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smij se,zivot nije lak,smij se,zivot boli,smij se,nek izgleda onako kako bi htjela da bude...

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.....WHo aM I??....
...just a girl...
..who wants to smile when is too hard..

Ja SaM...
-malo komplicirana..
-osoba sa stavom..
-jedna od onih koja se pokusava smijati kad je najteze..

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Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I'm loving you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

hm..cemu ovaj blog..paaa..smatram da svatko od nas zeli imati jedan svoj mali kutak gdje mogu izbaaciti sve sto me muci,sve moe probleme,tugu,srecu,sve ono sto me raduje..htjela sam biti anonimna ali tako se doima kao da nema depresivnijeg bica od mene..jer zapravo i nisam toliko depresivna..jedino sto mnogo ljudi koji me okruzuju neznaju za onu moju tuzniju stranu,da i ja imam osjecaje,da nisam ni upola toliko snazna kao sto se cini...ovo je jedan dio mene,moga srca i mojih osjecaja..

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In my dreams
It was me in your arms
My lips on yours
There was only us
And the clouds
And the stars
It was the world and us
It was us against the world
But in your arms I could take it
Anything the world dished out
And with your kisses I was strong again
In my dreams it was me in your arms
My lips on yours
But in reality
It’s always been her

Jedan nacin na koji mozete nekoga zavoljeti jest shvatiti da to nesto mozete i izgubiti.

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I can't figure out where we fell apart
And I’m searching for someone to blame
For all this pain and all the tears
And I don't know how I manage
To go on loving you
After all that you've put me through
I tell myself ifs not your fault
I tell myself I didn't make you do it
But I blame myself for everything
And if only I had been there
Maybe things would be different
I have dreams of how you used to be
And I wake up crying and screaming
God how I miss that feeling
Miss your kisses miss your smile
Whatever went wrong?
How could we have been so perfect?
When I look in the mirror I remember
What it was like to smile
But it's only a fading memory
And my eyes are tired of crying over this
But I'm not strong enough to give you up
And you weren't strong enough to hold on
I should have held your hand tighter
I could have helped you live through this
And I can't help but think
This is all my fault

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..Neki ljudi ulaze u nase zivote,ali brzo i izlaze. Neki ostaju neko vrijeme i ostavljaju tragove na nasoj dusi, nakon cega mi nikad vise nismo isti..

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When I'm looking in your eyes
Everything seems to fade away

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i love you..always have...always will...

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Pusti me, nista ne govori, da samo mirujem, kao noc sto se oko nas svila,
i nista da ti ne sapucem, da te ne dodirujem, da te volim milo.
Ti si moj razlog, komadic neba, dio vjecnosti.
Moje oci i moj dah.
I disem kratko da te ne bih udahnula odjednom.
Jedva, toliko da zivim, da bi te sto duze disala.

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lisn kerfuli:
aj šel tel dis onli vans!

ako prestanem počinjati
i protestirati
okopnit će moja ženstvenost
izrast će mi škemba
možda i borolete na nogama
pretvorit ću se u predmet svog obožavanja:
u muškarca

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Ljubav je stanje u kojem covjek vidi stvari bas onakvima kakve nisu.

..i love U so much as the structure of hemoglobine is complicated..

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

četvrtak, 05.04.2007.

give a little love and all comes back to you..

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>> just give a little love and all comes back to you.. <<cerek

..nekad se pitam dal sam mozda malo previse naivna??za neke ljude bi dala sve a ispadam glupa jer oni to mozda nebi cijenili ili mi nebi uzvratili jednako..ili mozda bolje pitanje..VRIJEDI LI SE TRUDITI OKO ONIH KOJI SE DOIMAJU KAO DA IH BOLI BRIGA?!=

..give a little love and all comes back to you??...


- 22:14 - even the freaks need love.. (41) - let me be… - #

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