sign
Bind their kings in iron chains
Execute the judgement for them
Come and taste the fleshy pleasures
Orgies of endless time
Beneath the rolling for hate ignites their eyes
>From their graves the dead rise to answer Nammtar's call
On a twisted cross the virgin corpse hangs
They blacken out the sun and burn the elder gods
Morbid priest calling forth
Abominations of the sky
Kutulu meets in the void
Ancient Ones rule once more


As I stand at the edge of existence
Nameless shores of infinity
Perpetual unbirth unraveling distance
Clandestine truths unveiled

Inborn imperfections preprogrammed shells
Spawning from the maelstrom
Mechanical drones feeding from thy mother
God machine reproduce

Untruth is this my fate
Coerced my life laid to waste

Untruth is this my fate
Coerced my life laid to waste
All hail execution

As this dream comes to its grim end
Blind pray to God to make them men
As all hopes crumble truths unveiled
The world we know's an abysmal hell

Disturbed state of consciousness
Incessant black madness
Perpetual unbirth unraveling distance
Clandestine truths unveiled

Disturbed state of consciousness
Incessant black madness
Gyroscopic trance encompassing coma
End me of this nightmare

children of bodom-touch like an angel of death

a glance to my eyes, deep within reveals
this worn-out warrior´s mind
i´m killing you by suffering
discomposure of a deepest kind

in the night i crave to feel your breath
and your touch like angel of death
in the dawn i´m in chains of beastial rage
and forced to make you dead

the chains get tighter around my throat
i can give you no love, only dead-lift of pain

in the dusk of evening i tuck you up with feather
forever i´ll stand by your side
in the twilight of night i´m laughing
while cutting you hundred and thirteen times

can´t you see i am evil, double-edged razor
child of eternal hate.
to torment you like a motherfuckin-whore
i´ll make you cry forever more

i´d crawl through broken glass to you...
and your name is written in my very flesh
with the knife i´m still longing to use

in the night i crave to feel your breath
and your touch like angel of death
in the dawni´m in chains of bestial rage
and forced to make you dead