<"http://i44.tinypic.com/28v8u3c.jpg" border="0" alt=>

ana helena
ja i moja seka
moja seka
lil but evil
the litle princes

IME: Bernarda i neželim se drugaćije ni zvat ne prezivat jer da sam bila muško zvala bi se
mislim to je jako lijepo ime ako je samo Augustin ili Tin ali pojeno ne...mislim ak se netko tako zove bez
uvrede he...nadam se da to Augustin-Tin nije proćitao
RAZRED: 7.a nejgori smo na školi i ponosno držimo svoju titulu u zraku he ma zako smo svi iz razreda osim
globusa i još nekih kao što je kristina klarić...sorry
VOLIM: volim hip hop, r'n'b, rap chris brown, rihanna, emminem, kanye wast, lil wayne, 50, soulja boy, florida.....
volim DEČKE naravno bez uvredama onima koji ne..volim dečke sa lijepim oćima i lijepim smješkom
nemoraju bit neznam ja šta prezgodni al da imaju neke kvalitete...i naravno tu je i smisao za humor
bez toga dečko nemože proć...
MRZIM: mrzim one koji mrze mene mrzim kad dečko ima ogromne usnice mislim ok kad su malo popunjenije to je
ćak i slatko al kad su to usnice ko što ima neven ciganović iliti koler onda stvarno ijjju
bez uvrede dečkima kojiimaju velike usnice....u potpunosti podržavam gay osobe al nevolim kad se dvije
dva dečka žvale preda mnom.....mrzim CAJKE guuuujjjjjj......!!!!!! neznam kak netko može slušat
dj krmka il takve stvari....bez uvrade onima koji slušaju o ukusima se ne raspravlja netko nešto voli
sorry....mrzim umišljene fufe koje misle da se cijeli svijet okreće oko njih!!!
ŽIVIM: u Kutjevu naj naj mijesto na svijetu osim new yourka ak se tak piše los angelesa , pleme massay london....i tri
DEČKI: volim dečke koji imaju iste interese kao i ja ja recimovoim vrstu glazbe već sam napisala i volim
dečke koji vole to isto.....
GODINE: imam još uvijek 12 god iako izgledam starije al ok idem u 7 razred....
PRIJATELJI: i nakraju prijatelji i prijateljice
heli, mary, maja f, maja g, ela, marina, tihana, valentina p, valentina e, josipa, kristina, mirjana,
ilija, marko, ketović, obrada, majac, horvat, hrvoje, blaž, i svi ostali iz razreda osim globusa i klaričke...
kissy kissy!!


Never thought that love could feel like this and you changed my world with just one kiss, how can it be that right here with me there's an angel?

Ain't it crazy
When you're loveswept
You'll do anything
For the one you love
'Cause anytime
That you needed me
I'd be there
It's like
You were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way
That I was using you
But now that I know
That it's not meant to be
You gotta go
I gotta wean myself off of you

Easy for a good girl to go bad
And once we gone
Best believe we've gone forever
Don't be the reason
Don't be the reason
You better learn how to treat us right
'Cause onces a good girl goes bad
We gone forever

One phone call
Started this whole thing
Now look at the damage
Look at the damage
The damage
Damage that I've caused you
I know I broke your heart
Cause I did you wrong
Now look at the damage
Look at the damage that I've caused

And I will never try
To deny that you are my whole life
'Cause if you ever let me go
I would die so I won't run
I don't need another woman
I just need you or nothing
'Cause if I got that
Then I'll be straight
Baby you're the best part of my day

BOOI need you boo
I gotta see you boo
And there's hearts all over the world tonight
Said there's hearts all over the world tonight
They need their boo
They gotta see their boo

There's never a right time to say goodbye
But I gotta make the first move
'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you, it's me
I kinda gotta figure out what I need
There's never a right time to say goodbye
But we know that we gotta go
Our separate ways
And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
And it's killing me
Cause there's never a right time
Right time to say goodbye

Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here, I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air

Somebody said they saw you.
The person you were kissing wasn't me.
And I will never ask you.
I just kept it to myself
I don't wanna know
If you're playing me - Keep it on the low.
'cause my heart can't take it anymore.
and if you're creepin please don't let it show.
Oh baby, I don't want to know
I think about it when I hold you.
When lookin' in your eyes - I can't believe.
I don't need to know the truth.
Baby, keep it to yourself
i don't wanna know

You know, I could
Help her mend, her broken wings
So she can fly again
But I don’t, wanna lose everything that I’ve gained
Turnin me a selfish man (oh)
Cause without em my heart just don’t go, no more (no more)
I couldn’t take the pain, from watchin her fly away
So say that you’ll stay

You don’t mean nothing,
I don’t want ya,
I don’t need ya,
Never loved ya,
You’re nobody,
And ‘ll never make it,
You’re a mistake

Told that I'm supposed to fail
I wouldn't amount to much of nothin'.
Yes I pray
There was days when I wondered if you really loved me.
But baby you feel pain.
Mama was savin' a pair like runnin' away.
I couldn't take it.
So hinted and angry with all of the world.
I couldn't keep friends just wishin' you'd come back and see
My difficult times being an adolescent.
And like so many just like me without a shoulder to lean

Its a long way down
We so high off the ground
Sendin for an angel to bring me your heart
Girl where did you come from?
Got me so undone
Gazin in your eyes got me sayin
What a beautiful lady
No ifs ands or maybes
Im releasin my heart
And its feelin amazing
Theres no one else that matters
You love me
And I wont let you fall girl

Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
Cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company
Hes more than a man
And this is more than love
The reason that the sky is blue
The clouds are rolling in
Because I'm gone again
And to him I just can't be true
And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

If I could help an angel
To amend his broken wings
So he can fly again.
But I know I wouldn't be able
To bare the pain
When he flyes away

Sometimes u don't realize
What u've done until u've seen
the damage.And when u do,
Thats the time u need to learn
how to cary on without the
Person u hurt

Kada bih mogla pomoći
Anđelu da izljeći slomljeno krilo,
Pomogla bih mu, ali znam da nebih
Mogla podnesti bol kada odleti

Nekad neshvačaš što si napravio,
Sve dok nevidiš štetu,
I kad ju vidiš,to je trenutak
Kada trebaš naučiti kako
Dalje bez osobe koju
Si povrijedio

< rujan, 2008 >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30          

Siječanj 2009 (1)
Prosinac 2008 (2)
Studeni 2008 (1)
Rujan 2008 (3)
Kolovoz 2008 (1)
Srpanj 2008 (3)
Lipanj 2008 (13)
Svibanj 2008 (10)
Travanj 2008 (14)


IsKoMeNtIRaLa ..oš/neš

Ovu mi je sliku Ilija poslao
zakkkkoooonnnn je!!!!

ovo također

Mijana lijevo,Marko u sredini i Maja Gjajić na desno

Josipa lijevo i Kristina desno

Maja i Hely (malo su pozirale)

Valentina na desno i Kristina na lijevoj strani

Ilija nije se htio slikat pa onda inaća
je zakkkkkooon.....poslo mi je par slika
stavit ću ih ispod

ovo je Marijana ono iza nje je Globus
koji je upravo tada plakao zato
što su ga Obrada i Ilija natukli....

Mirjana na lijevo do nje

Maja Filek na lijevo
do nje Tihana....imaju svoj blog

Tihana inaće jako lijepa
cura al tu je ispala još

moja seka također ima tonu šminke
bile smo same kod kuće pa je ona poćela šminkat
i te fore.....

jaaaaaa inaće se ne šminkam

ovo smo mi cure kad smosvirale
u Otoćcu..ova cura sa sokom u ruci
je Marina ja sam ova sa njene lijeve strane
onda do mene Mimy pa Ela
i ova cura skroz ispred kamere Matea

opet mi u Senju ja sam ova u sredini
do mene s desna Mimy s lijeva
Ela do nje Matea, a do Mimy Marina

malo ostalog

Chris Brown naravno

Soulja boy tell' em damn hes hot

LliWayne Zakoooon!!

Usain Bolt brz kao munja ko što
komentator kaže
to nije čovjek to je

Emminem naravno zakon
odlićan cooooooollll

Alfrie Tre Kelly
Hely hvala na onim slikama

Nelly the best

Rihanna nakraju...zakooon

take a bow

srijeda, 03.09.2008.

Hey prije dva dana je poćela škola....(nažalost)....da i jućar mi tihana rekla da nešt napišem....pa da i tak dalje i tak dalje...jućer smo imali blok sat fizike koju mi pradaje moj razrednik a on inaće govori sva tećno i sporo i razvlaći temu....uglavnom on je nešt žlabro ali nije bio svjestan da ga zapravo nitko nesluša....marijana je vidjela nogolicu bez majice i jadna se skoro srušila i onda je na engleskom rakla da bi ga zaskoćila.mislim ozbiljno.....za malu gospu su nam pazi molim te dovezli twistera al dobro bolje to neg svake godine super orbiter za cijelu obitelj. nešt su se maja i tihana posvađale s mirjanom neznam za kaj al tihana kaže da je nešt ona prićala o njoj ak se ja dobro sjećam riječi koje su izlazile iz njemnih usta. evo gledam neki spot od madonne give it to me po već jedno 100 put u svom kak se to zove životu.
mislim onak žena ima 50 godina još tolko i imat će 100. ćitala sam bravo i tam su kritizirali rihannin spot disturbia ajd nek poslušaju pjesmu pa da onda nešt prićaju i da nije rihanna prolupala neg je prolupo njen redatelj koji je osmislio taj spot i uostalom nije rekla "ja sam čudovište" neg je rekla "I fell like a monster" što znaći "osjećam se kao ćudovište neko bi to trebao reć tim urednicima brava. evo pregledajre pa si sami procjenite.

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